ImmacuNES III: Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy

there will be more rule changes. these are:

health is more important:
it just got 30% more powerful for population of both ruralities and cities

rural tax income is reduced
(they already produce food and hammers and what not anyway)
culture can offset this reduction

sorry- those with high rural populations might feel a slight sting but everyone should be happy with larger cities/ruralities... no one seemed to like granaries but maybe now they will (i suspect not though)
Also; i didn't get orders from three players this turn.

Could you please write (either publicly or privately) if you are still interested in playing.

TYRS: do you want to submit orders? I think another player is counting on you.
just as I got a good income going... Granaries now I guess... rurals are becoming increasingly unusefull.
Disagree with the rule changes. Health was already important enough, and it's quite unfair on those who have been pursuing high rural populations. I personally feel like I'm being penilised for doing well.
You aren't. 'sides, with your good culture attribute, you aren't affected as much.

i feel that was a bit 'short' of me. Let me explain some reasoning so you can understand where i am coming from

Rural Income:
When i designed this game mines were meant to be the primary source of resources until trade kicked in... as it turns out, certain nations have focused on a mass food path and thats work out well (as it was intended to) but for them the value of hammers has dropped dramatically. So, in an effort to make mines and hammers more valuable, i am reducing the income generated from ruralities. Which takes me a second problem,

Culture seems to be a 2 points cut off then not too important after that. Everyone wants two points of culture for their second ring and don't seem to care too much beyond that. SO... to correct for that, culture will mean that the ruralities will generate more income because the people consider themselves part of the nation that much more. And so, culture becomes a bit of an economic stat.

Tons of monuments and city halls have been built. Zero granaries have been built. Health needed a boost.

okay, i think by explaining my thoughts a bit more, you (ekolite) can see that i am not specifically targeting your nation to 'penalize'.
i surely trust that you are doing this with fair measures,
even though i probably will get a little penalty for my culture is probably a bit low in if compared to others. anyway i`ll stick to my character, so i`ll stick to happy multiplying and angry skull smashing... all the way...

...happy mothers day to the mother of mods ;) :D
Well, I was going to build a granary next turn anyways *shrug*.

Only problem left now is getting more culture....
I kinda wish I knew about this before just so I could be aware of how different/detrimental the Council would compared to the Emperor.
Well, update is going very slowly. Its been hard to find time today so if you havn't submitted your orders and you want to still, please do so.

And to everyone, with regards to the changes, i think ultimately it will make for a better game even if its a bit of a problem in the short term.

Gah! Sorry! Yes, I am still interested, just got riding new motorcycle, its been eating up my time. If I can submit nothing else, then make my troops fill out their role in that other players plan.
Glad to hear you are enjoying your spring. I've accepted your foreign orders but not your domestic orders (i had already done something with your nation as an NPC nation).

So when will the update arrive?
I guess I can accept that, ok. Now I am curious though, haha
@ Seon:

Not tonight anyway. I'm taking my wife out for mother's day. Hopefully tomorrow?
Update 5: Years 1120-1130: Death of a Horror

“All our best men are laughed at in this nightmare land.”

Jack Kerouac​

Utilican Emperor Besieges Troll Fortress

On the first day of spring in the year 1120 the once elusive emperor of the Utilica people makes a rare appearance before his soldiers. He proclaims that he shall leave the governing of the town they have founded to the merchants’ council and assume personal command of the army in a campaign to face the north-western trolls.

Within only a few short weeks, the army of Utilica is on the march and very quickly they cross the mountain passes and take positions around the troll’s wooden fort. Once again attempts at diplomacy are met with crossbow bolts (again falling just short of the human army’s delegates). Considering this response and the insult to his person, none were surprised when the Utilican emperor orders a siege assault.

