Immortal Liz


May 6, 2008
In the clouds
Moving on up to Immortal, comfortable with Emp, time to challenge myself.

All standard settings, nothing ticked. Normal speed, 2 Hemispheres, 6 Random AI.

Rather than have a debate on settling in place etc. i have settled in place. First build is a worker.

Warrior is circling the capital. Have met Justin, his capital is 1SW of the grey arrow, 1S, 1W of the corn.

Techs are Ag- 5 turns for BW. What next?

the world as i know it. Mao has made himself know, arrived on 3S from Cap.

I have Corn/Stone/Cows in the BFC, i'm half expecting a metal/horse 1S of the cap, but not holding my breath. ;)

I'd be very happy for your guidance on the next move; techs, builds and general strat. i have (strangely) queued a 2nd worker, 5 turns to completion. First worker has farmd the corn and will build a plains farm, (Doh)! still 5 turns till chopping time. ;)

View attachment Immortal Liz - KingMorgan BC-3120.CivBeyondSwordSave
Good luck, my experience is that Immortal is very hard.
The main thing I should warn you about in the emperor -> immmortal jump are the barbs. They are vicious, probably more dangerous than the AI. :p You'll start seeing barb archers around 3000 BC... so if you don't get bronze in your capital it's probably a good idea to learn archery!
If you have copper in your capital or in a very close city site, you do not have to go through the Hunting - Archery route (as Joshua mentioned) and you might as well go Animal Husbandry - Wheel. If you do not have copper nearby, then tech Hunting and Archery and grow the capital to size 5 while producing some archers. You seem to have a lot of space to settle your cities so you can create some quick worker/settler combinations in your capital to settle cities and, more importantly, IMPROVE them as soon as possible.
Yay he put a file here. That means it can be shadowed.

oops...gotta finish artichoker's game, immortal U, and that monarch "crap start" over on the BTS discussion board. So many games.
No starting save:cry:?

Did i do that badly? :lol: Sorry have checked and the autosave is already over written.

Fotunatly Bronze pops on the plains tile, ,makes a mess of my nice new farm! Immeaditly mined and Axe queued up.

My techs are Hunt-Ah-TW-Mys-Writ-Mas. I micro manged the forest chops into a settler, too late to claim the pigs. Being wary of border tensions, i settled next to the corn. Another city was built west of the gold. I was hoping to chop out Stonehenge, have a little culture battle, but then i woke up, S/H was long gone. Cities have a monument and Library in progress.

i have maked a spot for city 3, although iron would be required to improve most of it's land, also marked up a clam/gold spot. Is it worth building a city here just to work the gold?

Mids are an option, masonary in 2 turns, can my 2nd city build the mids in time or should the captial take on the task? I'm thinking i need to settle a few more cities, whats your views?

View attachment Imm Liz BC-1320.CivBeyondSwordSave
I think starting on the Pyramids in 1320 BC is a bit late on immortal even if you chop every tree in your vicinity. If you still want to have a shot at them you need the production power of your capital coupled with a lot of chopping. And a bit of luck with the unknown AI's that the likes of Ramesses are not around.

You're probably better off expanding the empire a bit and blocking the AI than trying to have a late shot at a wonder.
I don't play on immortal, but I am wondering if ag-masonry-wheel-bw and chopping out the gw would've been an option here?

edit: also seems like you are working a number of unimproved tiles in the capital bfc?
Just a word of advice - don't farm plains tiles in the early game unless they've got wheat on them. ;)

To be fair, he only had one tile he could potentially improve while waiting for BW (the rest were forested/resource tiles). Possibly it would have been better to have the worker on a forested tile the turn BW came in, but that still would have left it idle for 2 turns.
Gorrable is right, the only work he could do. Not keen on fortifing as i'm a little forgetful. The unimproved tiles you see being worked are from the 2nd city not the cap.

I build the Mids in the second city, couple of chops to help it along. Mainly it was queued for the gold, but i'm happy to have it. Gsci pops, Acda in the cap. Mainly building axes / libraries. open borders with all, Buddism spreads, not yet converted but i suspect i will soon enough. Mapped out a bit more land and settled a city or two. Have settler on the way for gold/fish and all those quality desert tiles. :rolleyes:

I tech Asth for the trade value. couple of turns for Alpha and;

Get a little ripped by Justi, but don't really feel i have a choice.

Empire is growning a little

Building SoZ for the cash, intending to expand a little, maintenance will be a problem, but i need more land. I'm planning a SE under Rep. Mao is spreading like a cheap hoe. He will become a problem shortly i suspect.

It is worth the cost to build a blocker here? It's gonna kill maintenance wise, but would seal some resonable spots.

Again, any and all advice considered and requested.

View attachment Immortal Liz BC-0075.CivBeyondSwordSave
I think maybe a warrior first while growing the city to size 2 and then producing a worker would have been better. Then again, it's past us so let's look at what you've got now:

-Plenty of land
-2 neighbors with the same religion

This calls for a SE as you said with farms. With all that land, I think you should expand to the fullest, which means, yes, you should found the blocking city. War can wait until later, as if you attack any one of the AI's the other will get mad, unless Mao's threshold for shared religion is extremely small.

Also, keep an axemen near Carib.
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