I have to vent (if you wanna here it)


Oct 6, 2002
I just got killed by the Romans!!!
I was gonna play a OCC game but played a 2city game and this is what happened.

The romans have surrounded my 2 cities with there cities. Everything is going well, i buddy up with hip give him what he wants and just moving along. Zulu declairs war on me and i get the romans involved. I razed a couple of cities and the romans took the rest. Fine and dandy. Than the Russians declaire war on me and again i go to theromans for help. I again razed one city and the romans did the rest.
By now the romans have about 60% of the world and he is gracious towards me and im thinking "good, im sitting pretty"
wrong!!! The blody ROMANS (whom i will never trust again) came in to my 2 cities with about 100 calvary and i only have rifleman and took me out.

Man i wad 16000 culture in my cap about and a lot of wonders.

Just thought i would vent and if this is at all in the wrong place to put this then i am sorry (sorry about the grammer and spelling)
:confused: :confused:
Bummer. OCC and war don't mix too well. Avoid war altogether if you can. Give into demands for anything other than Literature until you are certain to complete the Great Library. If you do get dragged into a war, pay someone else to do all of the fighting. Razing cities gives you a bad rep, and is probably why the Romans turned on you.
Yeah i know to give in to all demands but the surprise attack me everytime and i didnt know that about razing cities so i will know this for next time
Egypt did the same to me when I was a wee little chieftan. Except I was the same size as her (I'm Rome BTW), she's gracious, and then she attacks me! With WAR CHARIOTS IN THE MIDDLE AGES! She razes one of my cities (which had the GL :(). Then I beat the sap out of her until I have the entire continent to myself and Greece. :D
The AI is infamous for its treachery and warmongering ways. In an epic game on deity the Germans sent there free starting units to my capital to wage war on the third turn of the game. In another epic game I had been warring with Sumeria. I made peace with them numerous times, only to have them break it turns later every time, even when we had resource and luxury trade deals. Then they signed a mutual protection pact with me without any objections at all. Who knows how the AI diplomacy is governed?
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