On the first night of the siege a great cry goes up from within the walls of the palisade. It seems that Utilican commandos were able to infiltrate the fortress and strike in the middle of the night, killing troll pikemen and crossbowmen then quietly slipping away before they are discovered. For four evenings while the siege mounts and newly trained Utilican swordsmen prepare battering rams from nearby forests, and the human army trains in full view of the wooden fort, the commandoes again and again infiltrate the troll fortress. These raids are able to deliver valuable intelligence and disrupt enemy morale and command capacity. They also uncover that the trolls are led by a pious man by the name of Admiral Ksngt and that they come from a land called Jötunheimr. Amongst their number are fur-clad priests of the ‘white fang’.

On the fourth night however, the enemy scouts and a tiny contingent of troll priests prepare an ambush for the commandos. White fang priests (weakened by multiple commando raids) strike first, casting spells meant to paralyze the assaulting commandoes. The commandos are well trained and have their own counter-magicks however and the spells only manage to magically slow them.

Unfortunately for the commandos, this is all the troll army needs to surround them with pikemen and javelin-throwers and turn the tide against their raids. Disdaining the trolls demand for their surrender, the slowed Utilican commandos opt to fight their way out. Despite the spellcraft binding them, in a pitched battle against the massed enemy forces, a small minority of the commandoes are able to fight their way free. Most, however, lie dead in a circle of troll pikemen. Though the humans do not know it the commandos sacrifice means that the enemy priests will be drained of magicks for the upcoming battle.

Opting not to allow the trolls a chance to recuperate or regain their morale in the face of this minor victory, the following morning the Utilican emperor orders a general assault.

Advancing under cover fire of shortbow skirmishers, slingers and javeliners, the Utilican emperor personally leads swordsmen infantry carrying battering rams and spearmen infantry providing shield cover. As they approach the trolls respond with round after round from their trained crossbowmen. Many Utilicans look to one another in confusion and panic as many of their members fall around them, their minimal experience and training obvious to the enemy troll soldiers. Many troll soldiers are struck with arrows and sling bullets however and this does much to reinforce the besieger’s morale.

As the swordsmen just reach the palisade gates, the troll commander, Admiral Ksngt, clad in wolf furs and bearing a staff topped with a wolf’s skull appears at the palisade wall and chants a few words in a local troll dialect. Suddenly a magical rain of sleet and snow accompanied by the most bone-chilling cold the Utilicans had ever felt works its way through the attacking armies. Many soldiers drop their weapons as their fingers freeze and suddenly become useless. Others, seeing the blue on their neighbors’ cheeks and lips, turn and run. Across the Utilican line morale wavers and falters. A mass rout is only one well-placed crossbow bolt away amongst the relatively untrained and inexperienced army. Seeing his army falter around him, the Utilican emperor knows what must be done. Drawing an ancient two-handed sword, he waves his cloak around him and suddenly jumps atop the fortification walls with inhumane speed and strength and begins to personally lay death and devastation upon the crossbowmen and pikemen.

It is enough to recharge the morale of the besieging humans and they return to their task with gusto, soon battering a hole through the gate. Very soon human spearmen and swordsmen are pouring through the gates and into the fort. Admiral Ksngt sounds a horn and very shortly the defenders begin a fighting withdrawal to their waiting galley fleet. The attacking army, weakened by the magical cold dares not enter the freezing seas to chase them, and, by noon, they hold the fortress victorious as the galleys row northwards, defeated.

Utilican emperor gains 1 culture (“You have single-hardheadedly turned the battle for us and we love you!”). Commando guard is damaged (and then some) and gains 1 experience. Shortbow skirmishers, light sword and shield infantry, light spear infantry (one unit) gain experience. Light spearmen infantry (both units), light sword and shield infantry, slingers, javelin skirmishers, shortbow skirmishers all damaged. Utilican gains fort if they spend 2 hammers repairing it or gain 2 hammers if they dismantle it.

Prince Yethu Uncovers Ruined Kaer, Krigleezi Razed

In 1122, foragers from the Throalic city of Krigleezi uncover the entrance to an ancient kaer, long ago breached by Horrors during the height of the scourge. Intrigued, Prince Yethu sends many soldiers to investigate the ruins. His timing could not be worse (or perhaps his enemies were watching him and awaiting just such a circumstance) for soon afterwards the Undead Hippus appear at the gates of Krigleezi’s western fort. With siege engines.

