ImmacuNES III: Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy

update is done except for the parts that have to do with ekolite. everyone look at ekolite and tap their foot.

by the way (10 char) Immaculate, every time I see your sig I read the first name as Perfect Batman.

Just sayin...
Haha, now I see it too. Thanks diamondeye!

For once I'm not the last to get my orders in. This is new!
yeah, dyslexia is funny that way :p
looove your story!
and i`m sure we can agree to have a slightly different interpretation on past events, while we still see our cooperation good and fruitful...
people need myths, so no harm will be done if the oral tradition will bent the history a little :)

Edit: and loove the other storys too!!
edit2: should i go to bed now... or still hope for the update? hmmm...:) ?
Haha, yeah, I suppose we'll be able to agree to disagree. Even if mine is the truth, haha! j/k
Update 6: Years 1130-1140: Betrayals and Battle-Lines

“What could I do but go with them, or work for them and my country? The patriot blood of my father was warm in my veins.”

Clara Barton (civil war nurse, founder of the American red cross)​

Combined Uld’ar and Throalic Army Besieges Blackthread Fort

In the spring of 1135 it is perhaps the greatest combined army that has ever assembled that marches upon the fort of the Blackthread Horror. Under the command of the female troll Captain Vivane, the throlic soldiers include scouts, dog-handlers, full-fledged priests of ‘the Runes’, Boar Cavalry, Ax and Spear infantry, crossbowmen and a newly trained, all-human unit of formation swordsmen. The Uld’ar general, his name unknown to the mists of history commands armored spear infantry, javelin and ax skirmishers, and slingers.

Uld’ar Forces Join the Throalic Dwarves in Besieging the Blackthreads

As the combined army approaches the Blackthread fortress, the remaining, mostly depleted forces of the rat-Horror attempt several hit and run strikes against the massed forces but these prove almost universally ineffective against the well armed, well trained and well-led forces.

Finally reaching the fortress, the priests of ‘the Runes’ call upon Killmorph’s blessing to tear down the walls of the fort in a mere day. The next day the invading army will engage the fortress itself.

Night falls and the Blackthread creatures mount a counterstrike. The numbers of ogre-like Blackthread creatures are few, depleted in decades past and in recent failed raids upon the approaching army, and the rat-Horror calls upon its magiks to fight the invaders.

The Rat-Horror Summons Creatures from Ceridwen’s Hells to Fight Dwarves and Orcs from the North

Summoned insect-like and monstrous creatures from the depths of Ceridwen’s Hells are called upon to fight the invaders. The creatures, though impressive, are too few against such numbers. Dwarven and orcish infantry hold the line against the creatures while boar cavalry, ax skirmishers, slingers and crossbowmen flank the creatures and send them back to the hells they came from. The result of the battles, heroic as they may be, are never really in doubt. The remaining Blackthreads are too few, too disorganized. The summoned creatures, though powerful individually and numerous are massively outnumbered by the combined veteran army.

When the army finally fights its way through the summoned creatures, they come to the corrupted kaer from whence the rat-Horror had operated for centuries. Evidence of its dark rituals, twisted and corrupted bodies of tortured Uld’ar and Throalic civilians abound. Like the shadow-horror of the west, it was dependent upon the pain of its victims to remain upon Errovus and its twisted rituals are evidence of this. The last of the Blackthreads defending the fortress are easily swept aside.

When it is all over, the result is almost anti-climatic. The Blackthread influence waned in previous decades and the operation was little more then moping up. Though the rat-Horror is never found, its treasures are and soon the soldiers are celebrating their victory.

Twenty-six gold found. Throalic dwaven crossbowmen gain experience. Two units of throalic ax and shield infantry damaged. Uld’ar spear and shield infantry damaged. Uldar spear and shield infantry, slingers gain experience.

Battle at Melton Hill

Within the Palitante fortress at Melton Hill, spirits are beginning to deteriorate. Though there is food and water, occasional bouts of the ‘pale fever’ strike seemingly at random and do little to break the unease or anxiety of those forces under General Alastor. Though the undead siege is tight, a river running to the north of the fortress and abutting the palisade allows for messengers to sneak out of and into the fort. Thye report that it seems that there will be no aid forthcoming from Palisper and the command of Isidor. Instead, rather ominously, rumors begin to circulate within the fort that a wooden palisade is being erected around Palisper; Did Isidor already consider the fort at Melton Hill lost?

Undead Horsemen Wait in the Winter Night

Beyond the walls of the fort, the undead continue to fell lumber, piling it beyond the ditch and fortifications they had erected in months past. The snow continues to fall and the chill of winter is in the air when one evening there is a general commotion on the undead line. The Palitante ‘Chosen’ are sent to investigate and soon discover that the undead infantry and archers seem to be rearranging their lines, falling back beyond the ditch and reforming in the mysterious snow-drenched darkness beyond. At the same time, a great creaking is heard from the south and suddenly the first of many mangonel-thrown grapeshot volleys lands amongst the shocked Palitante forces. Shocked and wounded, the soldiers take cover as best they can as the grapeshot continues to fall around them. Those soldiers manning the walls cannot see beyond the thick snowfall and the darkness to determine the numbers of siege equipment or their location but their ominous ‘creak, creak, whoosh’ as they launch each new volley can be heard despite the screams of wounded soldiers and civilians.

Even as the Palitante soldiers begin to form up adequate cover to protect themselves from the anti-personnel fire, new rounds begin to fall upon the fortress walls, these not grapeshot but solid boulders meant to batter down the fort’s walls. Alastor orders his soldiers to ready themselves for the charge of the enemy. Slingers and shortbow archers mount the walls, peering through the snow-filled darkness for any sign of the enemy. Sure enough, the vague outlines of undead archers soon appear and send arrows flying at the soldiers manning the wall. The Palitante answer with their own missiles as each side attempts to outshoot the other even as the fortress walls contnue to crumble around the defenders.

