
Dec 17, 2003
Baton Rouge
Yall, Im in need of some serious help. OK, I start out the game with the tax slider giving 100% to science for research. But right around the BC/AD switch, I am still backwards. How can I improve my research rate!!! HELP :(
Set it at zero or ten percent and then trade for techs. At any level of regent or above you cannot keep up with the AI by researching techs yourself early in the game. They trade among themselves all the time. I do find that by the late middle ages/early industrial I am able to turn tech back on and then keep up or ahead for the rest of the game.
ok, does the AI accept luxeries or strat. resorces as adequate trade for techs, cause they want too much gold??
They'll accept resources for techs, but you need a trade route (harbor, airport, or road) to ship it there. Once you've "blackened your reputation", this option will no longer be open to you. Halting shipment of the resource before 20 turns are up or "sneak attacks" (declaration of war from within enemy borders) are the two most popular ways to blacken your reputation.
Originally posted by Zyrexius
ok, does the AI accept luxeries or strat. resorces as adequate trade for techs, cause they want too much gold??

My experience (Regent) is that the AI will trade techs for strategic resources (i.e. oil, iron, etc.) because they're more scarce. Short of that, you'll only get techs from the AI by trading either $#*@ loads of gold AND luxury resources OR by trading them tech(s) for tech(s). Of course, to do so, you'll need to have to be ahead or on equal footing in the tech race so that you have some techs that a few others don't have!

Don't think for a minute that you can get up to speed technology wise by trading your wine, spices, etc....won't work!
Also, the value of strategic resources vary. Saltpeter doesn't seem as valuable as Iron. Horses are cheap. Oil is worthless until you can build something with it. Iron is worth vastly more once the buyer has researched Industrialization. All the modern resources are worth their weight in platinum (but you're usually at the point of :hammer:ing the enemy rather than trading with him by then).
Build more roads, libraries, universities, marketplaces, banks and/or science wonders...
You can also research techs that the AI does not, then trade for other techs. For example, in the ancient age, I generally research monarchy then trade it and polytheism for multiple techs.
well, or you can possibly get a lot of income from your cities because the research is based on the max science is how much you make from your cities, and to find the cost just go to the Editor and edit the rules but dont change anything.
Getting from backwards to advanced is really no problem. I was playing deity and went from something like 18 technologies behind to as far as the most developed. All you do is trade. The more players, the easier.

Trade all your resources for lots of gold per turn, then use it to buy tech. If the tech is old, you can buy it cheap, no problem. If the tech is new, it's expensive, but you can also sell it for a lot of money. No problem. Having lots of rivals is the key. :)

I know it worked for me. Hope it works for you.
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