Imperium Off Topicum - The Enlightenment


President of the United States
Apr 29, 2010
The West Wing
The year is 1720 AD. From the old order of empires new nations are rising, great leaders taking the fore in commanding the fates of their realms. The fear not the tests on the horizon, nor the foes at the gates. In the end, they are determined to prevail and create the strongest nation on the face of the planet.

You are one of those leaders. Will your nation stand the bitter infighting of the Enlightenment?

The Rules

Note: all rules are subject to change, so please keep an eye out for them. Thanks.

House Rules:

1. Do not flame, troll, or personally insult any other player OOC or IC. At all. You may comment on certain things negatively, but don't take it further than that.
2. Stay on topic. Make sure all comments are relevant to the fictional world of the current IOT and have nothing to do with your personal religious/political beliefs.
3. Your posts should actually consist of something relevant to your nation and not just one-liner comments. Do not spam.
4. Long diplomatic discussions belong to the realms of Social Groups or visitor and private messaging, not the Game Thread.
5. No powergaming. By definition, powergaming is making your country surpass every other country by all terms including armed forces, technology, etc.
6. The GM is supreme. He reserves the right to change game rules, ignore or modify orders, impose restrictions on players, disband player nations, and so on.
8. If you have an issue with the way I GM this game, PM me with your issue before making a big stink about it.
9. Posting in this thread or the claims thread, PMing a player of this game for any IOTE-related reason, or performing ANY sort of interaction with this game WHATSOEVER is declaring that you have read and understood the rules to the letter.

I'll usually warn players first if they break the rules. If they break the rules repeatedly, then I'll apply this:

1st Strike: Player is suspended from the game for one turn.
2nd Strike: Player is suspended from the game for three turns.
3rd Strike: Player nation dissolved, and the player banned from ever rejoining.

I reserve the right to ignore this policy for players who really piss me off, and kick them out of the game instantly.

Inactive players (AWOL for more than 3 turns) risk facing the Wrath of the GM (WoG) ie having their nation disbanded. These players can rejoin the game, but their old territories won't be restored to them; they'll start off with 2 claims like every new player.

Joining the Game:

To join the game, first choose a nation name and colour to represent your realms. Perhaps tell us a bit about your nation; your government, policies, history, and so on. Claim any two provinces on the map, with the condition that they either have to be contiguous or on the coast. After that, choose one of these three specialties:

Wooden Ships and Iron Men - Sea morale checks are 1D6 instead of 1D4.
A New Breed of Officer - You gain +3 instead of +2 from land Morale, and +4 instead of +3 from a 6 on your land Morale check.
Industrial Heritage - one extra IP per turn.


IOTE is a turn-based game. Each turn ends and a new turn begins with an Update. Updates will be rather irregular, but I will never update within 24 hours of a previous update. So, it is best to get your claims and orders in the first 24 hours of the turn.

I will make another thread, a Claims Thread, for claims and any orders and important announcements you want to post publicly. If there's anything really important you don't want me to miss come update time, post it in that thread. There is a zero tolerance policy on any diplomacy or OT talk in the Claims Thread.


Roleplaying is the essence of IOT. It’s how your nation develops. It’s how alliances are formed and broken. Roleplaying is very encouraged. Feel free to inhabit your nation with whoever or whatever you want, provided it fits with the setting and the etiquette listed above. If you're in doubt as to whether you're allowed to do something, just PM me about it first.


This is a rather simple issue. All territories are counted as nations. (Beyond your starting claims, of course)If a territory is unclaimed, there are three ways to take it over.

1) - Invasion. Basically akin to attacking another nation's territory, only you fight against neutrals who won't pursue a war.
2) - Liberation. If a nation you're at war with invades a nuetral territory that is contiguous with yours, there is a 50-50 chance that it will join your nation. If you have a fleet offshore of the territory there is a 30-70 chance.
3) - Economic. There is a 10% chance that a territory will join you if you offer them 1IP. Every IP you offer beyond that adds 10%, to a max of 80%. If they refuse you get to use the IP in another capacity during the turn.

Note: All islands in a single sea province are counted as one territory. If you want clarification as to specific borders, ask the GM.