Suddenly, from the north of the fort a panic-stricken cry rises into the softly falling snow; its seems that the siege and missile assault on the southern wall was meant mostly to reduce the number of sentries overlooking the northern river. Skeletal troops, unfeeling of the winter cold and without a need to breath had travelling along the river’s bottom even as the mangonel pounded upon the fortress and finally, reaching the fortress, scaled its walls with previously constructed ladders they brought with them. And now they were IN.

Confusion and panic threaten to overtake the defenders but Alastor is a competent general and his soldiers have experienced battle before. The elite Chosen are the first to turn upon the northern flank and do much to stem the tide of invaders as the ax and spear-wielding infantry turn their attention to the undead infantry as they pour over the wall. The battle is rather even, the undead possessing superior numbers but the Palitante ‘Chosen’ fighting with superhuman strength and speed.

Meanwhile at the southern wall news of the breach on the far side of the fort reaches the besieging undead and a unit of armored undead spearmen appear from the swirling snow wielding another massive bronze battering ram. Like the one used against the dwarves of Throal it is impressively cast to appear as a beast’s head with fiery pitch in its gaping jaws. Even as they rush forward a well placed mangonel-flung boulder knocks down an entire section of the battered fort’s wall. The undead drop their ram and throw themselves against the fort with renewed vigor. The cry goes up that the wall is falling and from the direction of the mangonel fire the rhythmic beat of undead hooves can be heard on the cold earth. Those with the keenest eyes can see how the undead have used their ‘door-like arrow covers’ to form temporary bridges to cross the moat and ditch of the fortress.

Slingers and archers call for their infantry to return to the breach even as they rain (renewed) death upon the charging mass of infantry, cavalry and archers. The infantry however, are occupied fighting the undead that have scaled the northern walls. The fight is gradually turning in favor of the Palitante infantry, in no small way thanks to the Chosen and so Alastor dispatches the fast-moving elite Chosen to protect the archers on the southern wall. The Chosen arrive just in time to see the undead infantry fighting the Palitante archers and slingers in a desperate melee on the fortress walls, the undead archers from rooftop positions near the breach in the wall and the undead cavalry streaming through the streets directly into the reinforcing Chosen.

The Chosen do what they can to stop the cavalry but they are few, and though elite, unfit for fighting massed enemy units without support. To the north, without the support of the Chosen, the Paltitante infantry finally breaks and routs when Alastor falls to a well-placed sword-blow, his ancient and magical banner falling into the snow beside him. On the walls the archers and slingers have little room to run and they fight to the death, bringing many of the enemy with them but ultimately pay what price they must. The Chosen, seeing the battle lost, join what infantry remains and flee.

When it is over, only the undead stand tall over Melton Hill.

A Victorious Undead Soldier Surveys the Battlefield of Metlon Hill

Even as the survivors of the battle at Melton Hill return to Palisper in an attempt to regroup therein, the undead cavalry begin to sweep across the countryside, dragging thousands of villagers into the dark of the night. Entire communities are depopulated as the undead move with vicious speed and ferocity, those survivors that escape their grasp fleeing to the city also.

Soon enough the undead army begins to form on the horizon of Palisper proper, their siegecraft leading the way, their cavalry and infantry guarding their flanks. Over the coming weeks they again begin to erect their own fortifications and ditches opposite those of the defenders of the human city.

Then the mangonels begin their relentless assault upon the newly constructed walls of the palisade. Desperate, Isidor orders the remaining slingers to fire on the undead manning the siege equipment but the range is too great. Undead archers, unafraid of the relatively few remaining Palitante archers or slingers join the mangonels in their assault.

Then it stops. Suddenly and without expectation a cry goes up from the ranks of the undead Hippus. The cavalry turn and charge off into the east. Infantry and archers follow close behind them. Even the siege engineers leave their precious mangonels behind as they join their comrades in their sudden and unexplained eastward charge.

Palisper population increases by 1 (fed by fleeing refugees). Both farm populations reduced to zero (and need a 4 hammer and 2 food investment to return to population 1). Fort destroyed. Chosen, spear and shield infantry, shield and ax infantry, slingers skirmishers damaged. Slinger skirmishers, shortbow archers destroyed. Captain Alastor killed. Magic banner lost. Four hammers retrieved from ruins of lost fort.

Kraz-Ke-Meka Raid Undead Fort

For the Kraz-ke-Meka little is known of the troubles the Palitante suffer. To date, little (apparent) diplomatic contact exists between the two neighboring human nations. When rumors begin to circulate that the undead army is engaged against both the dwarves of Throal in the east and the human Palitante in the north, the Kraz are quick to take advantage of the opening and march against the undead and enact a bit of well-deserved vengeance.

The Kraz army is led by scouts and consists of a central core of crossbowmen and javelineers protected by a cauldron of spearmen, pikemen and golem soldiers. Though not terribly mobile, the armored infantry are a nearly immovable force while the crossbowmen and javelineers provide some capacity to strike from a distance. They march in early spring and quickly find ample evidence of the Hippus undead. Logging and mining operations manned by civilian undead are disrupted, their workers crushed beneath iron-shod Kraz boots. This of course causes the Hippus messengers to stream westwards to recall their army to the defense of their industrial holdings.

As the Kraz close into range of the barracks, forges and tanners of the undead Hippus, they find little defenses and soon begin a systematic destruction of their industrial production. This goes on for nearly a week before the first of the fast-riding undead horsemen finally return. These charge the Kraz, throwing javelins as they do but the Kraz scouts have alerted their main army to the returning danger and the Kraz are awaiting the horsemen and answer their javelins with their own and with volley after volley of crossbow bolts. The undead cavalry, facing an enemy that directly threatens their heartland cannot play a game of attacking and retreating. They must defeat the Kraz and regain their homeland, twisted as it might be. And so after nearly two days of maneuvering and desperate cavalry charges, the battle is decisive and the Kraz are victorious. But soon the Kraz scouts hear of more returning undead warriors, these more capable of prolonged engagement. The leader of the Kraz orders his forces to pillage what they can and soon they return to Meka village, victorious for the first time.

