If You Ain't Dutch You Ain't Much: A CivCol Story of the Dutch


Dank Memes
Aug 15, 2013
Alpena, Michigan

The Dutch were tired of owning just their territory in Europe, and claims in South East Asia via trade companies, so they decided to go after the New World. Peter Stuyvesant was told to come to America, and lead the Dutch in creating Nieuw-Nederland.

Spoiler :
Civilization Colonization


Chapter 1: Venezuela
Chapter 2: Time goes on
Chapter 3: Expansion
Chapter 4: New neighbors
Chapter 5: TREASURE!!!
Chapter 6: More Neighbors!

Fun Little Things:

King William sends his regards
Netherlands officially cooler than Spain!

The Tree of Life (The Wazacá Tree):

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Venezuela

Peter awoke this one morning from the Captain's Quarters of his ship to look out at the sea. He had been sailing for the New World for weeks, and he was starting to get tired of waiting, yet he had to keep a cool head and help keep his crew and passengers in check. Peter was ordered to bring colonists to settle a city in this unexplored land by the King William I, or as he is otherwise known, King William of Orange.

The briny smell of the ocean hit Peter's nostrils; another familiar smell to him. He had gotten used to the smell of salt mixed with water, and the smell of fish that swam beneath the waves. He had always wondered if he'd ever sail for this long, and here he was. Peter was the captain of this ship, and he was the master of the seas, as far as he knows of course.

Months later, Peter awoke for another day, looking out from his ship. Interestingly, he saw something in the distance. Peter walked closer, and squinted his eyes, holding his hand on his forehead, and what he saw floundered him: land. Peter had been sailing with the same crew of men, women, and children for months, and he had finally found the land that he was sent to explore and found.

The air was quite warm, as it was quite warmer than the Netherlands. Peter reckoned he was near the Equator. It took a few hours for him and his ship to dock at the nearest bit of land, so he sent down a plank, and ordered the people on board to come off two by two.

The women, men, and children were all talking and conversing with one another, taking in their new lands. They all started to sweat, and took off their overcoats, as the heat was unbearable. Peter examined the land, which reminded him of Venice. Therefore, he named it Venezuela.

The men were sent out to cut down some timber to start making homes, and the women and children stayed near the boat, sitting on rocks that were on the beach, talking with one another. Peter looked around at the land once more, sighed, and set out himself to start making a home.​

Please don't abandon this like CK did with his CivCol story!
The King Sends His Regards

The King of the Netherlands sends his regards to the loyal colonists of Nieuw-Nederland. He didn't say much, but he did say he is looking forward to taxing us seeing us living a new and prosperous life.

King William, guarding the fat stacks gold gathered from taxpayers.
First of all, great title!

Second of all, subbed!
:o A colonization story. And with an awesome title too :o
I must sub.
Wait... How are you playing this???
Ahaaa! Resourceful!
Chapter 2: Time Goes On

A few months later, the colony of New Amsterdam, that had been founded on the Venezuelan coast, could be considered a metropolis. It had taken some time to get enough people to make homes in the area, and now the sugar fields to the west are being harvested to make luxuries for the King. Other than the sugar, the prices of materials and other luxuries from the Netherlands fluctuated for some time.

The tribespeople of the region sent some scouts to come to our land as well. A local man by the name of Adriaan Bloementuin spotted a shirtless man peeking in through the trees at the city. Adriaan walked to him, and the two tried to talk, only to find out they had different tongues. Adriaan brought the man to Peter, who over the course of the months he stayed in New Amsterdam, learned languages of the tribes.

Peter and the scout talked for a short time, and they agreed on Peter being taken out to a nearby Aztec settlement in order to meet their leader, Montezuma. Knowing they were a band of nomads, Montezuma granted them the luxury of staying near their settlement free of charge and hostility. Peter thanked the man greatly for his generosity, and gave him a small gold chain from his pocket.

