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IF free tech, which one?

IF free tech, which one?

  • Other (please state which one and why)

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on time
Apr 13, 2004
Germany GMT+1
I do not really think that we stand a chance to get the free tech for Philosophy. But in case we get it, what will be our free tech?

One important point is that the team decided to go for Republic.

My proposals:

1. Code of Laws (for Republic obviously)
2. Map Making (for Dromons and The Great lighthouse)
3. Other (please write down, which one and why)
Map Making. It allows us to be able to build harbors for trade and veteran dromons. It also gives the Great Lighthous, which could give us super fast, super powerful ships to use against our neighbor.
Code of Laws, hands down. We don't have the infrastructure to properly use Map Making yet, and getting the Republic faster will certainly help that situation.
Are you sure you want to become a Republic before you build your first Dromon?
Yes, someone thought sea exploration was VERY important to this game and bumped up the cost beyond thing like Literature. I suppose they were right.

On second thought, I'd better go check.

EDIT: Yep. MM is 300, CoL is 250.
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