If you declare war on an opposing nation, you are allowed to attack them with your armies and their fleets with navies. Here's how both work:

Armies are NOT represented on the map. They exist as a theoretical force that you build using 1IP to go and storm other people's countries. They are represented by an opposed D20 roll, with the defender getting a +2 bonus. If the attacker rolls anything but a 1 on their morale check before battle they gain a +2 bonus. If the defender fails(gets a 1 on) their check they lose theirs. If the attacker fails then the defender gains another +2 bonus. The losing army has a 25% chance of being destroyed. Armies that are not used to attack are used automatically for defense. You can only attack a province adjacent to yours or one that one of your fleets is offshore of even if it moves there during your turn. However, if your fleet engages a hostile fleet and is defeated you cannot launch an amphibious attack.

Navies ARE represented on the map as a block of your national color. Navies get their own section later, so I'll just move on here.

Industry Points

Industrial Points or IPs are the game's currency. Each territory produces one. It's that simple. There is no banking. Every turn you lose what you don't spend. It IS possible to build a ship/army in one turn and use it that turn, but the same cannot be said about shipyard upgrades. Sorry. You have to wait until the next turn with them.

Naval Primer

Ships are a huge focus of IOTE. To begin with, navies are customizable. There are three types of ship you can build to go in them.
Note: All coastal provinces have a Shipyard(Level 2 for your capital, Level 1 for all others at start) that can be upgraded for 3IP to the next level. Level 3 is the maximum.
Note: There is a hard limit of 10 ships per fleet.

6th Rate/Schooner(1IP) - Requires LVL1 shipyard. 3HP. Morale check at 2HP. Deals 1 damage to all. BONUS: Provides Scouting to fleets on strategic map.
3rd Rate/Frigate(2IP) - Requires LVL2 Shipyard. 5HP. Morale check at 3HP. Deals 1 damage to all.
1st Rate/Ship of the Line(4IP +1 per turn maintenance) - 7HP. Requires LVL3 Shipyard. Morale check at 3HP. Deals 1 damage to 1st and 3rd Rates, but 2 damage to 6th Rates.

Naval Combat

Naval combat is a bit more complicated then land combat, but only the GM really has to understand the mechanics I'm about to talk about. You can scroll down until you see another bolded message if you want to get to what you actually do need to know.

To begin with, each ship on each side is assigned a number(1-10). I pick the appropriate-sized die and roll it. Whatever ship was assigned the number I rolled is put at their side's top of the list. I do this for the other side to match up a pair of opponents. I do this until no more pairings are possible, either because all ships are in the lines of battle or there are a few on one side who aren't because the enemy doesn't have enough ships. In the latter case, I assign those ships randomly using the same number system to create a few 2V1 battles. This is represented by a modifier given to the side with numerical superiority(+1 if aided by a 6th, +2 from a 3rd, +4 from a 1st).

From that point, every round counts as an hour. I will randomly decide when the battle starts - from 9AM to 3PM - and it ends at 6PM because sea monsters come and eat any ships caught in combat after dark:p

Every round each ship rolls 2D6. The ship it's paired with then rolls. Higher roll hits and deals damage. This process is repeated all down the line until all ships have acted, at which point the hour is advanced, any morale checks are made, and the process restarts.

The Three Ways To Lose A Ship From Battle And Why They're Bad

Way #1 - The ship succeeds all its morale checks - and gets shot enough to lose all it's hit points. This is called Sinking and it removes the ship from play altogether.
Way #2 - Tactical only. If a ship fails a morale check at any point it Withdraws. This is the gateway for the ship Striking, but in and of itself it isn't bad. Usually.
Way #3 - The ship does one of 2 things. Either it fails the half-health morale check(rolled a 1) and is hit while spending its turn trying to withdraw and then fails the 50-50 morale check or it fails the 1HP left 50-50 morale check. Either way, the ship Strikes. When a ship Strikes it has surrendered to the enemy. If you win the battle regardless, no harm no foul. If the enemy wins - they get to keep the ship. This is the most common way of losing vessels.

Other Information About Naval Warfare And Such

First off - navies take 1IP to repair. That's it. No matter if it's a fleet of 10 1st Rates that each have 1HP left or a single 6th Rate with 1 missing health it costs the same. Ships CAN be transferred between fleets, so I fully expect people to finagle this a lot. The fleet must also remain in the same naval province over the course of that one turn.

