The Nemesis
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- Jan 16, 2002
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[I have found that using a map of the world for this game is impossible as there are many countries in Europe, which on a world map is too small to show properly. So I will once again resort to naming areas, and each country starts in their correct location due to Marla's quick fix on her map. Oh, and I won't reveal who I actually played as in this game until the end, to keep you from guessing what way it might go! Also, instead of referring to cities by the names given to them in the game, I always refer to them by the name of what area they're in, ie; Singapore was actually Oxford, but because its in the area where Singapore is, I call it Singapore. The same happens for St. Petersburg, which was actually Minsk, and others.]
Hitler studied the map carefully. His border with France had a heavy French presence on it, but the first German panzer divisions were now ready, and he had an empire to create.
Hermann Goering was convinced as usual that the Luftwaffe would be able to outclass any opponent, especially France, but it wasn't France Hitler was worried about. Britain's Royal Navy was the strongest in the world, and HMS Hood the most fearsome warship known to mankind. Britain's RAF was also stronger than Hitler's Luftwaffe, but most of the RAF was bombers, whereas the Luftwaffe was a fighter only air force apart from a few bombers, including the famous Stukas and Condors.
Britain's army was about the same strength as Hitler's, but instead of a nation to defend, they had an entire empire, with the British competing with France and the Zulus for colonies in Africa, defending its South American colonies against barbarians, and protecting Australia from the Japanese, who had a rapidly expanding Pacific empire. So really they were weak, too spread out to cause damage. Bombers could sting, but not bite like ground forces. And a navy wouldn't help anything but to stop Britain being invaded, and Hitler's U-Boats would keep the Royal Navy busy.
So it was prepared. He would blitz France, going south using his right of passage agreement to send his army through Roman territory and outflank the French defences. The Romans would also probably get involved, knowing Mussolini and his famous ego.
It had already got him into trouble. He had built colonies in North Africa to oppose the British. They created a huge trade embargo against him, including most nations of the world apart from Germany, which had remained close to Rome, and then the British had sent reinforcements to North Africa and had also sent the fearsome Hood. The two powers had come very close to war, until Mussolini's two colonies actually decided to join Britain of their own free will, overthrowing the fascists. Mussolini had been enraged, but with Britain's Navy preventing an invasion force crossing the Med. Sea, he had given up.
Now back to the current situation, he chided himself. Donitz had admitted that the German surface fleet wouldn't be able to hold out against the Royal Navy and would have to stay in port for most of the war, but would be able to venture out sometimes to disrupt convoys. Germany didn't have enough U-Boats, but was building them at an incredible speed, and they would cause huge disruption, especially to American transports if they entered the war.
The Wermacht was in good shape, with the impressive new Panzers lining up alongside infantry and artillery. The old cavalry regiments were out of date, but would play a role in the war too, stopping any Russian or Greek attack, as both were backward nations. France had a stronger army, but it was poorly trained, mostly obsolete defensive units and with only a few modern units. It outnumbered the Wermacht, but was as obsolete as the League of Nations that was supposed to stop wars, Hitler smiled.
The SS, the three elite Panzer regiments that Germany possessed were going to lead the spearhead into France.
Charles De Gaulle laughed at the British M16 agent's warning.
"Hitler?! Attack us?! Our army is too strong for his measly attacks! Have you seen our defences? Not even the Americans could punch a hole in those!"
Commander James Bond shook his head at the foolish remark. "They are massing in Roman territory. That means they would strike from the South, bypassing your Maginot Line! And the turrets on it can't turn to face inwards, making it about as useful as a Chinese car!" The Chinese had long been the brunt of jokes about quality, their poor workmanship resulting in the destruction of an ironclad by a pirate galley, much to the embarrassment of Mao.
"And how do you know this?"
"What do you think I am? I have just arrived from Berlin with the plans of the German Wermacht. Here, take a look for yourself." Bond handed De Gaulle a sheet of paper with German deployments on it.
"Trés bien, James, but I need more conclusive evidence before I put France on an expensive war footing. And I take it this means that if Germany does attack, Britain will honour the mutual defence pact we have?" The pact that De Gaulle mentioned was now out of date, but it hadn't yet been cancelled. And Britain was not known for abandoning her allies.
James nodded. "And we have the political clout to bring Russia and America into the war. Unfortunately we think that Japan and Rome will enter on Germany's side, and we have alerted the Americans to this fact, as their bases on Hawaii and the Phillipines may be put in danger."
"Telll Churchill 'merci' from me, James."
President John F. Kennedy rose as Churchill entered the Oval Office.
"Welcome to America, Prime Minister." Kennedy smiled as he shook Churchill's hand.
"Always a pleasure to be here, Mr. President. The British weather isn't the best for getting a suntan." Winston Churchill grinned.
"Too true." Kennedy smiled back. "So you have news for us of Japanese intentions?"