Kraz-ke-Meka gain a military leader, Julien the Piker with standard default stats but reduced salary. Kraz spearmen damaged. Kraz spearmen, pikemen gain experience. Kraz gain 7 hammers and 2 gold in pillage.
Update 6: Years 1130-1140: Betrayals and Battle-Lines

Aifons Strike First; Patrians Fleet Sunk

In 1136 Patrian ships are sighted by Sjykalfar foragers and hunters beyond their western hills. The ships are heading north, on their way towards the ‘Achatin peninsula’. They never arrive. In the narrow straits between the Sjykalfar forests and the isle to its west, Aifons employ shadow and mind illusions to magically lure the Patrian ships into the rocky shoreline and sink their vessels.

Aifons use shadow and mind magic to lure Patrian sailors to a watery death.

Most sailors either drown or are slain by the Aifons. A select few wash ashore and find themselves not far from the Sjykalfar countryside. Following the smell of wood-smoke and mining operations, these southern sailors soon arrive at the court of the Sjykalfar matriarch, Princess Anabella.

None of the surviving sailors are high-ranking officers and so cannot properly answer the inquiries of the elfin court vis-à-vis their purpose beyond the Sjykalfar shores. They do know however that the southern island of Vivane is being rebuilt by the Patrians, the kaer of ‘Skypoint’ having succumbed to the Horrors during the scourge. They speak casually of returning Barsaive to Patrian control and assume the elves would welcome the return of their historical ‘masters’.

Meanwhile, to the east, the Pilseta also make contact with the Patrian ships.

Patrian ships are sighted off the Pilsetan coast.

At first very wary of the human ships beyond their shore, the Heron Tribe Representative, current governess of the Pilsetan nation, eventually decides on accepting their diplomatic envoys and soon enough the Pilsetan council is involved in full diplomatic negotiations with the Patrian envoys. What they discuss or have decided is unknown to any though soon enough Patrian ships begin to make regular visits to the Pilisetan shores, unloading and off-loading unknown cargo. Meanwhile the Pilsetan army undergoes a considerable push to train and equip new soldiers. Perhaps reassuringly, especially for the elves of Sjykalfar and the city-state of Throal, their training and weapons are Pilsetan and not imported from the Patrians.

No real effect for any player nations.

(too bad you left this turn Orangelex44- I was curious as to how you would have handled this. [beg]Please come back[/beg])

Suicides Continue to Haunt the Pilsetans

Many Pilsetans have accepted that the poetry of the boy-child which once haunted so many of their dreams and sent many into the woods never to return and still more to kill themselves as a danger to their society; Most of the copies of the poems have been destroyed or hidden away.

But that doesn’t mean they have disappeared. The Boar Tribe matriarch is the most recent high-ranking official to serenely, and with a spiritual calm many would envy, kill herself. She does so by jumping from a high mountain cliff edge not far from a newly constructed ferrite mine.

The serenely calm spiritual journey of a Pilsetan suicide.

The suicide is enough to make many young Pilsetan women curious of what their mothers are hiding from them and soon enough snippets of the poems are being circulated throughout the tribes. Perhaps it is some childish ‘fad’ or perhaps it is the magicks of the poetry and of the forest it continually refers to but soon enough many other young woman are following the Boar Tribe matriarch to their death.

Boar Tribe candidate no longer available as a leader. Pilsetan growth rate reduced by 0.1 from sheer number of young suicides.

The Araïlumni Returns; Challenges Riaï Court

Early in the spring of 1136, The Araïlumni returns from her journey in the southern forests, both she and her army glowing with a sense of triumph and speaking of success in their mission. The missing general marches her forces directly to the gates of the Riaï court and in a shockingly disrespectful maneuver, calls for Princess Anabella to come to her.

The theatrical act not only shocks the Riaï court, it shocks all who hear her. Gathering around, they see her gesture to a maple seed she holds and call out, “This is the forgiveness of our lord. Succellus has not abandoned his children- the elves,” this to the crowd. “During the scourge, plants, animals, everything that was upon these lands was consumed. There was naught but bare land, charred and burnt. And roving bands of horrors, demons from the depths of the dark lady's hell." She motions grandly to the tall trees around the area, to the tiger that always seems to follow her, "These beautiful things, life itself, comes from Succellus, the lord of life and rebirth. For Succellus descended from the heavens and walked upon this earth. He fought the dark angel Kanna and her horde of horrors and was, in turn slain. But in death, Succellus spread the seeds of new life across this earth. It is from these seeds that we have trees, fruit, grain, fish, deer, everything."

Turning on the cloaked Riaï, she continues, "It is not Succellus who has abandoned us…" a dramatic pause, an unspoken continuation of this thought. "Our god gave his very life so that we may live. And now, our matriarch holds the key to our forgiveness. Princess Anabella, will you plant the seeds of a new era? Will you lead your people under the lord that created us all?"

Anabella stands as if paralyzed for a second, before nodding and responding;

"And like any who fell to defend the Sjykalfar, Succellus will forever be remembered in our hearts as the martyr that he was, and as a champion of good. I do not deny your tale, neither the deeds of you or of Succellus." She fixates her gaze on the seed and lifts it into the air. "Yes, I will plant the seed to a new era. It may be said that Succellus' sacrifice itself did spark the coming of this age, for it shall be an age without gods."

This comment does of course shock everyone present, but Anabella gestures with her hand and the closest guards quickly move to the sides of the Arailumni and restricts her. "I am sorry, sister, that I have to do this after you have brought me such beneficial a report, but I explicitly told you that crossing my order again meant death. You took with you every able soldier of my people for this picnic, leaving our people unprotected! And for what, an acorn and a report of what we already knew; that Succellus had fallen!"

She turns and looks directly at the Arailumni, cutting of an eventual reply; "The penalty of treason is your punishment; Death. Remove this woman from my sight and put her to the blade."

She then turns on the "victorious" army that returned home with the Araïlumni, and spoke again, this time in a higher voice that all may hear her; "Your general has disobeyed a direct order by taking her army, the only defenses that we had against the horrors of the wild, and striking out her own course. She has been condemned to death for this treasonous act. This punishment should be directly extendable to all those who followed her irresponsible course, but know that I am a merciful Princess; One tenth of you shall bode the punishment that it would be just to extend to all; your formations are to be decimated.