Fleets in the same province don't automatically find each other. It's a 1D6 roll for both if they have no 6th Rates. If both or one succeed(s) then battle is joined. If a side has a 6th Rate it's a 1D4 chance. If that side has 2 6th Rates then it's a 50% chance of finding the enemy. If they find them and the enemy doesn't find the first party on it's roll, then with 2 6th Rates you roll(1D4 chance) to gain the Tactical Advantage - AKA one free round of battle where the enemy is not allowed to return fire. If you have 3 6th Rates it's a 50-50 chance. There's no special benefit to having more then 3 6th Rates in a fleet.

If two fleets of yours are working together, then they share data seamlessly. However, if you have a fleet and are sailing into battle with a fleet from another nation entirely then if you don't both individually discover the hostile navy there's only a 50-50 chance that the side that did will be able to get the side that didn't to accompany them into the fight - for all sorts of reasons. Beyond that having an ally accompany you is just a means to get more hulls into battle.

There is a hard limit of 6 fleets in a sea zone at a time.

Canals and Other Miscellaneous Stuff

Panama. Suez. Other canals that don't exist IRl but can in this game. if you want to build a canal through a territory, a few criteria must be met:
1) - You actually own the territory you want to build through.
2) - You can spend 4IPs per turn for 4 turns in the building.

From the point you build the canal onwards though, no one can pass through that you don't want to. Enjoy your semi-divine power! Extort money from warring nations for access to your canals! Whatever you want!

Note: Trying to build a canal from California to New York or something else just as dumb will instantly cause 30% of your population to die from sheer stupid and another 30% to transform into dinosaurs.

Fleets can only move one seazone per turn. Canals do not count - Ergo, if the Suez exists you can move straight from the Aden to the Med without spending a whole turn "in transit".


Victory can be achieved three ways:

Blood and Iron - You(or you and your allies, at least) control every territory.
Rule the Waves! - Have at least 50 more ships in service then your closest rival.
Every Man Has A Price - Have at least 10 more IP per turn then your closest rival.


Update 1 - 1720
Update 2 - 1721
Update 3 - 1722
Update 4 - 1723
Update 5 - 1724
Update 6 - 1725
Update 7 - 1726
Update 8 - 1727




The Venetian Confederacy(Green) - Celticfury
Mercantile confederation of city-states
Capital: Italy
Wooden Ships And Iron Men
More info
11 Armies, 2 Fleets(6 6th Rates, 3 3rd Rates, 0 1st Rates), 7IP

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland(Bright Red) - Dem_Taqat
Parliamentary Anglican monarchy
Capital: Britain
Wooden Ships And Iron Men
More info
16 Armies, 3 Fleets(7 6th Rates, 3 3rd Rates, 1 1st Rates), 8IP(9-1 from 1st Rates)

Kingdom of Sweden(Blue) - Mechaerik
Enlightened constitutional monarchy
Capital: Kalmar
A New Breed of Officer
More info
20 Armies, 1 Fleet(3 6th Rates, 3 3rd Rates, 1 1st Rates), 6IP(7-1 from 1st Rates)


The Pirates of the Caribbean(Bright Yellow) - Domination3000
Anarchist union of pirates
Capital: Caribbean
Wooden Ships And Iron Men
More info
9 Armies, 1 Fleet(5 6th Rates, 3 3rd Rates, 0 1st Rates), 3IP

American Republic(Lavender) - Sonereal
Aristocratic trading republic
Capital: New England
Industrial Heritage
More info
7 Armies, 3 Fleets(12 6th Rates, 6 3rd Rates, 1 1st Rates), 10IP(11-1 from 1st Rates)

United Kingdom of Portugal in Exile(Forest Green) - Farsight
Imperialist exiled monarchy
Capital: Brazil
Industrial Heritage
More info
9 Armies, 1 Fleet(1 6th Rates, 0 3rd Rates, 0 1st Rates), 4IP


Hindustan(Yellow) - taillesskangaru
Islamic Mughal empire
Capital: India
Industrial Heritage
More info
20 Armies, 2 Fleets(7 6th Rates, 4 3rd Rates, 0 1st Rates), 11IP

Empire of Japan(Red) - NedimNapoleon
Feudal naval empire
Capital: Japan
Wooden Ships And Iron Men
More info
5 Armies, 1 Fleet(3 6th Rates, 1 3rd Rates, 0 1st Rates), 6IP

Australian Empire(Orange) - NinjaCow64
Barren monarchist wasteland
Capital: Australia
Industrial Heritage
More info
3 Armies, 1 Fleet(2 6th Rates, 1 3rd Rates, 0 1st Rates), 5IP


Republic of Antioch(Dark Blue) - Double A
Mercantile republic
Capital: Palestine
Industrial Heritage
More info
6 Armies, 1 Fleet(4 6th Rates, 4 3rd Rates, 0 1st Rates), 7IP

Skuma Empire(Yellowish Tan) - Duke Blackstone
Mercantile absolute monarchy
Capital: Congo
A New Breed Of Officer
More info
13 Armies, 0 Fleets(0 6th Rates, 0 3rd Rates, 0 1st Rates), 8IP

I'll play, but I'm confused. You get 10 claims on that map? That would get you like almost all of Europe?

