ICNES IV: Redemption Preview

You're in Grade 8 and an army reservist? How do you manage that? :o

Canada is known for child soldiers.

No, I'm in Grade 11 now ahah

EDIT- Does everyone like/agree with an economic system similar to/modelled off that of the Six Month Wars NES that is currently going on?
Canada is known for child soldiers.

No, I'm in Grade 11 now ahah

EDIT- Does everyone like/agree with an economic system similar to/modelled off that of the Six Month Wars NES that is currently going on?

I like the system TheLizardKing is using there, and would be very happy to have it used in this. Espana approves.
Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't most of the rules for Six Month War based off those from ABNW?
Communisto said:
yo lizardk, did you catch my post about two sicilies? just checking.

Errm.. the one were you requested them? Or..

And, I frankly don't care about the economic system. We can use the one I'm using, or this other one.

And everybody needn't be so hurtful! It's not like I chose the system! :O
Mean, mean people. Very bad. :p
Someone wanna link me to the BombNES so I can take a look at it. Ill catch a nap then labour the rest of the day to set this up according to that.

Yes Communisto, gotcha Sicily.
Hey Ic, I'd be interested in Belgium. Decided to return after a long hiatus.
Thanks man. I had no school today so I went and partied last night but I should get most of it all done before work tonight or up tomorrow afternoon.
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