"Every tenth man is to be executed by his fellow comrades, and they must execute this punishment only by their own fists, with no weapons to quicken their penalty. Disobedience to this direct order is punishable by death.

"Furthermore, you shall all serve under the Shadow General from now on, and merge with his army. He will see to it that you will execute the order now given, and that you will not again disobey a direct order from the crown. This audience is over."

The response is like a match on dry tinder. A cry goes up from the crowd, many draw swords, knives, any weapon they can. Soldiers look to each other in confusion and desperation.

The Araïlumni, her arms gripped by two of the most loyal of the Shadow General’s soldiers, turns to the crowds, “The Emerald Plague is the mark of the dark angel Kanna! Your princess is an apostate! The riaï are apostates. Only Succellus can return us to our…” Her words are cut off with a fist to her stomach.

All around the crowd uncertainty and doubt flicker from eye to eye. Where do the people’s loyalty lie? Suddenly one of the soldiers returning from the southern journey, a swordsman, raises his blade and shouts above the crowd, “Long live the Araïlumni! Long live the Tearwillow!” Moments later a beautifully crafted javelin passes through his neck and he falls, his sword still raised. Very clear battle lines soon begin to form, those elves loyal to the riaï court and their princess crowding around the dark-clad nobility. The returning army of the Araïlumni loyalties are divided but those loyal to the Araïlumni form the core of her supporters. More javelins fly and soon the guards holding the chestnut-haired general fall, their brothers falling back before the onslaught of the rebel soldiers as they fight to free their beloved general.

Just as it appears that civil war will consume the burgeoning elven people before they truly take their first steps, the Araïlumni raises her staff and calls upon her piety and devotion to the fallen lord of the forests. All around the plaza, trees and grasses, shrubbery and vines come alive, growing at an astronomical rate and quickly entangle the soldiers loyal to the riaï court. The rebel general and her soldiers take the opportunity to make their escape.

The Araïlumni uses Nature Magicks to Escape The Sjykalfar and their Princess

In the months that follow, Princess Anabella, though outwardly as calm and serene as ever, is rumored to be plagued with frustration and anxiety. The soldiers that followed the rebel general are some of the best the elven nation has trained; they are certainly the most experienced. The shadow general, though loyal, is not the strategist or tactician that the Araïlumni was. For now the princess does not send her own soldiers to pursue the rebels through the forests. Especially not when she hears news of military build-up and Patrian advisors amongst the Pilsetans.

One good thing comes from this mess however; the Riaï are united like never before and soon a council thereof provide their best tacticians and minds to the assistance of the princess so that she might best deal with the difficult situation.

The Sjykalfar light infantry: sword and shield, skirmishers: javelin, and scouts are all damaged (their numbers drastically reduced by the mass rebellion that swept their ranks). One farm loses 1 population and fort population reduced to zero (as families and sympathetic-minded elves join the rebels in the forest) (fort population can be recovered with 3 food). Princess Anabella gains ‘riaï council’ which will affect her stats and which Diamondeye is free to dismiss or maintain.

In Utilica, Popular Emperor Returns to Steer Economic Recovery, Found Temple

Even as the departing Scions of Twilight magically summon winter snows to cover the fortress they lost and bury their brothers in Mulkjrn’s icy blanket, a new evil is besieging the undefended southern villages of the Utilicans. Human slavers sharing the culture and language of the Utilicans raid farms and flax plantations carrying away hundreds of people and causing much devastation.

These actions send the newly emergent markets of the Utilican people into a tailspin- much of their trade is in linen cloth and flax oil and the sudden drop in availability does much to destablize their major source of income. The common village-folk hold the merchant council at fault of course. They are specialists traders and merchants, they collect fat pay-checks from the taxes the people pay and yet they cannot even manage the markets they are supposed to be specialized in? This frustrates and infuriates many minor traders and most commoners so when the Utilican emperor returns at the head of a victorious army and reclaims the reins of the ‘mismanaged’ situation, he is again seen as a savior. The legend of the divine emperor grows and grows and under his influence, the city thrives.

In addition to economic recovery, the Emperor orders the construction of a temple to the Cult of Flesh. The temple soon becomes a favorite haunt for many of the aristocrats that were once only encountered amongst their isolated estates. They view the temple as their private playground and soon hedonistic parties and festivals dedicated to gratification of the flesh are the norm amongst the temple.

One woman, Ekella the Flagellant, an odd name for a woman who would never mar her own flesh, rises from the rest and seems to speak for the aristocrats in matters regarding the temple and its faith. She is an impulsive cruel woman with a taste for violence and the money and influence to gratify her every whim.

Ekella the Flagellant Never Denies Her Flesh its Lusts

There are some that say she will soon be appointed by the Divine Emperor Flavorus as the first high priestess.

Farm, plantation lose 1 population each. Utilica loses 3 gold due to economic fall-out of suddenly reduced flax production.

Foreign Infiltrators Identified Amongst ‘Brotherhood of Decency’

The Brotherhood of Decency continues its relentless rhetoric and political assault against the king of Throal, continuing accusations of improper conduct, military and economic mismanagement and abandonment of the path of ‘the Runes’.

An inquiry by the Throalic royal guard of the Brotherhood soon reveals that its highest ranking officials have been meeting secretly with foreigners who have provided support and funds to their project. King Valarus is understandably incensed and orders a military crack-down on the top officials, attempting to time it such that they can capture the foreigners as they do.

Unfortunately for the Throalic king, while the arrests are successful, they are unable to capture the foreigner who quickly reveals himself to be a very adept assassin and spy when he kills several of the royal guard and mounts an aerobatic escape along the city’s roofs.

Immediately all priests of Killmorph associated with the Brotherhood make a public apology to the King and publicly denounce the Brotherhood as a tool of foreign powers to bring down the kingship. Many other members however, have truly bought into the rhetoric and see the arrests and a crackdown as evidence that the ’foreign spy’ is the king’s attempt to find a scapegoat for problems he has created.

