Trying to be good.
If you believe there are extraterrestrials out there answer these. How advance do you think our technology is compared to the rest? How biologically complex are we compared to them?
Originally posted by Bud2998
We are nothing but mere dustmites compared with truly complex life.
Originally posted by Roundman
How do you know?
Originally posted by WildFire
I think ANYTHING we say about aliens can be questioned like that...
"How do you know"
Given the age and size of our star, I'd consider humanity one of the more advanced life-forms in the galaxy, though there is certainly potential for far more advanced life
Originally posted by sims2789
i believe in aliensone sighting was by the US military in Canada. they aren't saying it's an alien, but it seems like it.
Originally posted by ainwood
Somewhere in between. I believe that there are alien life forms that are much more advanced, both on technological scales and on evolutionary scales. And I think that we are ahead of others on the same scales.
In short, I'm sitting firmly on the fence (where I normally feel most confortable). Yet strangely enough, I've come off the fence enough to say that I do believe in aliens.
Don't tell me an absolutist gives any weight to Drake's equationGiven the age and size of our star, I'd consider humanity one of the more advanced life-forms in the galaxy, though there is certainly potential for far more advanced life.
Originally posted by Aphex_Twin
If we meet (even through radio waves) any aliens chances are overwhelming they will be vastly more advanced than us. 10,000 years of human civilisation are a VERY small blip on the greater time scale.
Originally posted by polymath
They could be 200 light years away. Or they may not even be in this galaxy.
We may be doomed to a lonely existence - in fact it's quite likely.