Ibbisine Polytheism


Sage of Quatronia
Jul 21, 2004
Ibbisine Polytheism

Provolion the Historian named the nearby people the Ibisinians (part Iberians, part Thebes and part Ibis, hybridizing Spanish and Egyptian influences), with the Polytheistic religion. Their religion had one God Father, and 10 normal ranked gods, as well as a myrmidion of demigods, heroes and blessed ones.

Pantheon Location

Casa Nostre (Our House), said to be a great palace located on one of the peaks near Madrid.

The God Father

Cederico, the boy lover that impregnated Hatshepsut II and through his maneuvering managed to become the chief God.

The Sea God, 1

Aquamario, the fisherman that found a pearl of the seasons, giving him the power to change the ocean

The Air Goddess, 2

Aviara, the fishermans lady that blows Aquamario to big deeds, the cause of winds, rains, snows and hailstorms as well as hurricanes and whirlwinds

The Goddess of Love for Dyes and Trade, 3

Daviana, the dye lady that simply love colors, and by proposing a settling by the river, changed the Ibisians from the world of black and white to excellent video quality of multiple fine colors. Also the protector of Fashion and Silks.

The God of Smithing, 4

Reyes the Hammerer, the smith that first smithed a bronze spear for the Spanish, but is still sending young Spanish on a quest to find the copper. Once the copper is found, the Ibisians are set on a great glory for the world.

The Emerald Oracle and Lady of Wealth, 5

Esmeralda, a former courtesan turned diamond collector, became deified by stunning all men with gems embroidered on a thin, translucent silk dress covering her from top to toe, but visible to see her voluptuous body, teases men by beauty and wealth to do her bidding. She gives visions of splendor and self gratification, and lures via greed, ambition and vengeance.

The Poverty Oracle, 6

Tells one side of the truth, to the comfort of the less privileged in Ibisian life.
The Poverty Oracle uses verse, melodies and entertaining sagas and fairy tales to tell about the past, present and future events. The Poverty Oracle needs a sort of priest class to translate the visions it holds.

The God of the Sun, 7

The Firevulture comes when you least expect it, and snatch your soul if you broke a paragon rule of Ibisian society you never heard about, until you are snatched by its beak and carried to the sun and burnt alive. Judge, Jury, Executioner and the harbinger of final justice.

The God of Labor, 8

The God of Labor, Joanahaco, was originally a worker than understood the problems of the working man in Ibisian lands, he learnt his worshippers how to direct righteous anger towards the Gods and Kings, and make them listen to the people, and was thus the protectors of the common man in the Ibisian world.

The Goddess of Observation, 9

The Goddess of Observation, Furianita, never gave away anything but merely observed the course of her events, and gave her divine views on the matter, sometimes in consultation with the two oracles.

The God of Chance of the Little Hut, 10

Rey Nada Geronimo (RNG) or Lord Casino as some called him, was the God of Chance, defining moments outside the sphere of Gods and Man, he intervened to alter the outcomes of events from time to time.
I like this. Obviously, religion will get twisted when we adopt it (much like the Roman gods were twisted from the Greek gods, so once we do get Hinduism, we will take from this and twist, creating Aretan Polytheism.
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