Amongst the general population however, the public shaming of the Brotherhood has led, mostly, to the question of which foreign nation is most interested in destabilizing the nation. The man was human, though beyond that, little is known.

Effects of the Brotherhood of Decency’ greatly reduced as King Vallarus puts down the foreign-inspired rumors.

Rumors of Disloyalty Rise Amongst the Tabba Ghut

Ukran the thinker’s philosophies regarding an independent culture within the Tabba Ghut nation as well as the rise of the Order of Oghma amongst scholars is seen by some amongst the leadership as potentially dangerous to the ways of the troll clan.

In response, Mogag the Ironwill makes personal visits to the independent-minded village and engages in nationalistic oratory. He also orders mock battles be carried out within the village, a celebration of the brave men and women who fought off the ice-wyrm in ages past. He even brings the artifact of the wyrm’s wing to display amongst Ukran’s people.

Additionally, the government does much to invest in isolating and marginalizing the ‘dangerous cult to a mad god’ by providing its members with housing very near their precious books but distant from the rest of the Tabba Ghut people. They are given the tools and material they need for research, and sure enough, happy to, if you’ll forgive the pun, forget themselves in their work, their faith does not spread beyond their numbers.

Despite the relative success with the Order of Oghma members, many of Ukran’s followers are only frustrated by the attentions paid to them by the Tabba Ghut leadership. They want only to continue to develop in their own way without interference from the Cult of Aeron or Mogag and his ‘cronies’. Some even whisper their displeasure at these ostentatious displays and the pretentions of their leadership. These comments are overheard by priests of the Cult of Aeron who, for awhile, keep their mouths silent. But upon return to the halls of power, these same priests are quick to point out that the weakness of a divided people endangers it, that the weakness of a people not loyal to their clan’s culture or ways is contrary to the teachings of the church.

One man, Sorgu Soruşturma, seems to speak on behalf of his fellow faithful and is eager to cooperate with Mogag the Ironwill in stamping out the seeds of sedition and treachery before they spread any further.

Tabba Ghut gain ‘Sorgu Soruşturma ‘ as a leader. They may keep him and assign him to a task (such as leading their armies or governing their city) or may dismiss him.

Surviving Krigleezi Explorers Return to Throal

Soldiers and explorers assigned by Prince Yethu to explore the ruins of the breached kaer begin to return to Throal. They meet secretly with King Valarus III and his high council. What they discuss remains a private matter though rumors of renewed expeditions soon circulate wildly throughout the city-state.

No effect.

Leprosy Outbreak Amongst the Uld’ar

The orcish hordes of Uld’ar continues to grow, piling upon themselves and though their leadership consider themselves ‘civilized’ and have progressive views on governance and culture, they are not known for their city development or cleanliness programs. Open sewers running between alleys, three and four story housing with housewives throwing rotten food and human waste into streets combined with a massive urban population density have threatened disease for several decades.

Open Sewers and High Population Density Threatens Disease at Any Moment

That changes when lepers begin to appear on the streets of the great metropolis, soon gathering into colonies segrated from the rest of the population so as to avoid contagion. The diseased are few in number relative to the city’s population but still number in the hundreds.

While most avoid the colonies, a small group of individuals have been seen visiting the colonies; they call themselves the ‘Blossoms of Mercy’ and act as nurses to the sick without seeming to fall ill themselves.

Uld’ar gain ‘leper colony’ building (-1 gold, -1 food, -1 hammers, -1 health).


_____Achatin Continue Donating Foodstuffs to the Aifon Allies; "We Must Aid those Who can Truly Take the Battle to the Corrupted Creatures of the Sea"_____

_____Tradition of Poetry, Story-Telling Amongst Scions of Twilight Attracts Skalds_____

_____Tradition of Poetry Amongst Sjykalfar Attracts Bards_____

_____Nozkam Legon Legend of Silence and Thunder Inspires Soldiers Under Captain Juryias_____

_____Sharad Arunson Darktooth, Thane of the Achat’s Aether Dream Re-Awakens Mystic Will_____

_____Achatin Soldiers Marching to the Aid of Throal and Uld'ar Due to Arrive in Coming Decade; "We're on our way!"_____

_____Scions of Twlight Land Scouts on Eastern Isle; "I wonder what they have found"_____

_____Scions of Twlight Build New Gold Mine; "If only we had markets for this precious ore," one miner is heard to remark._____

_____Tabba Ghut Build New Silver Mine; "If only we had markets for this precious ore," one miner is heard to remark._____

_____Magical Staff Lends Bravery To Courageous Kharkush Soldiers._____

_____Farmer's Guild Forms Amongst Kharkush_____

Spoiler :

edit: Just noticed: i forgot to show the scions of twilight's new mine. i'll include it in the next editions of the map.
Seon, your luck with dice finally turned.

Throal to Uld'ar

We will allow you to keep 10g of the plunder.

Throal, Achatin, Sjykalfar and Pilseta can diplo Patria

Patria to Uld'ar

We had not expected to find a nation as populous and rich as yours at the heart of Barsaive. You have numbers and resources. Will you join with us as your ancestors once did? Together we can grow very rich and powerful.

Patria to the Achatin

The rumors of your association with the Aifons are disturbing. Can this be true?

Patria to the Riai Council and Princess Anabella

We wish to send a formal envoy to your great court. Will you accept this?
Indeed, lol. That was one trick I hadn't expected to happen though :\
Hooray I have good source of ore now.
And now to get the Council set straight
(looks at the dropped mongonels).

Ooh! Ooh! Can I keep them? :D
Spoiler :
Update 5: Years 1130-1140: Betrayals and Battle-Lines

Aifons Strike First; Patrians Fleet Sunk

In 1136 Patrian ships are sighted by Sjykalfar foragers and hunters beyond their western hills. The ships are heading north, on their way towards the ‘Achatin peninsula’. They never arrive. In the narrow straits between the Sjykalfar forests and the isle to its west, Aifons employ shadow and mind illusions to magically lure the Patrian ships into the rocky shoreline and sink their vessels.