Mangonels launch giant boulders at the gates of the palisade and soon the defenders are sending desperate messages back to King Valarus III to send reinforcements as quickly as they can arrive.

Acolytes of Killmorph do what they can to magically reinforce the battered walls of the fort but they quickly crumble under a sustained and heavy barrage and soon mounted undead javelin-skirmishers are running over the crumbled remains of the fort walls, targeting Throalic infantry while lighter hippus lancers are overrunning unprotected crossbowmen. It is a complete victory for the undead hippus as they take the fort with ease. Few dwarves even survive to return to Krigleezi to tell the tale.

As the undead horde slowly moves its siege equipment into range of Krigleezi, Prince Yethu desperately orders construction of a palisade to slow their riders and buy some time for reinforcements to arrive.

Unfortunately they do not. Caught up with the Blackthreads who ambush the incoming army as it races to the protection of its southern neighbor, the dwarven soldiers are soon engaged in a protracted series of battles on which their very survival hangs (see below). Only messengers bearing grim news manage to reach Krigleezi.

Prince Yethu is desperate and sends messengers to recall the forces he had earlier dispatched to explore the breached kaers. Even as the messengers charge away on the fastest boars they can find, the undead arrive, quickly encircling the newly erected palisade with their skirmishing cavalry even as their archers and siege begin to bombard the city. Prince Yethu counters with his own well-trained crossbowmen and the undead generals order their infantry to march. They bear with them a fearsomely fashioned bronze battering ram, its head shaped like some demonic figure from the age of scourge. Its mouth is alight with flaming pitch. The gates battered and the palisade walls crumbling around him, Prince Yethu knows it is his last stand. He prepares his ax and spear infantry to receive the enemy. First the gate falls and shortly thereafter the first of many breaches begin to appear in the palisade walls. First undead infantry, then lighter cavalry are soon pouring into the city, running the small defensive contingent under them like wheat before the scythe.

No one escapes and it is said that nearly 6,000 dwarves were dragged into the darkness that night in 1122.

Krigleezi razed. Prince Yethu killed. Massive losses for the Throalic army.

Reinforcing Throalic Army Ambushed By Black Threads

Even as the political situation deteriorates for King Valarus III, and his highness does all he can to reinforce his support base, including commissioning the construction of a ‘We help those who help themselves’ series of almshouses (where soup-kitchen recipients are also soup-kitchen workers), he receives a desperate missive from his younger brother.

Immediately the army once commanded by General Coralis is dispatched southwards. Unfortunately for them, 2 months into their journey, they are ambushed by the armies of the Blackthread Horror who has sworn vengeance for its earlier defeat at the hands of the dwarven army.

Camping one night with only scouts on perimeter defenses, the Blackthread giant rat-Horror personally leads an attack upon the sleeping dwarves. The creature calls forth a magical darkness that causes those within it to magically fatigue very quickly and follows that by summoning demonic bat-like soldiers from the depths of Ceridwen’s hells.

This raid proves very successful and before the dwarves are able to awaken, regroup and organize themselves, many of their members lie dead and dismembered or are completely missing, presumed to have been dragged into the darkness.

The next morning the Throalic army finds little evidence of the Blackthread Horror or its army and is forced to resume its trek south to relieve the soldiers of Kirgleezi. Almost a week later, their scouts report that the Blackthread army is encamped in their path, apparently awaiting the Throalic soldiers.

The two armies engage in a series of posturing maneuvers, the Blackthreads apparently unwilling to engage the dwarven army. This changes when the sun sets and suddenly giant rats similar to those seen in the last assault appear suddenly at the flank and rear of the dwarven army, swarming the armoured crossbowmen. Simultaneously, the Blackthread ‘ogre-like’ creatures charge the Throalic ranks. A vicious melee erupts. Fortunately for the Throalic soldiers, their war-dogs make quick work of the attacking rats and their newly trained elite boar-riding cavalry is able to win the battle on their right flank and take the battle to the unprotected rear of the Blackthread forces. The dwarven crossbowmen follow the cavalry in a wide rightward flanking maneuver and soon enough they are firing upon the unprotected flanks and rear of the Blackthread soldiers. The maneuver wins the day and the Blackthread forces are forced to flee the field, losing many soldiers as they do so.

