Icon Newb

Jan 7, 2009
Hi all,

I am completely clueless on how to add icons to the game. I read Kael's guide, but it assumes that one has a passing knowledge of photoshop/gimp. I, unfortunately, have neither. What is frustrating is that I have the images that I want to convert to icons, but I don't have the means to do so. I came across this little goody in the tutorial's section:
Spoiler :
If you have Adobe Photoshop go to http://developer.nvidia.com/object/p...s_plugins.html and download the plugin. Install it, and run Photoshop (but not in 64bit mode, the dds plugin doesnt work in 64bit).

Now create a new image in 256x256 and draw your new Icon, press CTRL+a (to select it). Open the IconAtlas256.psd with Photoshop and copy (CTRL+v) it onto the stage. Drag it in the top left slot.
It doesnt matter if you drag it ON the black circle-raster. Try to align it to the middle of the cut-out circle in the top left.

Merge the Topmost Layer (your image) with the next one (Rightclick on your Layer and Select -> Merge Down). Now use "File->Save As" and save it as .dds file.
A Nvidia Window will pop up: Select DXT3 in the topmost Dropdown, "2D Texture" below and "No Mipmaps" on the right side. Save it.

Repeat those steps for all 4 IconAtlases until you have 4 dds file.

That helps, but I don't have photoshop (gimp is free :D). Can someone either:
1) Point me to a tutorial on how to placing the icons from the .jpg to the templates
2) Post here and point me in the right direction.

What I need is the actual knowledge of converting the images; once I get them on the template I can use Kael's guide. So basically, just give me the step by step, from getting the image to pasting it on the template.

Thank you.
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