Looks like the Good guys won.
If you boil down politics to something as simple as 'good' and 'bad' then the result is the same if boiled leather for dinner.
Looks like the Good guys won.
So Australia is keeping up with the new tradition of Anglosphere nations voting against their best interest. I wonder what’s causing it? Other than fifty odd years of promoting and rewarding rampant egoism.
On your first point I am pretty centalist now days on the left right spectrumThe Coalition parties are run-of-the-mill centre-right except in the most deranged fantasies of the most deluded members of the left.
As for Shorten, he resigned as opposition leader already but is remaining as the member for his seat. Presumably he will remain so for the duration of the current term, he doesn't give the impression of equivocating on whether to abandon ship or not, as some politicians seem to do when they are pondering leaving public life.
So Australia is keeping up with the new tradition of Anglosphere nations voting against their best interest. I wonder what’s causing it? Other than fifty odd years of promoting and rewarding rampant egoism.
I don't think most of the people voting for the Coalition thought they were voting against their best interests
Melbourne Union politics is brutal and Bill was involved in both Rudd's butter kniffing and Gillard's the left/ right factions of Sydney/Melbourne will have to choose a new leader the Deputy must come from the opposite capital unless their is only one obvious choice (their are many choices for deputy) the factional jockeying would have already begun@Old Hippy
2) With regards to consequences, its not like Shorten was politically murdered by a colleague, so its not analogous to Rudd being assassinated by Gillard [before returning the favour]. I don't think their would be that much personal resentment by him towards the new leader.
I don’t think they thought so either. Dolts.I don't think most of the people voting for the Coalition thought they were voting against their best interests
Rudd got rolled by Gillard...opposition leader Turnbull reached agreement over a carbon tax with Gillard... Abbott rolled him shouting Coaltax coaltax coaltax at the next election cycle Bill shorten helped roll Gillard and reinstalled Rudd. Rudd lost... Abbot became PM... Turnbull rolled Abbott when his popularity went for 30+ weeks as hopeless...Turnbull's popularity went for 30+ weeks as hopeless tho he won an election coming up to this election he got rolled by Morrison...and the band plays on while we straighten up the deckchairs on the Titanic while one crazy politician plans on rebuilding the titanic ( and that's for real tho he just wasted close to $60 million on buying adds for this election so i don't think it will go ahead)I haven't been paying attention to australian politics. How did Gillard fall from power? (along with Abbot those were the only two i knew existed up to now).