"Yes. Their navy as you know is slightly bigger than the Royal Navy's Pacific Fleet, and yours, which is why we depend upon each other there. That is why I want assurances that if the Japanese attack, we will both honour our military pact."
Kennedy nodded, and spoke quietly, but with force. "America has never abandoned its allies. If Japan wants a fight, it will get one, and Hirohito will end up as sushi!"
Churchill smiled at the pun, but didn't doubt that Kennedy meant every word. "That is good. Singapore is Britain's main naval base in the Pacific, as Pearl Harbour is yours. Australia is also a major British colony, which we cannot afford to have threatened. So I am glad that we will stand together."
The Japanese Imperial Navy had more battleships than the American and British fleets combined, but no aircraft carriers, compared to five in total on the allied side, the US having three and the British two. Britain had a huge destroyer contingent in the area though, for protection against the many pirates there.
Stalin smiled as the KGB officer reported. It was going to plan. Hitler would grind down his forces against the British, French and Americans, the Romans would go for heroics trying to reclaim North African territory, and would fail as per usual, and the Japanese would be beaten by a British, American and Chinese assault. The Chinese had paid heavily in their war with the Japanese, with the Japanese having a large colony in China known as Manchuria. Stalin had a border near to it, and had tanks and infantry ready to invade and take it in his name once the Japanese had been crushed by his allies.
And as for Germany, its Eastern border would be rich pickings for Stalin's huge Red Army, and an attack would please the allies, whilst netting the Soviet Union huge resources. And if he could, Stalin would also hit Greece in a combined assault with Egypt.
Yes, it was going to be a great war.
Emperor Hirohito smiled as the Admiral unveiled his masterplan. The Japanese would strike Singapore, and with it would take some major British warships, including the battleships HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse, and maybe even the carrier HMS Illustrious. Then the Japanese fleet would attack the American carriers, and sink them, for what cost Hirohito didn't care. For the Japanese, dying in battle was the ultimate honour.
With only one carrier remaining, few battleships, and only a handful of destroyers, the Allies would be crippled. The Japanese fleet would engage and destroy what it could, and the huge bomber reserve based on Taiwan would attack at will.
The Japanese would control the Pacific!
Hirohito smiled at the thought, and saluted the Admiral as he retired to his bedchamber. Even an Emperor needed his sleep.
And he was going to have very pleasant dreams.
[What do you think so far? This is just setting the scene of where we are in time, the only major war has been the Japanese and Chinese, which has recently ended, but they still hate each other, and the Japanese hold Manchuria. The next part will come later tonight or tomorrow night.
Thanks for reading, and tune in for the next chapter to find out whether the Allies can thwart the Axis masterplans!
Nemesis AKA Chris]
Hitler studied the map carefully. His border with France had a heavy French presence on it, but the first German panzer divisions were now ready, and he had an empire to create.
Hermann Goering was convinced as usual that the Luftwaffe would be able to outclass any opponent, especially France, but it wasn't France Hitler was worried about. Britain's Royal Navy was the strongest in the world, and HMS Hood the most fearsome warship known to mankind. Britain's RAF was also stronger than Hitler's Luftwaffe, but most of the RAF was bombers, whereas the Luftwaffe was a fighter only air force apart from a few bombers, including the famous Stukas and Condors.
Britain's army was about the same strength as Hitler's, but instead of a nation to defend, they had an entire empire, with the British competing with France and the Zulus for colonies in Africa, defending its South American colonies against barbarians, and protecting Australia from the Japanese, who had a rapidly expanding Pacific empire. So really they were weak, too spread out to cause damage. Bombers could sting, but not bite like ground forces. And a navy wouldn't help anything but to stop Britain being invaded, and Hitler's U-Boats would keep the Royal Navy busy.
So it was prepared. He would blitz France, going south using his right of passage agreement to send his army through Roman territory and outflank the French defences. The Romans would also probably get involved, knowing Mussolini and his famous ego.
It had already got him into trouble. He had built colonies in North Africa to oppose the British. They created a huge trade embargo against him, including most nations of the world apart from Germany, which had remained close to Rome, and then the British had sent reinforcements to North Africa and had also sent the fearsome Hood. The two powers had come very close to war, until Mussolini's two colonies actually decided to join Britain of their own free will, overthrowing the fascists. Mussolini had been enraged, but with Britain's Navy preventing an invasion force crossing the Med. Sea, he had given up.
Now back to the current situation, he chided himself. Donitz had admitted that the German surface fleet wouldn't be able to hold out against the Royal Navy and would have to stay in port for most of the war, but would be able to venture out sometimes to disrupt convoys. Germany didn't have enough U-Boats, but was building them at an incredible speed, and they would cause huge disruption, especially to American transports if they entered the war.
