Ideas for New Techs and Buildings


Nov 6, 2007
I am not good at modding but i did come up with some ideas for new techs and buildings , most in the later eras, that somebody whose better at modding could do.

New Tech: Public Education --Requires: Education, Democracy
+2 Happy
+2 :science:
New Wonder: Public University System --Requires: University
free university in all cities (no probably not)
-10% :gold:
+3 :science:
+2 :gp: scientist
Can train
4 scientists
2 engineers

New Tech: College Influence --Requires: Mass Media, Public Education
+4 Happy
+2 :culture: per population in city
New Building:Civ adjective University in City Name
+2 Happy
+15% :gold:
+can train 4 additional specialists
New Building:College Radiostation --Requires:Broadcast Tower
+3 :culture:
+1 :) per Hit Single ect.

New Tech: Government Funded Healthcare --Requires:Ecology, Democracy
+3 :health:
+2 Happy
-5% :gold:
New Building: Public Hospital
+3 :health:
+1 Happy
-5% :gold:
+10% Maintenance

New Tech: Government Funded Housing --Requires: Democracy, Electricity
New Building: Duplex Housing
+2 :health:
+1 Happy
+5% :gold:
-10% Maintenance

New Tech: Volunteerism --Requires: Civil Service, Nationalism
Quote: "Ask not what you country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country" -JFK
New Building: Volunteer HQ (Need a better name)
+1 Happy
+5% :hammers: on Buildings
enables creation of volunteer
+1 :),:Health: with Emancipation
New Unit: Volunteer
Join City: +5% :hammers: on buildings, +2 :science:
Edit Wonder: Move Red Cross under volunteerism to some degree, maybe an additional requirement

New Tech: Evangelism --Requires: Democracy, Divine Right
+2x :religion: spread
New Building: Mega Church
+2 Happy
+20% :gold:
+10% :culture:
New Building: Televangelist Studio --Reqs: Broadcast Tower, Mega Church
+3 happy per religion in city

New Tech: Volunteer Army --Reqs: Repres., Military Science, Assembly Line
-15% war weariness
-10% Maintenence
New Building: Recruiting Station
+2 exp for new gunpowder, armored and recon units
+10% :hammers: on gunpowder, armored and recon units
New Wonder: ROTC --Requires: Recruiting Station
+3 exp for new gunpowder, armored and recon units
+1 Happy
+2 Happy with Public University System
+25% :hammers: on military units
+2 gp: great general

New Tech: Military Contractors --Reqs: Corporation, Volunteer Army
+2 Unhappy
-10% :gold:
+45% :hammers: military units
New Wonder:Blackwater USA
+2 Unhappy
+50% :hammers: military units in city
-10% :gold:
+2 xp for all units made in city

I decided to put all of my "i know that..."s in this
Spoiler :
I know that some of these things are heavily unrealistic
I know that i haven't specified production cost
I know that sometimes the requirement techs overlap
I know that these techs have progressive what...
I know that any modder worth his salt will probably ignore this completely
I know that it will be hard to fit these into a realistic game
I know that making some of these things is hard

I was planning to do this on TheLopez's Civilizeditor but nothing has come out about it in over a year
They were limiting the number of smileys i could use so i started a second post

New Tech: Rock and Roll --Reqs: Radio, Mass Media
Change Wonder: Rock and Roll wonder now is under this tech
New Wonder: Woodstock
+5 Happy
+20% :culture:
+2 :gp: artist

New National Wonder: National Highway System --Reqs: Combustion
+1 road movement
+3 :gold: per city in civ
+2 :gp: engineer

New Tech: Trucking --Requires: Combustion, Refrigeration
New Building: Truck Terminal
+5% :gold:
+3 :health:
+1 :), :food: with supermarket
+10% :gold: with National Highway System

I'm done, see spoiler in first message
No, its not that hard to mod in new buildings, mit mostly requires knowledge of XML and some art, unless you are only using preexisting in game art. You need to mod the Civ4BuildingClassInfos and Civ4BuildingInfos.

For the techs, you need to mod in stuff into the Civ4TechInfo, also XML. Judging by how many techs are going in, you will probably have to rearrange it slightly.

Its really not that hard, i suggest you find a good XML tutorial and do it yourself.
i think a new tech should be advanced robotics and have units like the robots from i robot.
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