Zulu Conqueror
Occasionally I like to play a modified version of Civ III where each Civ gets three traits instead of two (along with some changes to unit stats).
What would be your ideal trait combo? Mine would be Scientific Agricultural Religious (the Sumerians).
The other Civs in my scenario are:
Mil, Ind, Com: Rome and France [1]
Ag, Ind, Rel: Egypt
Mil, Sci, Com: Greece
Mil, Sci, Rel: Babylon
Mil, Ind, Sci: Germany, China, Persia, Ottomans
Ind, Exp, Sci: Russia [2]
Ind, Exp, Com: America
Mil, Rel, Sea: Japan
Rel, Com, Ag: India
Mil, Rel, Ag: Aztecs
Mil, Exp, Com: Zululand, Mongols, Hittites
Exp, Com, Ag: Iroquois
Exp, Com, Sea: England, Portugal
Exp, Rel, Sea: Spain
Mil, Com, Sea: Scandinavia
Exp, Rel, Ag: Celts [3]
Mil, Exp, Rel: Arabia
Ind, Com, Sea: Carthage
Sci, Com, Sea: Korea
Com, Ag, Sea: Netherlands
Sci, Rel, Sea: Byzantines
Ind, Exp, Ag: Inca
Ind, Sci, Ag: Maya
1: Sometimes France is Ind, Sci, Com
2: Sometimes Russia is Mil, Exp, Sci
3: Sometimes the Celts are Mil, Rel, Ag
What would be your ideal trait combo? Mine would be Scientific Agricultural Religious (the Sumerians).
The other Civs in my scenario are:
Mil, Ind, Com: Rome and France [1]
Ag, Ind, Rel: Egypt
Mil, Sci, Com: Greece
Mil, Sci, Rel: Babylon
Mil, Ind, Sci: Germany, China, Persia, Ottomans
Ind, Exp, Sci: Russia [2]
Ind, Exp, Com: America
Mil, Rel, Sea: Japan
Rel, Com, Ag: India
Mil, Rel, Ag: Aztecs
Mil, Exp, Com: Zululand, Mongols, Hittites
Exp, Com, Ag: Iroquois
Exp, Com, Sea: England, Portugal
Exp, Rel, Sea: Spain
Mil, Com, Sea: Scandinavia
Exp, Rel, Ag: Celts [3]
Mil, Exp, Rel: Arabia
Ind, Com, Sea: Carthage
Sci, Com, Sea: Korea
Com, Ag, Sea: Netherlands
Sci, Rel, Sea: Byzantines
Ind, Exp, Ag: Inca
Ind, Sci, Ag: Maya
1: Sometimes France is Ind, Sci, Com
2: Sometimes Russia is Mil, Exp, Sci
3: Sometimes the Celts are Mil, Rel, Ag