Is there something I'm misunderstanding?
The Venetian Confederacy

Spoiler :

Specialty: Wooden Ships and Iron Men
Government: A confederation of states led by the Venetian Republic
Capital: Venice, Italy
Leader: Doge Fortunato Mancini
Policies: Pro-trade, naval focused, patronage, civic minded, expansionist, spiritual, religious freedom.
History: The Venetian Confederacy arose soon after several key victories gave the Most Serene Republic of Venice control over the Aegean Sea. Through political, militaristic, and commercial maneuvering, Venice was able to secure large tracts of land in Greece and later, the Balkans, thereby increasing its power. This new found power was then used to coerce the remaining Italian city states into forming a confederacy, through either promises of wealth and prosperity, or through force.
National goal: To control the Mediterranean and eclipse the glory and power of the former Byzantine Empire.

-The Union of Mercantile Republics (an alliance with the American Republic, the Republic of Antioch, and the Skuma Empire)
-The Anglo-Venetian Agreement (open borders and trade agreement)
-The Venetian-ANS Pact (A pact of non-aggression between Venice and the ANS (Sweden and Britain).
The Pirates of the Caribbean.

Territories: Cuba and Haiti.

SOI: Venezuala, Central America, South Mexico, the Caribbean islands, and the Southeastern United States.

Leader: Captain Jack Sparrow.

Special: Wooden Ships and Iron Men.

National Goals: PLUNDER!

Government: All who join our band of pirates receive wealth and power, the others starve.

Color: Yellow.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

History: <History up to Elizabeth I remains unaltered> . Eventually the Virgin Queen was persuaded by her Advisors to marry to ensure the future of the nation, and prevent it falling into Scottish hands. Because of this the Tudor Dynasty continued for many Years, and Slowly amassed more and more power for themselves, taking it back from the nobles who had grown too strong. The Tudors managed to maintain power by carefully manipulating those around them, and choosing skilled councillors to help them run the country. The only problem was the English civil war in 1645, against the corrupt Edward VIII. He was killed in Battle in 1647, and His successor, Mary II crushed the rebels by 1650, avenging her fathers death in a bloody massacre at the battle of Peterborough. However, in an attempt to restore the popularity of the crown she set up parliament, elected representatives of the people to help run the country. Limiting Parliaments power has been the main goal of Englands kings and queens since then.

Each Time a leader died in Scotland the English rulers had rushed to gain more power there, and in 1677 Henry XI finally wielded enough prestige in the country to be crowned king of Scotland, when Scottish King James IX died, in suspicious circumstances. Ireland was long a thorn in Englands side, rebelling regularly until 1661, when Mary II (known as Iron Mary) obliterated the latest Rebellion, and slaughtered all involved. Revolts since then have been sporadic, and easily put down. With The Isles Finally under one rule, Henry set about securing his power, establishing a completely Unified Country by the time of his death in 1691.

Mary III continued his work, establishing a new code of laws to help the ordinary people, and improving the infrastructure across the land. In 1716 she abdicated the throne, passing it to her son Henry XII. So far he has proven a weak ruler, although he has managed to avoid returning power to parliament, he has lacked the administrative skills to keep the country running. In an attempt to rectify the situation he appointed Lord Benjamin Wolsey of Oxfordshire to Lord Chancellor in early 1720, and the wisdom of this move will soon become apparent.