Aifons use shadow and mind magic to lure Patrian sailors to a watery death.

Most sailors either drown or are slain by the Aifons. A select few wash ashore and find themselves not far from the Sjykalfar countryside. Following the smell of wood-smoke and mining operations, these southern sailors soon arrive at the court of the Sjykalfar matriarch, Princess Anabella.

None of the surviving sailors are high-ranking officers and so cannot properly answer the inquiries of the elfin court vis-à-vis their purpose beyond the Sjykalfar shores. They do know however that the southern island of Vivane is being rebuilt by the Patrians, the kaer of ‘Skypoint’ having succumbed to the Horrors during the scourge. They speak casually of returning Barsaive to Patrian control and assume the elves would welcome the return of their historical ‘masters’.

Meanwhile, to the east, the Pilseta also make contact with the Patrian ships.

Patrian ships are sighted off the Pilsetan coast.

At first very wary of the human ships beyond their shore, the Heron Tribe Representative, current governess of the Pilsetan nation, eventually decides on accepting their diplomatic envoys and soon enough the Pilsetan council is involved in full diplomatic negotiations with the Patrian envoys. What they discuss or have decided is unknown to any though soon enough Patrian ships begin to make regular visits to the Pilisetan shores, unloading and off-loading unknown cargo. Meanwhile the Pilsetan army undergoes a considerable push to train and equip new soldiers. Perhaps reassuringly, especially for the elves of Sjykalfar and the city-state of Throal, their training and weapons are Pilsetan and not imported from the Patrians.

No real effect for any player nations.

(too bad you left this turn Orangelex44- I was curious as to how you would have handled this. [beg]Please come back[/beg])

Suicides Continue to Haunt the Pilsetans

Many Pilsetans have accepted that the poetry of the boy-child which once haunted so many of their dreams and sent many into the woods never to return and still more to kill themselves as a danger to their society; Most of the copies of the poems have been destroyed or hidden away.

But that doesn’t mean they have disappeared. The Boar Tribe matriarch is the most recent high-ranking official to serenely, and with a spiritual calm many would envy, kill herself. She does so by jumping from a high mountain cliff edge not far from a newly constructed ferrite mine.

The serenely calm spiritual journey of a Pilsetan suicide.

The suicide is enough to make many young Pilsetan women curious of what their mothers are hiding from them and soon enough snippets of the poems are being circulated throughout the tribes. Perhaps it is some childish ‘fad’ or perhaps it is the magicks of the poetry and of the forest it continually refers to but soon enough many other young woman are following the Boar Tribe matriarch to their death.

Boar Tribe candidate no longer available as a leader. Pilsetan growth rate reduced by 0.1 from sheer number of young suicides.

The Araïlumni Returns; Challenges Riaï Court

Early in the spring of 1136, The Araïlumni returns from her journey in the southern forests, both she and her army glowing with a sense of triumph and speaking of success in their mission. The missing general marches her forces directly to the gates of the Riaï court and in a shockingly disrespectful maneuver, calls for Princess Anabella to come to her.

The theatrical act not only shocks the Riaï court, it shocks all who hear her. Gathering around, they see her gesture to a maple seed she holds and call out, “This is the forgiveness of our lord. Succellus has not abandoned his children- the elves,” this to the crowd. “During the scourge, plants, animals, everything that was upon these lands was consumed. There was naught but bare land, charred and burnt. And roving bands of horrors, demons from the depths of the dark lady's hell." She motions grandly to the tall trees around the area, to the tiger that always seems to follow her, "These beautiful things, life itself, comes from Succellus, the lord of life and rebirth. For Succellus descended from the heavens and walked upon this earth. He fought the dark angel Kanna and her horde of horrors and was, in turn slain. But in death, Succellus spread the seeds of new life across this earth. It is from these seeds that we have trees, fruit, grain, fish, deer, everything."

Turning on the cloaked Riaï, she continues, "It is not Succellus who has abandoned us…" a dramatic pause, an unspoken continuation of this thought. "Our god gave his very life so that we may live. And now, our matriarch holds the key to our forgiveness. Princess Anabella, will you plant the seeds of a new era? Will you lead your people under the lord that created us all?"

Anabella stands as if paralyzed for a second, before nodding and responding;

"And like any who fell to defend the Sjykalfar, Succellus will forever be remembered in our hearts as the martyr that he was, and as a champion of good. I do not deny your tale, neither the deeds of you or of Succellus." She fixates her gaze on the seed and lifts it into the air. "Yes, I will plant the seed to a new era. It may be said that Succellus' sacrifice itself did spark the coming of this age, for it shall be an age without gods."

This comment does of course shock everyone present, but Anabella gestures with her hand and the closest guards quickly move to the sides of the Arailumni and restricts her. "I am sorry, sister, that I have to do this after you have brought me such beneficial a report, but I explicitly told you that crossing my order again meant death. You took with you every able soldier of my people for this picnic, leaving our people unprotected! And for what, an acorn and a report of what we already knew; that Succellus had fallen!"

She turns and looks directly at the Arailumni, cutting of an eventual reply; "The penalty of treason is your punishment; Death. Remove this woman from my sight and put her to the blade."

She then turns on the "victorious" army that returned home with the Araïlumni, and spoke again, this time in a higher voice that all may hear her; "Your general has disobeyed a direct order by taking her army, the only defenses that we had against the horrors of the wild, and striking out her own course. She has been condemned to death for this treasonous act. This punishment should be directly extendable to all those who followed her irresponsible course, but know that I am a merciful Princess; One tenth of you shall bode the punishment that it would be just to extend to all; your formations are to be decimated.

"Every tenth man is to be executed by his fellow comrades, and they must execute this punishment only by their own fists, with no weapons to quicken their penalty. Disobedience to this direct order is punishable by death.

"Furthermore, you shall all serve under the Shadow General from now on, and merge with his army. He will see to it that you will execute the order now given, and that you will not again disobey a direct order from the crown. This audience is over."

The response is like a match on dry tinder. A cry goes up from the crowd, many draw swords, knives, any weapon they can. Soldiers look to each other in confusion and desperation.

