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I'm fairly cetain that with one of the Major DLC's we'll see at least 1 new victory type added


Mar 18, 2018
I genuinely think they will be abandonning the religious victory for this game because it seems like they very clearly want to rope it into culture but there's always a chance they wanted to focus on the victories that tie in with the core gameplay for the base game instead of a mechanic that often feels very easy to avoid. It's hard to win a game of civ without culture, science, gold or a solid military regardless of what victory you're going for meanwhile with religion it just suplements the others.

Given how much time they invested on making a new diplomacy system that they're happy with I am fairly certain this will tie into a Diplomatic Victory. People rightfully critique the version we saw in 6 which is valid. The fact that the propositions are more or less chosed for you feels very unsatisfying. But unlike 5 the addition of aid requests, emergencies and aid requests were really interesting features I hope make a return, maybe on a grander scale with more player/AI choice involved. Proper diplomacy would make so many of the more peaceful routes far more fun as it would make you feel like you're in an actual fight beyond militaristically. Hope that new Spy system takes from the fairly solid version seen in 6.
I mean they added diplo victory in an expansion in both 5 and 6, and updated it with an expansion in 4, so that seems like a pretty safe bet. Adding a tab to the legacy paths layout would be pretty straight forward as well.
It's pretty obvious to me that they'll add Diplomatic Victory in the future and their Modern Age version will be about World Congress.

That said, Diplomatic Victories have never been exciting to me, but is there any other type of Victory they could add other than Diplomatic or even Religious? Industrial Victory? I wouldn't bet on it.
It's pretty obvious to me that they'll add Diplomatic Victory in the future and their Modern Age version will be about World Congress.

That said, Diplomatic Victories have never been exciting to me, but is there any other type of Victory they could add other than Diplomatic or even Religious? Industrial Victory? I wouldn't bet on it.
Why any? I would prefer 3 different (perhaps even random in every game) Scientific, Economic, Cultural, and Militaristic last-era epic projects as "new" endgame content" over a new Victory type.
Yeah, I expect they will add the Diplo Victory back in at some point, along with a hopefully-not-garbage version of the World Congress.

We might see a Religion Victory at some point too, if they choose to remodel the Religion feature.

Personally, I'd like to see an alternative Science/Culture hybrid victory. Instead of spreading to the stars, create a utopia on Earth. Projects like curing cancer and free energy.
What I would like to see is a 4th age where the 4 legacy paths open 2 victory conditions

Expansionist victory (Mars/AC Colony)
requires Science and Economic Legacy paths

Diplomacy victory (World civilization)
requires Culture and Military* paths

*basically getting City States through Influence and Proxy Wars, since in a 4th age actual war between civs is practically impossible (4th age civs play as nuclear powered)
The simpler the Dip Vic is the better. Civ6's was both counterintuitive, tedious and a huge hassle. How on earth the devs approved of that World Congress system I will never understand.
Yeah, I expect they will add the Diplo Victory back in at some point, along with a hopefully-not-garbage version of the World Congress.

We might see a Religion Victory at some point too, if they choose to remodel the Religion feature.

Personally, I'd like to see an alternative Science/Culture hybrid victory. Instead of spreading to the stars, create a utopia on Earth. Projects like curing cancer and free energy.
Religion legacy path I think it would be unlikely as it is part of a system that later evolve to ideology, and right now it is a system deep in many of the legacies of exploration age.

A diplomatic legacy path and victory seems likely to me as their new diplomatic system can probably make it work in interesting ways, and it is a system that exists for all three ages now.

Albeit like said before, I think more than adding more legacies and victories, they will probably add more alternatives for each age legacy path, as in different ways to get points on it for an age instead of the current pretty much just one way.
I wasn't totally opposed to Civ6's Diplomatic Victory but their World Congress was TERRIBLE. I hated it.
Civ5's World Congress was leaps and bounds in perspective.
I don't know what they could do for Civ7 - did they announce anything like WC?
Maybe their WC will make a bit more sense than Civ6's voting-with-people-you've-never-met-before system which was truly inspirationally stupid.
I wasn't totally opposed to Civ6's Diplomatic Victory but their World Congress was TERRIBLE. I hated it.
Civ5's World Congress was leaps and bounds in perspective.
Both were sufficiently awful that I never want to see the World Congress back in any form.
Both were sufficiently awful that I never want to see the World Congress back in any form.
Given the nature of Civ7 diplomacy (each civ only able to propose one “boost alliance” of any type, diplomatic influence as currency, etc.)

