Ideas regarding reimplementation of religion


Jan 29, 2005
Well, I've been playing a lot of Civ4 lately and time and time again I find the implementation of religion to be... slightly confusing.

I feel that religion and corporations mechanics could be swapped - Religions would only be founded by Great People, and Corporations could be founded by techs, although there's not much need for that change.

Basically, my idea would be that all Civs would begin with a 'religion' - Paganism - to reflect the lack of religion. The religious buildings for Paganism would provide culture points and the ability to make priest specialists or something along those lines in order to make a Great Prophet who would found a religion of choice, the religious wonder AND the religious Holy City in that city.

The purpose behind this would be to stop the early game religion-rush that gives powerful political influence to those who spread their religion early and to make religions slightly more valuable to work towards instead of something you 'just acquire'.

There's a lot of other changes I have considered, but the general idea is that by implementing Paganism, you can reflect the difficulty of converting non-believers through a default religion that would oppose you and you would have to work on converting them to your beliefs.

My question is - how realistic is this idea? Can you force a city to have a base religion when built, so as to not need Pagan missionaries? I suspect the AI would also have issues with this... but generally I think an overhaul of the religion system would help a lot.

I could expand upon my ideas if there are any Civ4 modders who think it would be something they'd be interested in looking at.
Sure, just about anything is possible. Its just a question of how complicated you wanna get with it. Because it should be possible to basically redo the whole religions feature from the ground up, but perhaps that isn't quite necessary to achieve (basically) the same thing.

The only sure way to get this off the ground is of course if you learn how to do this yourself. Because you can. (I think that it could be done with only XML and Python modding, so no C++ and SDK and compiling a DLL file.) How motivated are you feeling?

Other than that I do think that your idea has real merit - but it could actually already be done. Have you checked?
I've not checked yet, I'm not sure what such a mod would be named or if any parts of it would even exist.

I was wondering if a different SDK existed, should the need arise. I wasn't sure if the BTS expansion would need a different SDK. I was looking into it to see what I would need to change to try incorporate it... I know tiny bits of C++ and I'm willing to learn more, although Python is something I'm new to.

I'd like to see it implemented because I think the religions system in Civ 4 really would benefit from it.
The proper way to do it could be to actually edit the SDK and use a custom DLL file. I you know C++ there is no real need for any Python on this. But you also need new artwork and to edit the XML entries for religions, buildings and so on.

I don't know if its possible, but maybe you could just swap the religions and corporations with each-other, and get some of the work done that way.
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