ICDEcompressEX again 8-(((


Jan 18, 2002
near Hamburg, germany
I just installed the mge patch files from the fanatics' civ 2 download section, and now I do receive that cursed ICDecompressEx error -3. I tried a new install, play in English and also deleted the video directory and reinstalled vfw and winG, applied the vfwfix but I'm still having the same problem. now I tried to download the newest mge-242.exe from cedric greene's homepage, but the server seems to be very busy, and my download is reset by peer everytime. This is quite annoying because I'm using a 56k modem, and a broken connection at 70% of 11.3mb is a pain! So is there a mirror, or any other way to get hold of that file? Or has the problem been solved any other way now??? Any help appreciated, thanks,


BTW: Anybody noticed that clicking OK very often (50 times???)when the error occurs sometimes leads to the civ2 startup screen?
The ICDecopress error was figured out by a fellow CivFanatic, (sorry forgot your name) the problem is out dated Indeo video drivers. So what you need to do is go to www.ligos.com and download the latest Indeo video drivers and codecs and this should fix the problem. Also my patch host is AOL so you can guess how slow that can be and is a good reason for a program like www.GetRight.com
Yepp, that's it. Thank you for your help (and to the unknown guy a big thanks as well!), now CivII works the way it should. Great job you did with these patches, but is there a way to play it in german? Could you point out which files I'd have to edit/translate into german? This way I could build my own german version, of course I#d offer these files for download when they are finished. Tips or ideas?


I believe you would need to edit the Game, Rules, Menu, and Labels .txt files in order to play it in german, but it would probably be easier to ask around for german versions of those files.
I used to play CivII Classic in German, and remembering these "translations" makes me believe I'd better translate these files myself rather than looking for some Microprose-released files... Anyway, thanks for the hint, I'll take a look at these files. I'll let the forum know of any progress.


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