A series of much more limited engagements, almost all ambushes (or attempted ambushes) does little to gain victory for the Blackthread soldiers but does result in an accumulation of attrition within the dwarven army and slows them down considerably. Battling their way through the last of the ambush attempts, the Throalic soldiers arrive at Krigleezi only to find crumbled walls and empty buildings. They are too late. The return march is surprisingly uneventful.

Throalic soldiers gain experience, suffer losses. Continued losses do much to demoralize and discourage Throalic citizens and their trust in their king. Effects of indignant opposition increases by ‘-1 governance’.

Hippus Undead Turn Their Attentions Eastwards, Lay Siege to Palitante Fortress

In late winter of 1128, the undead hippus horsemen return to the Palitante still celebrating their successful operations against the Throalic town of Krigleezi. This time they are much more careful, approaching on a wide front and actively searching the grasslands for any ambushing forces as they approach. As they do so, the Palitante enact their own little trick, pulling previously unseen infantry into their fortress and surprising the undead hippus with unexpectedly high number of defenders.

The undead are not eager to storm the fotress however and instead form a wide siege barrier all around the fortress. They even begin construction of trenches and their own series of temporary fortifications including objects that look a lot like doors taken off their hinges and mounted at the top of trenches. Presumably these will serve as arrow guards.

During the days the undead are mostly inactive and sort of slump into a watching and waiting posture- perhaps they even sleep. But at night, they continue with their fortifications and preparations, extending their trench system and hauling more lumber from the area for unknown reasons. Riders occasionally ride into range of the Palitante fort and try to shower them with javelins but these are usually answered with extensive sling-stones and arrows and the riders quickly retreat. The same fate falls upon unmounted Hippus archers who attempt to close to firing range.

For now, the Hippus forces are content to lay siege to the hill-top fort town, perhaps hoping to starve the defenders out. As winter turns to spring and spring to summer, the captain Alastor deems the weather right to attempt to use flame to drive the hippus away. They fire arrow after arrow of flaming pitch-covered missiles into the eastern grasses on a warm, dry day when the wind blows eastwards. Sure enough the flames soon erupt and spread with the wind. Though the flames catch some of the undead infantry and archers, the hippus, for the most part, calmly regroup and pull their forces south and north, await the passage of the flames, and return to their trenches.

Two years pass and the fort remains under siege. Food reserves in the fort are plentiful and they can hold out for one more year and fresh water is easily available from multiple wells, but how will this stalemate resolve?

Palitante lose 1 gold in lost tax revenue. Palitante army of Alastor cannot be added to until siege is broken (though additional troops can be hired and commanded by Mr. Default to assist in the siege). Failure to end the siege within a year wil force a confrontation.

Tabba Ghut Suffer the Curse of Oghma’s Mists

The Tabba Ghut come to an agreement with ‘the Keeper’, and arrange to explore the library. They gain much knowledge from the ancient tombs but in 1121, the scholars and scribes exploring the ancient monastery do not return. New scholars are sent into the depths, this time with bodyguards and they find the scholars shuffling about the library in the same uniforms that the skeletal librarians wear. When questioned, they do not recognize their friends and comrades and are mostly oblivious to them, instead focusing their attention on cataloging books, repairing binding and somehow copying scrolls in perfect blindness. Later scholars are able to determine that somehow the scribes were affected by the forgetting mists of Oghma’s heavens though how this occurred remains unknown. Questioning ‘the Keeper’ reveals that the entity does not recall having made any agreements with the Tabba Ghut and does not recall them ever having breached the walls of the monastery- saying only that he is the keeper of the sacred temple and must protect ‘the sleepers’. Diplomats repeat the messages of the previous year and soon scholars are free to both explore the library and to examine their friends. It soon turns out that their scholar friends turned librarians are very different. The no longer sleep or eat and in fact their bodies soon begin to rot and decompose. Soon those scholars examining the books are unsure of their own fate. Will the strange mind-stealing mists return? If so, when?