The Wermacht was in good shape, with the impressive new Panzers lining up alongside infantry and artillery. The old cavalry regiments were out of date, but would play a role in the war too, stopping any Russian or Greek attack, as both were backward nations. France had a stronger army, but it was poorly trained, mostly obsolete defensive units and with only a few modern units. It outnumbered the Wermacht, but was as obsolete as the League of Nations that was supposed to stop wars, Hitler smiled.
The SS, the three elite Panzer regiments that Germany possessed were going to lead the spearhead into France.
Charles De Gaulle laughed at the British M16 agent's warning.
"Hitler?! Attack us?! Our army is too strong for his measly attacks! Have you seen our defences? Not even the Americans could punch a hole in those!"
Commander James Bond shook his head at the foolish remark. "They are massing in Roman territory. That means they would strike from the South, bypassing your Maginot Line! And the turrets on it can't turn to face inwards, making it about as useful as a Chinese car!" The Chinese had long been the brunt of jokes about quality, their poor workmanship resulting in the destruction of an ironclad by a pirate galley, much to the embarrassment of Mao.
"And how do you know this?"
"What do you think I am? I have just arrived from Berlin with the plans of the German Wermacht. Here, take a look for yourself." Bond handed De Gaulle a sheet of paper with German deployments on it.
"Trés bien, James, but I need more conclusive evidence before I put France on an expensive war footing. And I take it this means that if Germany does attack, Britain will honour the mutual defence pact we have?" The pact that De Gaulle mentioned was now out of date, but it hadn't yet been cancelled. And Britain was not known for abandoning her allies.
James nodded. "And we have the political clout to bring Russia and America into the war. Unfortunately we think that Japan and Rome will enter on Germany's side, and we have alerted the Americans to this fact, as their bases on Hawaii and the Phillipines may be put in danger."
"Telll Churchill 'merci' from me, James."
President John F. Kennedy rose as Churchill entered the Oval Office.
"Welcome to America, Prime Minister." Kennedy smiled as he shook Churchill's hand.
"Always a pleasure to be here, Mr. President. The British weather isn't the best for getting a suntan." Winston Churchill grinned.
"Too true." Kennedy smiled back. "So you have news for us of Japanese intentions?"
"Yes. Their navy as you know is slightly bigger than the Royal Navy's Pacific Fleet, and yours, which is why we depend upon each other there. That is why I want assurances that if the Japanese attack, we will both honour our military pact."
Kennedy nodded, and spoke quietly, but with force. "America has never abandoned its allies. If Japan wants a fight, it will get one, and Hirohito will end up as sushi!"
Churchill smiled at the pun, but didn't doubt that Kennedy meant every word. "That is good. Singapore is Britain's main naval base in the Pacific, as Pearl Harbour is yours. Australia is also a major British colony, which we cannot afford to have threatened. So I am glad that we will stand together."
The Japanese Imperial Navy had more battleships than the American and British fleets combined, but no aircraft carriers, compared to five in total on the allied side, the US having three and the British two. Britain had a huge destroyer contingent in the area though, for protection against the many pirates there.
Stalin smiled as the KGB officer reported. It was going to plan. Hitler would grind down his forces against the British, French and Americans, the Romans would go for heroics trying to reclaim North African territory, and would fail as per usual, and the Japanese would be beaten by a British, American and Chinese assault. The Chinese had paid heavily in their war with the Japanese, with the Japanese having a large colony in China known as Manchuria. Stalin had a border near to it, and had tanks and infantry ready to invade and take it in his name once the Japanese had been crushed by his allies.
And as for Germany, its Eastern border would be rich pickings for Stalin's huge Red Army, and an attack would please the allies, whilst netting the Soviet Union huge resources. And if he could, Stalin would also hit Greece in a combined assault with Egypt.
Yes, it was going to be a great war.
Emperor Hirohito smiled as the Admiral unveiled his masterplan. The Japanese would strike Singapore, and with it would take some major British warships, including the battleships HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse, and maybe even the carrier HMS Illustrious. Then the Japanese fleet would attack the American carriers, and sink them, for what cost Hirohito didn't care. For the Japanese, dying in battle was the ultimate honour.
With only one carrier remaining, few battleships, and only a handful of destroyers, the Allies would be crippled. The Japanese fleet would engage and destroy what it could, and the huge bomber reserve based on Taiwan would attack at will.
The Japanese would control the Pacific!
Hirohito smiled at the thought, and saluted the Admiral as he retired to his bedchamber. Even an Emperor needed his sleep.
And he was going to have very pleasant dreams.
[What do you think so far? This is just setting the scene of where we are in time, the only major war has been the Japanese and Chinese, which has recently ended, but they still hate each other, and the Japanese hold Manchuria. The next part will come later tonight or tomorrow night.
Thanks for reading, and tune in for the next chapter to find out whether the Allies can thwart the Axis masterplans!

Nemesis AKA Chris]