I just E-Mailed Sid Meier and invited him to CFC!


Unescorted Settler
Sep 18, 2001
The Old Pueblo
Yep, Im a dork :lol:, but maybe he will drop in sometime. :D

I sent a very short, friendly e-mail with a link to the site.

Anyone think he will show?

(If your going to ask how I got his E-mail address, forget it. Im too scared of what some of you maniacs would do with it, so Im keeping that to myself) :p
If he shows up, the second he looks at the Civ 3 General Forum he will run away, crying, at the sight of all the complaint threads;)

Good descicion of keeping the E-Mail away, even if it is fake, if Zouave, or someone else like him got it the recipient would get a ton of hate mail!

It's bad enough for Dan Magaha, he must get alot of it...

:lol: :)
Originally posted by joespaniel
(If your going to ask how I got his E-mail address, forget it. Im too scared of what some of you maniacs would do with it, so Im keeping that to myself) :p

Well, the email address was spelled the same way you titled the thread, the chances are that email address doesn't go where you think it does:lol: . It's spelled MEIER.

It would be cool if he dropped by though. Should have told him to come to the off-topic forum to avoid the whiners.
His E-Mail address does not contain his name, however.

Ooh! Ooh! If we keep guessing will you give us more clues?:D
If he gets addicted to posting here instead of doing what he shld (like Civ3 MP, Civ4, Civ3 exp pack and the like), we all know who to look for. :spank: :D
As I always say;

Anyone who attacks King Sid for any shortcomings of the CIV series,
should go develop and program thier own damn civ game!

CIV is the best!

Long live El Sid! :king:
If Sid shows up, do you really think he would use his own name? I bet he would prefer to stay anonymous. Perhaps he would even become the most dedicated fanboy in Civ 3 GD. That would be fun. :)

Or he could bash the heck out of his own games and see how many people would defend them. Like if Zouave was Sid. That would be true humor.
I think on Apolyton they had an exclusive interview with Sid... So he knows that such forums exist...
I can neither confirm nor deny ... that "Joe Spaniel" outed himself as Sid, then changed his mind. Note that he edited his own post ...
Originally posted by Sixchan
I now have an image:

Zouave [Dressed as Roman]: We will pay very well, the man who turns in Sid Meier to be executed for crimes against gaming.
Joespaniel: I'm Sid!
Matrix: I'm Sid!
Franklyn: I'm Sparticus...I mean: I'm Sid!

Great! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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