As the anniversary of the first ‘effect’ approaches, many scholars grow nervous and withdraw from the underground monastery, suspicious of another ‘attack’. Those that remain, remain too long. Not on the solar anniversary of the ‘event’ but on the lunar anniversary thereof, new mists flow from the books and throughout the library and quickly reduce those scholars present to similar vegetative librarians.

Despite these loses, the mechanics of the tomb’s defense are now clear and each year the scholars studying the texts withdraw themselves from the monastery, await the passing of the lunar new year, return to the ‘Keeper’, introduce themselves again, arrange to view the books and scrolls and continue with their studies.

Amongst some of their number are those who are ‘enlightened’ by what they read and form themselves into the ‘Order of the Mists’ a religious cult dedicated to knowledge and to Oghma.

Tabba Ghut gain building ‘Oghma’s Monastery’ which produces 3 research per turn and costs 1 gold per turn in upkeep. They can choose to refuse to pay the upkeep and not use the 3 research in any given turn (ie- not outfit scholars to explore the monastery).

Kharkush and Nozkam Legon Mount United Strike on Gibbering Grey Shadows

Despite the repeated raids upon their perimeters, the Kharkush, under command of the Strongest Son, decide to take the battle to the enemy. They have made arrangements with the Nozkam Legon and if successful might rid themselves of a thorn, too long in their side.

The expedition starts out rather disastrously as the Kharkush forces march into the northern wildlands and the gibbering grey shadows allow them to pass and fall upon the unprotected sisters and daughters of the soldiers, carrying many into the dark night.

The Strongest Son orders the recovery of his daughters and sisters and sets out after them, but not without first diverting resources to the construction of a palisade to defend the women-folk.

Now marching on a much greater width to prevent any of the Shadows from flanking them and striking at their rear or at the village, the Kharkush are able to make excellent progress into the wildlands, facing the Shadows in occasional limited skirmishers but for the most part approaching unimpeded.

Meanwhile, Nozkam Legon under spearmen commander Juryias spearmen, javelin-throwers and newly trained crossbowmen approach from the east. They too encounter little of the Gibbering Shadows and those they do encounter prove unwilling to face a massed and well-prepared opponent.

The joint armies join forces in the tunnel-ridden forests and assume defensive positions, even building some very rudimentary fortifications. Nighttime hit and run tactics from hundreds of tiny tunnel entrances speak of the presence of the enemy horror-constructs and yet no massive counter-attack occurs.

The joint army prepares pitch and wet foliage to burn at the mouths of many tunnel entrances, hoping to smoke the creatures out. All throughout the forests smoke rises from the ground in tiny cracks and holes. Unfortunately the forest floor is much too porous to smoke out the creatures like that and so, finally, frustrated and desperate, Juryias and the Strongest son decide to take the battle directly to the enemy tunnels.

Now the Gibbering Grey Shadows respond with gusto. Despite their spirited defense, the soldiers of the joint army have blocked their ears with wax to prevent the magical confusion of the creatures and now strike with much greater numbers then ever before. Both armies are used to tunnels and underground, the Nozkam Legon even preferring it to the surface. With Nozkam Legon spearmen leading the way and orc ax ‘runners’ guarding the flanks, the two armies send scores of 12 men teams into the tunnels, each one supported with javelin-throwers, archers and crossbowmen to prevent ambushes and provide extra offensive power. The battes are brutual and last almost two days. Attrition mounts for all but ultimately the well trained, battle-hardened forces of the Strongest Son, who himself wields his tribe’s magical ax and disciplined layered infantry of the forces of Juryias, who well understands this kind of combat suffer least. Finally they arrive at a set of ancient kaer doors. Stealing themselves for the final confrontation, the soldiers open the door and reveal the expected commander, the humanoid figure who had previously killed a ‘Strongest Son’ and sent another Kharkush army fleeing.