The Araïlumni, her arms gripped by two of the most loyal of the Shadow General’s soldiers, turns to the crowds, “The Emerald Plague is the mark of the dark angel Kanna! Your princess is an apostate! The riaï are apostates. Only Succellus can return us to our…” Her words are cut off with a fist to her stomach.

All around the crowd uncertainty and doubt flicker from eye to eye. Where do the people’s loyalty lie? Suddenly one of the soldiers returning from the southern journey, a swordsman, raises his blade and shouts above the crowd, “Long live the Araïlumni! Long live the Tearwillow!” Moments later a beautifully crafted javelin passes through his neck and he falls, his sword still raised. Very clear battle lines soon begin to form, those elves loyal to the riaï court and their princess crowding around the dark-clad nobility. The returning army of the Araïlumni loyalties are divided but those loyal to the Araïlumni form the core of her supporters. More javelins fly and soon the guards holding the chestnut-haired general fall, their brothers falling back before the onslaught of the rebel soldiers as they fight to free their beloved general.

Just as it appears that civil war will consume the burgeoning elven people before they truly take their first steps, the Araïlumni raises her staff and calls upon her piety and devotion to the fallen lord of the forests. All around the plaza, trees and grasses, shrubbery and vines come alive, growing at an astronomical rate and quickly entangle the soldiers loyal to the riaï court. The rebel general and her soldiers take the opportunity to make their escape.

The Araïlumni uses Nature Magicks to Escape The Sjykalfar and their Princess

In the months that follow, Princess Anabella, though outwardly as calm and serene as ever, is rumored to be plagued with frustration and anxiety. The soldiers that followed the rebel general are some of the best the elven nation has trained; they are certainly the most experienced. The shadow general, though loyal, is not the strategist or tactician that the Araïlumni was. For now the princess does not send her own soldiers to pursue the rebels through the forests. Especially not when she hears news of military build-up and Patrian advisors amongst the Pilsetans.

One good thing comes from this mess however; the Riaï are united like never before and soon a council thereof provide their best tacticians and minds to the assistance of the princess so that she might best deal with the difficult situation.

The Sjykalfar light infantry: sword and shield, skirmishers: javelin, and scouts are all damaged (their numbers drastically reduced by the mass rebellion that swept their ranks). One farm loses 1 population and fort population reduced to zero (as families and sympathetic-minded elves join the rebels in the forest) (fort population can be recovered with 3 food). Princess Anabella gains ‘riaï council’ which will affect her stats and which Diamondeye is free to dismiss or maintain.

In Utilica, Popular Emperor Returns to Steer Economic Recovery, Found Temple

Even as the departing Scions of Twilight magically summon winter snows to cover the fortress they lost and bury their brothers in Mulkjrn’s icy blanket, a new evil is besieging the undefended southern villages of the Utilicans. Human slavers sharing the culture and language of the Utilicans raid farms and flax plantations carrying away hundreds of people and causing much devastation.

These actions send the newly emergent markets of the Utilican people into a tailspin- much of their trade is in linen cloth and flax oil and the sudden drop in availability does much to destablize their major source of income. The common village-folk hold the merchant council at fault of course. They are specialists traders and merchants, they collect fat pay-checks from the taxes the people pay and yet they cannot even manage the markets they are supposed to be specialized in? This frustrates and infuriates many minor traders and most commoners so when the Utilican emperor returns at the head of a victorious army and reclaims the reins of the ‘mismanaged’ situation, he is again seen as a savior. The legend of the divine emperor grows and grows and under his influence, the city thrives.

In addition to economic recovery, the Emperor orders the construction of a temple to the Cult of Flesh. The temple soon becomes a favorite haunt for many of the aristocrats that were once only encountered amongst their isolated estates. They view the temple as their private playground and soon hedonistic parties and festivals dedicated to gratification of the flesh are the norm amongst the temple.

One woman, Ekella the Flagellant, an odd name for a woman who would never mar her own flesh, rises from the rest and seems to speak for the aristocrats in matters regarding the temple and its faith. She is an impulsive cruel woman with a taste for violence and the money and influence to gratify her every whim.

Ekella the Flagellant Never Denies Her Flesh its Lusts

There are some that say she will soon be appointed by the Divine Emperor Flavorus as the first high priestess.

Farm, plantation lose 1 population each. Utilica loses 3 gold due to economic fall-out of suddenly reduced flax production.

Foreign Infiltrators Identified Amongst ‘Brotherhood of Decency’

The Brotherhood of Decency continues its relentless rhetoric and political assault against the king of Throal, continuing accusations of improper conduct, military and economic mismanagement and abandonment of the path of ‘the Runes’.

An inquiry by the Throalic royal guard of the Brotherhood soon reveals that its highest ranking officials have been meeting secretly with foreigners who have provided support and funds to their project. King Valarus is understandably incensed and orders a military crack-down on the top officials, attempting to time it such that they can capture the foreigners as they do.

Unfortunately for the Throalic king, while the arrests are successful, they are unable to capture the foreigner who quickly reveals himself to be a very adept assassin and spy when he kills several of the royal guard and mounts an aerobatic escape along the city’s roofs.

Immediately all priests of Killmorph associated with the Brotherhood make a public apology to the King and publicly denounce the Brotherhood as a tool of foreign powers to bring down the kingship. Many other members however, have truly bought into the rhetoric and see the arrests and a crackdown as evidence that the ’foreign spy’ is the king’s attempt to find a scapegoat for problems he has created.

Amongst the general population however, the public shaming of the Brotherhood has led, mostly, to the question of which foreign nation is most interested in destabilizing the nation. The man was human, though beyond that, little is known.

Effects of the Brotherhood of Decency’ greatly reduced as King Vallarus puts down the foreign-inspired rumors.

Rumors of Disloyalty Rise Amongst the Tabba Ghut

Ukran the thinker’s philosophies regarding an independent culture within the Tabba Ghut nation as well as the rise of the Order of Oghma amongst scholars is seen by some amongst the leadership as potentially dangerous to the ways of the troll clan.