I could see a UN as a place where you could propose one of those “boost treaties” with everyone and every civ could support/reject it
The total bonus would depend on how many civs supported/accepted/rejected it (not going into action if rejectors>supporters)

Basically just a new means for the standard diplomacy mechanic…to make it more multilateral instead of just bilateral.
Both were sufficiently awful that I never want to see the World Congress back in any form.
I keep telling myself that the Modern Age of Civ VII would be a perfect way to 'isolate' any World Congress in a single Age and model it specifically after the League of Nations or Congress of Vienna or United Nations.

Then I remember how utterly wretched every single mechanic connected with the World Congress in Civ VI was, and how mediocre the actual accomplishments of the organizations have been in the 20th century - and how very limited in its (self) interest the Congress of Vienna was - and I despair of ever getting an in-game version that would be worth playing . . .
Has there ever been an economic victory before? I had a thought we would give a brand new victory type but realized there might one already. Maybe a 'climate change' victory? I have no idea how that would work. 'World Peace' victory?
Maybe a 'climate change' victory? I have no idea how that would work. 'World Peace' victory?

I've mentioned this before, but that would be my preferred version of a 'diplomatic' victory - essentially some version of a victory against societal collapse - maybe climate change, maybe a mega-virus (ala the pandemic board game), etc. Civ 7's crises could be used for that.

It seems like it would have to be some sort of 'co-op victory', and that would only really work as specific game mode that was set up from the start tho. I don't know that having an option for co-op victory along side individual victory would really be feasible.
Has there ever been an economic victory before? I had a thought we would give a brand new victory type but realized there might one already. Maybe a 'climate change' victory? I have no idea how that would work. 'World Peace' victory?
SMAC had an economic victory. Corner the market.
Both were sufficiently awful that I never want to see the World Congress back in any form.
Hmm. I liked civ 5 diplo victory. It was easy, sure, but at least you were doing some actual diplomacy, competing for influence over city states, forming alliances, buying votes and promoting your ideology and religion. Overall it felt satisfying to me. What's your beef with it?
Religion and diplomacy look like they might be expanded in future expansions ...

I also believe there will be another vicotory type(s) and age(s).
Hmm. I liked civ 5 diplo victory. It was easy, sure, but at least you were doing some actual diplomacy, competing for influence over city states, forming alliances, buying votes and promoting your ideology and religion. Overall it felt satisfying to me. What's your beef with it?
WC exists for more than just diplomatic victory. Actually, I say "more," but really the only reason it exists is for the AI to screw over the player without consequences. E.g., even if they haven't met you in Civ6, the AI will vote to ban the resource that coincidentally only you have. In Civ5, you had to focus your late game on taking charge of the World Congress or the same thing would happen. Neither is fun. Might be realistic, though...
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WC exists for more than just diplomatic victory. Actually, I say "more," but really the only reason it exists is for the AI to screw over the player without consequences. E.g., even if they haven't met you in Civ6, the AI will vote to ban the resource that coincidentally only you have. In Civ5, you had to focus your late game on taking charge of the World Congress or the same thing would happen. Neither is fun. Might be realistic, though...
The problem I found was that having the WC in the game meant you either had to play a placatingly diplomatic game or a complete warmonger game - conquer everybody else, and the WC becomes irrelevent. That meant the WC made Religious or Cultural Victories 'second choices', and so warped the entire end-game. Worse, it warped the end-game away from my favorite type of victory, the Cultural. - Unless I played a complete pacifist who was careful to never upset any other Civ in the game - and even then, the AI at seemingly random would propose punitive actions in the WC and make any 'strategy' meaningless against them except Extermination.
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