Bolts and arrows, javelins and spears fill the air even as the figure raises a finger and utters words of power. The missiles do little though one seems to catch its calf and cause a limp. The words of power send much of the Nozkam and Kharkush forces scurrying in magical terror. Those forces who steal their will continue to press the creature, the Strongest Son again leading the way. The Horror sends out bolts of magical fire and ice, decimating many of the forces that remain. More and more of the javelins, arrows and spears find their mark however. Finally the Strongest Son charges the Horror, swinging high. Simultaneously, a Nozkam spearmen thrusts at the surrounded creature and strikes him in the back of the skull. Though many orc soldiers later recall how the Strongest Son slew the Horror, it was in fact a lowly dwarven spearmen who had done the deed.

As the creatures fades screaming out of phase with the world of Errovus, presumably recalled to the depths of Cerdiwen’s hells, the threat of the Gibbering Grey Shadows is over!

Celebrations ensue.

Exploring the kaer further, both Nozkam and Kharkush prisoners were found. Many were dead though some remained alive, tied to the walls in thick iron chains. All bore signs of torture. They spoke of rites performed upon them to focus the energies of Ceridwen’s blessing and pour her energies into the Horror and its creatures. This is how, apparently, the creature was able to remain amongst the living of Errovus for so long.

Also amongst the tortured kaer, the two armies find much treasure including several hundred suits of very expensive-looking platemail and a magical staff dedicated to spirit magic.

Nozkam Legon Light spear infantry (2 units), light crossbowmen (1 unit) gain experience. Nozkam Legon light infantry (3 units), javelin-skirmishers, light crossbowmen (1 unit) damaged. Juryias gains 1 martial. Kharkush lose 6 food, 4 hammers in lost production (but regain population stolen). Kharkush shorbow skirmisher (1 unit), scouts, orc runner (1 unit) gain experience. All units damaged. United armies uncover 25g worth of treasure, enough armour to upgrade a unit to ‘heavy status’ (though this will require training in wearing and fighting in the armor effectively) and a magical staff capable of casting spirit magic. Congrats.
Update 5: Years 1120-1130: Death of a Horror (continued)

Achatin Donate Food, Intelligence to Undersea Allies

Year after year, the Achatin deliver clay amphorae full of salted mutton and wheat grain to their shores where Aifon soldiers take possession of the donation. They hope that by supplying the Aifons with the food they need to feed their soldiers, the Aifon will be better able to focus on the dreaded Diabhal Iasc.

The plan seems to work for, while bodies of both races float to shore, dead and bloated, no new raids by the Diabhal Iasc target Acahtin shores.

No effect.

Araïlumni of the Sjykalfar Searches for ‘Seeds of Succelus’

Queen Anabella of the Sjykalfar Riaï orders the construction of small marble shrines throughout the burgeoning nation and gives orders to General Araïlumni to take the army and search for ‘the Seeds of Succellus’. With a strange smile on her lips she soon leads the elven army into the southern woods. No messengers return with any news. No villagers tell of rumors they have heard. Seemingly, the forests have completely swallowed up the expedition without any trace.

Military disappears without any communication; Are they returning?

Pisletan Head Councilwoman Succumbs to Serene Despair; Tribes Unable to Choose a Successor

The poetry of the Pilsetan boy continues to inspire strange behavior amongst the Pilsetans, and in 1121, the Pilsetan Head Councilwoman, the official leader of the matriarchal tribal confederacy kills herself by drowning in a woodland stream.

Immediately the tribal leaders turn to the task of finding a successor. Many of the tribes advocate their own candidate above the others, a common occurrence amongst the confederacy. But this time no common choice can be made. Ultimately three tribes come to the fore of the argument, each with their own candidate, and refuse to accept the leadership of the other two major tribes.

