2000bc. 3 cities with settler in capital for copper city east of capital. New city grabbed the pigs and capital took the copper. Stone city whipped monument.just before gold was ready.
Far from perfect but 625bc.
Mids built 1120bc.
9 cities with settler in place for city number 10. Another whipped lined up in gold city for further settler.
8 of 9 cities have terraces. (2 out of 6 cities had them by 325bc on your save.) Why would you not build the best building in the game for growth? (Will have double your number of cities by 325bc)
Aztecs are gone. Captured Aztec city had a terrace pretty much turn it came out of rebellion due to 2 pre chops.. Used about 10-11 units on Aztec capital. Had 3 defenders but 60% cultural defences. Aztec had copper but hadn't built the mine. Other 2 cities 1 defender. Captured 2 workers. I could of used the UU but that felt like cheating on an axe rush. I had 3 or so uu in stack.
Bit late on cottages. Helper cities for cottages needs a few more cottages. Need to grow capital.
Not much here to really play on for as I have so much land now and when cottages kick in I will be way ahead on science. I can still whip 1-2 more settlers. Settled clams city with no food but 1 chop got me to point where I could whip terrace. Cottaged grassland so not too big a wait.
Got about 100 fail gold from Stone Henge.
Building Aqueduct for Hanging Gardens. Should be great with 12-13 cities.
Key strengths here:
Over powered Unique Unit (UU)
Replacement granary that gives you 2 culture a turn. Which is 30H cheaper than a library for 2 culture a turn.
Financial trait with rivers and gold. Bonus commerce is huge.
Sooo much forest too. I chopped 7 forest each adding 50H a chop to mids. If I had got maths sooner that would of been much higher.
Aztec capital is surrounded by forest.
This is why you don't wonder spam on 2 cities. As land and food are king on civ 4. If you sit on a small amount of land you get punished on higher levels unless you are planning to take down a neighbour AI.
Played to 225bc just so you had a comparison.
At this point I will stop as with 18 Ai this game could take hours.