I just got killed by the Romans!!!
I was gonna play a OCC game but played a 2city game and this is what happened.
The romans have surrounded my 2 cities with there cities. Everything is going well, i buddy up with hip give him what he wants and just moving along. Zulu declairs war on me and i get the romans involved. I razed a couple of cities and the romans took the rest. Fine and dandy. Than the Russians declaire war on me and again i go to theromans for help. I again razed one city and the romans did the rest.
By now the romans have about 60% of the world and he is gracious towards me and im thinking "good, im sitting pretty"
wrong!!! The blody ROMANS (whom i will never trust again) came in to my 2 cities with about 100 calvary and i only have rifleman and took me out.
Man i wad 16000 culture in my cap about and a lot of wonders.
Just thought i would vent and if this is at all in the wrong place to put this then i am sorry (sorry about the grammer and spelling)
I was gonna play a OCC game but played a 2city game and this is what happened.
The romans have surrounded my 2 cities with there cities. Everything is going well, i buddy up with hip give him what he wants and just moving along. Zulu declairs war on me and i get the romans involved. I razed a couple of cities and the romans took the rest. Fine and dandy. Than the Russians declaire war on me and again i go to theromans for help. I again razed one city and the romans did the rest.
By now the romans have about 60% of the world and he is gracious towards me and im thinking "good, im sitting pretty"
wrong!!! The blody ROMANS (whom i will never trust again) came in to my 2 cities with about 100 calvary and i only have rifleman and took me out.
Man i wad 16000 culture in my cap about and a lot of wonders.
Just thought i would vent and if this is at all in the wrong place to put this then i am sorry (sorry about the grammer and spelling)