The powerful and popular ‘Lion Tribe’ advocates their great warrioress, the finest general the Pilsetan are thought to have produced.

The diplomatic and thoughtful ‘Heron Tribe’ advocates their great diplomat, the finest speaker the Pilsetan are thought to have produced.

The ‘Boar Tribe’ had traditionally been known for their role in managing industry amongst the Pilsetans but in recent years have turned, more and more to the works of the boy poet for inspiration and many now consider the Boar tribe the most pious of the Pilsetans. Their candidate advocates spiritualism and communication with the forest spirits.

Pilsetans gain ‘electoral crisis’ building (-1 governance), receive their choice of three possible replacement to their ‘council head’ leader.

Tabba Ghut Villagers Found Culturally Independent Mining Community

A small group of Tabba Ghut settlers strike out from the Tabba Ghut city, both physically and culturally, when they establish their own small mining community in the mountains of the north-east. They do not advocate independence from Mogag’s leadership or avoidance of tax payments. They are, however, not interested in the ‘Cult of Aeron’ adhered to by many amongst the Tabba Ghut and have sought religious independence to worship and develop culturally independently of the majority of the northern trolls.

The villagers are led by ‘Ukran the Thinker’, a troll who’s name remains mostly unknown outside his small enclave and wants only the chance to develop peacefully, in a manner independent but loyal, to the national identity.

Free mine. Ukran the Thinker may require diplomatic negotiation depending on Mogag’s plans.

Sharad’s Legend Attracts Sycophantic Courtesans and Courtiers

Amongst the Achatin, the legends and tales surrounding their mysterious leader grows and grows and soon young gnomish and dwarven men and women begin to appear in his court, intent on gaining his benevolence and sponsorship. They offer little beyond entertainment and companionship but their mere presence and apparent sophistication could do much to lend an air of sophistication and authority to the gnomish leader.

Will these men and women be dismissed or maintained.

Achatin can choose to dismiss or maintain ‘Courtiers’ modifer to Sharad (+2 salary, -1 governance, +1 culture).


_____Varalae the Troll Released by Pilsetans; Returns to Throal_____

_____Plum Tree Grows Magically in Yard of Ul’dar Ranch-Hand Responsible for Assisting Blackthread ‘Creature’_____

_____Tabba Ghut See No Sign of Ice-Wrym; Mogag Uncharacteristically Silent_____

_____Achatin Raise Bronze Statue Commemorating Soldiers and Civilians Lost to Diabhal Iasc; Plaque Reads, “In remembrance of the brave men who have fought the Diabhal Iasc. They have fallen so we may live.” _____

_____Kraz-Ke-Meka Invest in a New City Hall and Improve Defenses with a Pallisade _____

_____Nozkam Legon Build New City Hall_____

_____Palitante orders construction of City Hall_____

_____Pilseta Raise Monument to ‘Warrior Creed’_____

_____Uld’ar Raise Monument to Vision for Future_____


Spoiler :

later i updated the map to show our the scions of twlight and the pilseta's bigger culture


THOSE THREE PLAYERS WHO DIDN’T MAKE THE ORDERS DUE DATE MUST SUBMIT ORDERS THIS TURN (please do- I really don’t want to lose you as players; I know you are busy but you got to get in on this Sheet ‘k?)
Edit: Ignore what was previously here

Anyways, Death to all who appose the Divine Emperor.
A small group of Tabba Ghut settlers strike out from the Tabba Ghut city, both physically and culturally, when they establish their own small mining community in the mountains of the north-east. They do not advocate independence from Mogag’s leadership or avoidance of tax payments. They are, however, not interested in the ‘Cult of Aeron’ adhered to by many amongst the Tabba Ghut and have sought religious independence to worship and develop culturally independently of the majority of the northern trolls.

Translation: They are not against paying taxes and belonging under us, they just want to be religiously (and culturally) independent? (My English is not good enough to be 100% certain, asking just in case)
is applauding the lone spearman
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