Lord Wolseys first years as chancellor have gone well. Under his leadership Britain had gained much land on the continent, occupying the Germanic states, as well as the Low Countries. Britain had gained control of Greenland, and Iceland, as well as setting up a thriving colony in South Africa. This had earned the Lord Chancellor a position in the sun, and he gained much favour with the king, Henry XIII. Henry was most pleased with Wolseys administration of the nation, and he had saved the king many a penny with his careful work. His planned Invasions of other small nations had gone extraordinarily well, and His foreign Diplomacy looked to be bearing Fruit. Perhaps most importantly, The UK was now the worlds preeminent naval power. The king felt that Wolsey had well earned several rewards. He bestowed upon the Duke several titles, with promise of more to come should his good work continue. As such, Wolsey found himself The Earl of Buckinghamshire, the Duke of the ancient Duchy of Hannover, and count of the city of Rotterdam. Wolsey turned down land an offer of land In south Africa, stating that he did

Lord Chancellor Wolsey said:
not yet wish to have personal Problems in lands far removed from Europe, as this would cause me to travel far, when my other duties demand my immediate attention.
Wolsey had secured his position, and perhaps could now focus his attention on Parliament.

Following the British Victory, Henry XIII was crowned King of the France. The Event Signalled the Unification of 2 bitter Enemies, and as such, was given a massive Ceremony. Lord Wolsey Personally Planned the Entire thing; from a triumphant Victory march By all 7 british Armies Escorting the King to the Coronation, Through the 3 Hour long Ceremony, and the massive party held Afterwards. The king's family Ambition to become Rulers of France was realised, and no expense was spared in making this an occasion to be remembered by all.

The ceremony did however, have an unforseen event. 1/2 way through his speech, Henry XIII went off on what appeared to be a complete Tangent.
Henry XIII said:
Although I have poured much work into this great day, I put in far from the Most. For Weeks on end, my chancellor, and dear friend, Wolsey, has been slaving away preparing for this day, for this Glorious occasion. I happen to know, that in the course of his labours, he missed Seventeen Meals! This level of dedication is, to be frank, astonishing, and It will not go unrewarded. Thus let it be known, that I, Henry XIII, king of England, France, Scotland, and Many other places besides, do grant Lord Benjamin Wolsey, the Title: Earl of Suffolk!

Many people, not least of whom was Wolsey himself, were astounded by this, not only the new title, but the Time of it's Giving, In the Middle of the Kings own Coronation Ceremony. It would indeed be a memorable event.

Government: Monarchy. The Parliament limits the powers of the king, but he is still a major player.

Notable Figures: King Henry XII- King of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales
Lord Benjamin Wolsey - Duke Of Marlborough, Earl of Suffolk, Duke of Hanover, Count of Rotterdam, Earl of Buckingham Lord Chancellor of Great Britain

State Religion: Anglican Christian, other faiths are accepted

Capital: London (England)

Language: English

Wooden Ships and Iron Men is my speciality.

Armies: 16
6th Rate/Schooner- HMS King Edward I, HMS Sir Francis Drake, HMS Prophet, HMS Courageous, HMS Cunning, HMS Negotiator, HMS Deceptive
3rd Rate/Frigate: HMS Portsmouth, HMS Paris, HMS Orleans
1st Rate/Ship of the Line: HMS Ravus

Rule Brittania! :king:
Rule clarifications:

Allies are not counted as Rivals for victory purposes.

You cannot win if at war.

Dotted lines between sea provinces mean that they are parts of one province.

Everyone now starts with one fleet consisting of 2 6th Rates. Naming of ships is recommended but not required.

Today, the doge of Venice launched two new naval vessels: the Borea and the Ostro. These two schooners will provide the basis for the official navy of the Venetian Confederacy.
I will join, but I don't have enough time tonight to add information... but here are my claims.


I kinda like the bio you filled in for me, LH!!! I'll just modify it a little. ;)


National goal: To build Alaska into a mega-state, paying no attention to the environment (while playing our violins, of course).
Specialty: Industry heritage.
Capital city: Anchorage.
Government: Kingdom with a socialized economy.
Official languages: English, Russian
State religion: Christianity

(The Empire of the Mughals)

Note on names: The realms of the Mughals are commonly known locally and in the Islamic lands as "Hind" or "Hindustan", from the Persian name for Northern India. It is sometimes transliterated as "Hindoostan". In Christiandom it is more commonly known as "India". Officially, the state is known as "the Empire of the Mughals". "Gurkani" is sometimes used as a synecdoche to refer to the Mughal state.

History: Established long ago by Babur, the Mughal Empire has been through some tough times recently when, upon the sudden death of Shah Jahan in 1654, the Empire split into warring factions and the Hindus of the Maratha country rose in revolt. A grandson of one of the claimants, Prince Khusrau, finally defeated the cliques and the Marathas and brought peace to the subcontinent.
National goal: To become the preeminent power in the East
Speciality: Industrial Heritage

Capital City: Delhi
Government: Empire
Leader: Khusrau Shah
Official Languages: Persian (court language), Hindustani ("common" language), Chagatai Turkish (language of early literature)
State Religion: Islam. All other religions tolerated but given no official support.


