Idea for Portugal's Feitoria


Dec 5, 2010
Played a game as Portugal for the first time in a while, and it made me realize something:

Due to Portugal's UA, gold, and therefore holding on to CSs, shouldn't be a problem. Furthermore, since CSs on a map usually have 2-3 max unique luxuries amongst themselves, its fairly easy to have access to each of the possible luxuries from CSs. What I mean is that by being allied to a couple of CSs, you already have the luxuries that the feitoria would give you, nulifying its value.

What if, besides what it already does now, which is give you access to a CS's lux, it had a secondary role. For non coastal cities, but that do have a coast within their 3 tile radius, it would be interesting to be able to build said feitoria on the coastal tile. This would work as a port access to the city in question, meaning trade ships could use the feitoria as a point of access to the city, as well as coastal buildings could be built in that city.

Would be a niche bonus, like in wouldn't make a difference on most cities, and and almost no effect on overall balance. More useful, although possibly tipping balance, would be for allowing allied Feitorias to trade that ressource.
Would be a niche bonus, like in wouldn't make a difference on most cities, and and almost no effect on overall balance. More useful, although possibly tipping balance, would be for allowing allied Feitorias to trade that ressource.

Allowing non-coastal cities to use trade ships could have a bigger effect than you imagine, since they provide double the hammers or food than caravans do...

The aim is not to make feitorias OP, but give them something a little more substancial than sending your worker halfway across the map to get a luxury you probably already have through an allied CS...
It's perfectly fine as is: Anything more makes them overpowered.

Also consider the following case: Venice, Austria, and Mongols all in the same game with you.
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