By this point, the city of New Amsterdam had existed in Nieuw-Nederland for 5 whole years, and the children were aging, along with their parents, and a local Church was being constructed more and more as time went on. There weren't many materials, so it was expected that it would take a while to finish. Peter decided to sent out a ship to the homeland, hoping there would be some eager people willing to immigrate to the city. The ship was sent back to Europe, en course to the Netherlands.

It was a humid and warm night when Peter was woken by his wife. Peter's wife woke him up and talked to him about staying in America. While being here for five years already, she said she still can't get over how different it is. Peter, while still groggy and filled with sleep inertia, agreed and talked for a short while with her. A little bit later, his wife brought up the religion unrest in the homeland, and how she heard of a Master Distiller who wished to move to America, and work his guild here.

Peter was eager to bring this man to the city; he was eager for some good whiskey, and the local brew wasn't as good as how they used to make it in Holland. Now, he was anticipating the ship to come back with some alcohol, and a alcohol-man to return. After this, the two stretched, and went back to sleep.​
I'll sub this,
Chapter 3: Expansion

The sound of wheels rolling on stone paths that the Dutch colonists had made in order to make the town a bit nicer to live in were heard all the way across town. The whinnies of horses could also be heard every so often, and the yell of a foreign tongue that was not in Dutch. This alerted Peter, who was talking to some of the locals near the outskirts of town. The governor of Nieuw-Nederland was worried, but it did not seem like there were enough natives for an attack.

Peter straightened his coat, and looked haughtily at the visiting Aztecs, who were leading a large caravan of silver. The metal shined in the sunlight, and there were some droplets of water collecting on the outsides of some pieces; results of the humidity. Peter looked at the Aztec man leading the wagon, and raised an eyebrow.

"We have come, to give gifts, to your people," the Aztec man said in broken Dutch. He gestured at the mass of silver inside of the wooden wagon. As if on cue, some sunlight came in from the trees, and made the bars glisten. Peter studied the wagon, and thanked the man in his tongue. The Aztec man nodded, releasing his horse from the wagon, of a breed brought from Europe, mounted it, and rode away back to Tenochtitlan.

As our Merchantman finally docked in the piers of Amsterdam, the crew unloaded, and took a deep breath of the familiar Dutch air. It had been a long time, and they were finally back, but only for a short period of time. A Master Distiller, named Thaddius Holta, sat on a crate, staring at the boat. Inside of the crate were his distilling supplies, and near him were barrels of fine Dutch liqueur. As the crew walked to Thaddius, he stood up, nodded, and started carrying the barrels to the boat.

Unbeknownst to the crew, a strong man, carrying a hatchet and a gun, walked to the boat, examining it.

"Mighty fine specimen ya got there," the man announced.

"Why thank you," replied the captain. He stared at the man. "Who are you exactly?"

"My name doesn't matter; I'm coming with you to the New World. Got paid a mighty fine price for it too; that Peter Stuy-spaghetti guy sure is great," he answered. Without waiting for an answer, he picked up the remaining two liqueur barrels, along with his hatchet and supplies, and went onto the boat.

"Can't imagine how a man of his stature can keep up so much muscle," remarked a crew member to the captain. The captain nodded, and headed onto the boat, ready to head back to the New World.

It took months for the Merchantman to arrive back into the New World, but when they made it there, Thaddius decided to take up residence in New Amsterdam. He set up shop there, making alcohol from the sugar gathered in the west, but that business would have to last a short while, and leave on hiatus, as we were using more sugar than we were harvesting.

The hardy man, not seeming to want to unpack his stuff, announced to the town he was heading northwest in order to establish another colony.

"Headin' up to the northwest; I heard it has some good stuff up there, and the King will obviously be asking for another colony here sooner or later," he explained. The man put his stuff into a wagon, and headed off, with the best of wishes from Peter Stuyvesant and the townsfolk of New Amsterdam.

It did not take long for the man to found Fort Orange to the northwest, and he immediately started to order the new arrivals of people to build a Dock, in order to make the water near the town more useful. To the west, we could hear some distant voices speaking another language. How strange.​
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