(Mughal administration under Khusrau Shah)

The Mughal Empire is an absolute monarchy. The Emperor is the Head of State, Head of Government and Commander-in-Chief of the military. His authority is absolute and his word is Law, though he is advised by a Council of Ministers, and is obliged to follow the guidelines as outlined in Islamic tradition.

The Empire is organized along meritocratic and military lines. All the officials, or mansabdars, of the Empire are considered soldiers, obliged to ensure that the soldiers of the Empire are well-paid and well-trained and ready to fight at any time. They were given responsibilities and rewards as befit their rank. All the functions of government; public order, tax collection, trade, etc are conducted with the preparation for or conduct of war in mind.

Mundane day-to-day administration of the Empire was divided among the five main ministries.

The Exchequer is ultimately responsible for the collection and management of revenue of the State, including tax collection, land/wealth evaluations, state finance and so forth.

The judicial system is ultimately under the control of the Emperor, but generally he delegates the dispension of justice to his Chief Justices. Taking a leaf from the Ottoman millet system, Khusrau Shah instituted a similar confessional justice system under which different communities, organized by religious affiliation, are largely governed by their own laws, but within the framework of the Mughal military system. Local and village courts generally settle everyday dispute, but graver crimes are referred to the State Justices. The Emperor is the final court of appeal for all matters.

Public Security
The Ministry of Public Security is responsible for the maintainance of law and order and state authority within the borders of the Empire; policing, national security, intelligence and so forth.

Public Works
The Ministry of Public Works oversees a wide variety of matters concerning the material development of the country, and the promotion of the Islamic religion, education, public health, culture, and oversees the running of maktabs (schools), madrasahs and Islamic charities or waqif around the Empire.

External Affairs
The Ministry of External Affairs looks after foreign affairs, diplomacy, and foreign trade.

Mughal Emperors

Spoiler :
Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur, 1526 - 1530
Nasiruddin Muhammad Humayun, 1530 - 1556
(Sher Shah Suri, 1540 - 1545)
(Islam Shah Suri, 1545 - 1554)
Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar, 1556 - 1605
Nuruddin Muhammad Jahangir, 1605 - 1627
Shahabuddin Muhammad Shah Jahan, 1627 - 1654
(Interregnum, 1654 - 1701)
Sabruddin Muhammad Khusrau Shah, 1701 - 1725
Azharuddin Muhammad Azim Mirza Daniyal, since 1725


Armies: 10
Fleets: 2


1st Fleet - Arabian Sea
5 schooners
- Yamuna
- Ganga
- Amudarya
- Syrdarya
- Narmada
3 frigates
- Zulfiquar
- Tariq
- Shamshir (formerly Albatross)

2nd Fleet - Bay of Bengal
1 schooner
- Sind
1 frigate
- Parcham

Foreign Affairs

Current Treaties:

With the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland: trade agreement
With the Empire of Great Qing: defensive pact, trade pact
With the Empire of Japan: defensive pact, trade pact
With the Australasian Empire: defensive pact, trade pact
With the Kingdom of Sweden: defensive pact, trade pact
Kingdom of Russia
Policy: A New Breed of Officer
Government: Monarchy
Leader: Tsar Peter I
Capital: Sank Petrograd(St Petersburg)
Policies: Expansionist. Wants to create the largest Continental empire of all time.
OK, I'll give everyone a starting army for claiming reasons:)

Welcome to the game! Recording now!

Civplayah's capital will be listed as Alaska until and unless he returns to contradict this.
Taillesskangaru's capital will be listed as India until and unless he returns to contradict this.


The Republic of Antioch
Policy: Industrial Heritage
Government: Constitutional Republic
Leader: Prince Baldwin
Capital: Antioch
Interests: Money

Armies: 8
Suez Canal progress: 1/4

Spoiler Mozambique Channel :
Vanguard - 6th Rate
Strongwind - 6th Rate

Spoiler Gulf of Aden :
Centurion - 3rd Rate
Albatross - 3rd Rate
Godspeed - 6th Rate

Spoiler future ship names :

Waterdancer - 6th Rate
Wavecrasher - 6th Rate
Top Bottom