In response, Mogag the Ironwill makes personal visits to the independent-minded village and engages in nationalistic oratory. He also orders mock battles be carried out within the village, a celebration of the brave men and women who fought off the ice-wyrm in ages past. He even brings the artifact of the wyrm’s wing to display amongst Ukran’s people.

Additionally, the government does much to invest in isolating and marginalizing the ‘dangerous cult to a mad god’ by providing its members with housing very near their precious books but distant from the rest of the Tabba Ghut people. They are given the tools and material they need for research, and sure enough, happy to, if you’ll forgive the pun, forget themselves in their work, their faith does not spread beyond their numbers.

Despite the relative success with the Order of Oghma members, many of Ukran’s followers are only frustrated by the attentions paid to them by the Tabba Ghut leadership. They want only to continue to develop in their own way without interference from the Cult of Aeron or Mogag and his ‘cronies’. Some even whisper their displeasure at these ostentatious displays and the pretentions of their leadership. These comments are overheard by priests of the Cult of Aeron who, for awhile, keep their mouths silent. But upon return to the halls of power, these same priests are quick to point out that the weakness of a divided people endangers it, that the weakness of a people not loyal to their clan’s culture or ways is contrary to the teachings of the church.

One man, Sorgu Soruşturma, seems to speak on behalf of his fellow faithful and is eager to cooperate with Mogag the Ironwill in stamping out the seeds of sedition and treachery before they spread any further.

Tabba Ghut gain ‘Sorgu Soruşturma ‘ as a leader. They may keep him and assign him to a task (such as leading their armies or governing their city) or may dismiss him.

Surviving Krigleezi Explorers Return to Throal

Soldiers and explorers assigned by Prince Yethu to explore the ruins of the breached kaer begin to return to Throal. They meet secretly with King Valarus III and his high council. What they discuss remains a private matter though rumors of renewed expeditions soon circulate wildly throughout the city-state.

No effect.

Leprosy Outbreak Amongst the Uld’ar

The orcish hordes of Uld’ar continues to grow, piling upon themselves and though their leadership consider themselves ‘civilized’ and have progressive views on governance and culture, they are not known for their city development or cleanliness programs. Open sewers running between alleys, three and four story housing with housewives throwing rotten food and human waste into streets combined with a massive urban population density have threatened disease for several decades.

Open Sewers and High Population Density Threatens Disease at Any Moment

That changes when lepers begin to appear on the streets of the great metropolis, soon gathering into colonies segrated from the rest of the population so as to avoid contagion. The diseased are few in number relative to the city’s population but still number in the hundreds.

While most avoid the colonies, a small group of individuals have been seen visiting the colonies; they call themselves the ‘Blossoms of Mercy’ and act as nurses to the sick without seeming to fall ill themselves.

Uld’ar gain ‘leper colony’ building (-1 gold, -1 food, -1 hammers, -1 health).


_____Achatin Continue Donating Foodstuffs to the Aifon Allies; "We Must Aid those Who can Truly Take the Battle to the Corrupted Creatures of the Sea"_____

_____Tradition of Poetry, Story-Telling Amongst Scions of Twilight Attracts Skalds_____

_____Tradition of Poetry Amongst Sjykalfar Attracts Bards_____

_____Nozkam Legon Legend of Silence and Thunder Inspires Soldiers Under Captain Juryias_____

_____Sharad Arunson Darktooth, Thane of the Achat’s Aether Dream Re-Awakens Mystic Will_____

_____Achatin Soldiers Marching to the Aid of Throal and Uld'ar Due to Arrive in Coming Decade; "We're on our way!"_____

_____Scions of Twlight Land Scouts on Eastern Isle; "I wonder what they have found"_____

_____Scions of Twlight Build New Gold Mine; "If only we had markets for this precious ore," one miner is heard to remark._____

_____Tabba Ghut Build New Silver Mine; "If only we had markets for this precious ore," one miner is heard to remark._____

_____Magical Staff Lends Bravery To Courageous Kharkush Soldiers._____

_____Farmer's Guild Forms Amongst Kharkush_____

Spoiler :

reworked picture links for the pleasure of the eye... and nice pictures did you choose immac!

did i took the right ones?
anyway, have i been the only one who could not see se pictures in the original post?
Order effective immidately; Every Patrian to enter Sjykalfar territory is to be summarily executed; Never again shall the Sjykalfar bow to their Patrian slavers!

I believe that answers the only diplomacy currently available to me. Now, to deal with that ***** of an Arailumni..!
Where do you get these pictures from Immac? They're stunning some of them. Really good update by the way.
(looks at the dropped mongonels).

Ooh! Ooh! Can I keep them? :D

yeah, their movement is 1 though.

Where do you get these pictures from Immac? They're stunning some of them. Really good update by the way.

I did a google search of 'fantasy art gallery' then looked through a bunch of pictures on these galleries and copied the locations under different headings within a word document. later, when i did the update, i looked at my list. It took me about 1 night to find about 50 pictures i liked but i actually had a good time doing it so it wasn't a chore.

reworked picture links for the pleasure of the eye... and nice pictures did you choose immac!

did i took the right ones?
anyway, have i been the only one who could not see se pictures in the original post?

Yeah, the pictures are the right ones. I see the pictures on your post also but their sizes seem different- some are bigger and some are smaller. Thank you for doing this for those of you who could not see the artwork.
Order effective immidately; Every Patrian to enter Sjykalfar territory is to be summarily executed; Never again shall the Sjykalfar bow to their Patrian slavers!

I believe that answers the only diplomacy currently available to me. Now, to deal with that ***** of an Arailumni..!

Patria to Sjykalfar
We will allow you your secrecy and isolationism but if you do not return to us our shipwrecked sailors and soldiers we will consider it an act of war!
Uld'ar to Sjykalfar,

I think your actions in relation to the Patriann envoys are hasty and unwise. It would be better for the leaders of Barseive to meet and agree on a combined approach to Patrian Empire. We don't even know what their ambitions are on our continent, or how powerful a threat they represent. If they represent a threat to us at all.
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