Idea for Religion: Holy City States

Christianity DID not become found in Rome... It was killed in Rome ~400AD.

Catholicism was found in Rome thereafter. Christain-protestants are not any different than catholics since they worship the same trinity and follow the same luciferian doctrines. Both of these groups worship Mithras and play major roles in nation-building, economies and mass deception.

Just stating truth.


I'm not a fan of "organized religion" of any kind also. But there is an important difference: protestants have no celibacy.
I think that sublimation mechanisms caused by celibacy lead to those "luciferian doctrines" bringing up inquisition afterwards.
Protestants were always a bit milder in their opinions and methods, and while they of course also lost touch to Luther's proclamations meanwhile, they at least started up with something useful.
But you are right: In today's globalized economy we are better off not to exactly know in which ways "organized religions" take part (not to speak of the comitted crimes throughout history).
But still there are people like Catholic bishop Kreitler in South America, which are real Christians and giving all they have to get the world to the better. But another problem is: If someone really follows the word of God too long, he gets excommunicated, if he happens to be Catholic. :(
I humbly submit for your critique the Religious City States mod (in alpha state). This thread was a significant inspiration for my work, so thank you! I hope the result is found to be with potential. :)

Edit: Apologies for thread necromancy, I bookmarked this thread and forgot to check when the most recent post date was. >_<
Great job. :goodjob: I'll have to make sure I check it out some time.
Moderator Action: Please keep the religious discussions to OT forum
I figured that City states would belong to their respective civs , just that each would have their own religion. There's a mod "Religious City States". So, If the player would decide to choose another religion other than that of the city state,war would ensue immediately,or lose aliance with the city state.
Who'd have said that religious city-states will become part of civ 5? It looked impossible, UNTIL NOW! Can't wait for that expansion! :)
Who'd have said that religious city-states will become part of civ 5? It looked impossible, UNTIL NOW! Can't wait for that expansion! :)

I know! They've obviously gone for a different approach to religion than the one I proposed, but when I read the words "Religious city-states" I felt strangely satisfied. :lol:

I'm really looking forward to the expansion now; the religion mechanic sounds like it will be really fun (almost as good as my suggestion :mischief:).

:bowdown: Firaxis :salute:
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