If you believe in aliens

I always answer things like "there are millions of gallaxys, the odds of we beign the smartest are ridiculous" the same way:
There are millions of species in Earth, what are the chances we are the smartest one?
Well, we are. And if we are the smartest one on Earth, a very privilledged planet, I think the chance exist.
luiz, a biologist stuck here on earth knows a great deal about life here, but thats about it. He/she knows absolutely nothing about how life would develop in the infinitely different and varied conditions that exist all over the universe. Like Roddy said, we always think we're the best, its only natural. There are still people who havent gotten over the fact that all heavenly bodies dont revolve around the Earth.
You are beign a bit unfair to biologist. The Chemical Elements are the same on all Universe, and so are the physicall laws(except in Black Holes, Worm Holes and that sort of thing). Even though we are locked here on Earth for now, we can have an idea of how things are in different planets.
For exemple, no one ever landed in Jupiter, but we know that there are no life forms there.
Originally posted by luiz
You are beign a bit unfair to biologist. The Chemical Elements are the same on all Universe, and so are the physicall laws(except in Black Holes, Worm Holes and that sort of thing). Even though we are locked here on Earth for now, we can have an idea of how things are in different planets.
Random chance plays a big role in how evolution proceeds. Theres no way at all to know what conditions pertain on other planets which have formed under an infinite variety of circumstances, all of them different than our own, and that are being impacted by random events we know absolutely nothing about.
For exemple, no one ever landed in Jupiter, but we know that there are no life forms there.
We most defintely know no such thing, we've got some theories, thats all.
ofcourse the CHANCE that we're the most advanced in the universe exists. its just realy small.

the fact that we are the smartest ones on earth only proves one thing: we're the smartest ones on earth.
it has no bearing whatsoever on if we're the smartest in the universe. maybe if "humans" werent the smartest on earth in the first place then WE wouldnt be humans, we'd be some other species saing "well we're smartest here so we're smartest everywhere".

just cause i happen to be the oldest person in a room full of people (even if there's a million of them there) does not mean that there arent older ones elsewhere.

as for the "development of life taking a long time". even if that's true, and the only other inteligent species developed at the same time we did.
all they'd have to do is NOT have the dark ages (mid teen centuries for us) and there you go, they've got 400+ years of technology on us.
have a couple more BIG wars a bit earlier and there you go, there's another few hundered years of technological advancement that they have on us.
give their world half our gravity, and they're into space another few hundered years earlier.
have them skip the "dinosour" ages that we had (do humans have a dinosour in our ancestry???) and you've got MILLIONS of years of technological and biological advancement over us.

Give their home world a decaying orbit around their sun, and they've got alot of motivation to get off their rock and find ours. talk about a reason for technological advancement
We don't have a dinossaur as ancestor, but we do have reptiles. Evolution don't skip stages.
What brings another point: the only reason why we developed was because a big catastrophe killed the dinos. The more I think of it, the more I realise what an odd(and unprobable) chain of events took place so that we could develop our intelect.
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