Imperium Romanum [BTS]


Jun 28, 2009
Imperium Romanum
Version 1.2

the events are only on german!

a short introduction to the mod:

each realm has 6 units and 4 shiptypes: Swordman, Spearman, Skirmisher, Archer, Rider, and one Special Unit, which only can build in the capital.
additionally there are 26 regional units which can be build by each realm only in special cities/regions.
there are latin names for nearly all units.
there are no settlers to be build, so this mod is only playable with scenarios within this mod.
this mod includes new promotions, new personall traits, new civics, new buildings, a new technologietree, and, and ,and

Roman Technology:
Greek Technology:
Koinon Hellenon
Seleucid Empire
Barbarian Technology:

GrandCampaign+200BC 144x80
SmallCampaign+200BC 72x40
Gallia 25x30
MiddleEast 64x40
Greek 52x32

this mod is playable with 3.19 but it also should be playable with earlier versions. singleplay in order, and multiplay not testet yet. this mod includes only english and german language

civforum: pie for the promotion-buttons, theJ for helping, Iuvavus for gallia map
civfanatics: ambrox62, Bakuel, Aranor, fk 2006



Moderator Action: Current download is here

coming soon
screens form the scenarios at begin


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Great Mod, i am playing the Gallia map right now.
I think i found a bug: part of the interface disappears every other turn and i got a CTD as well.
Apart from the bugs this is a great mod, this is exactly the kind of mod i hoped to appear sometime, in other words::thanx:
Historical mods with regional units and maps are great additions to the mods here, thx, I will for sure play this once any bug issues are worked out.:goodjob:
Very cool looking. One question, what is the name of the civ in the IRGK screenshot that has cities stretching from northern britain to the black sea? If they are different color, apologies in advance as my monitor isn't that great.
Very cool looking. One question, what is the name of the civ in the IRGK screenshot that has cities stretching from northern britain to the black sea? If they are different color, apologies in advance as my monitor isn't that great.

I would guess those are minor or neutral cities, judging by diaspora of them (there are also cities in India too).
the light yellow, (originall zulu-color) is the barbarian, i have change the color because macedonia is black.

and to the bugs: on my pc i didnt have any:confused:, can anybody they have the bug help me to find it? :please:
The bug I found is that after turn 150 every odd turn half of the interface disappears, in the even turns everything is ok.

The bug seems to be in Assets\XML\GameInfo\GameSpeedInfo.xml
If I change
the problem disappears.
The bug I found is that after turn 150 every odd turn half of the interface disappears, in the even turns everything is ok.

The bug seems to be in Assets\XML\GameInfo\GameSpeedInfo.xml
If I change
the problem disappears.

I did this, and it fixed the problem on my grand campaign scenario game, but I still had the problem when I played the Greek scenario.
Hey, there's kind of a big problem with the grand scenarios. I started a game as the Seleucids, and right off the bat I owed over 300 gold per turn in maintenance, and even when I lowered every slider to zero I was still in a huge amount of debt. I had to go into WB and put agoras and courthouses in every city, and then a few great merchants as well. Since the Seleucids are the biggest empire at the a the start, I think you should develop their cities more.
about the bugs: i didnt have any, so i can´t fix it, because i dont know where is the mistake :sad:

@Bonci i will put a new downloadlink soon

@Saiko the seleucids have at begin a very weakly economy, because they would be to strong.. when you play it change your civics to the best for :commerce: and make in many cities :gold:

sorry for my bad english :shake:

Edit: english versions of traits coming soon, sorry for my mistake!
I've played a while now and a have a few issues and suggestions:

1) You named Rome "Rom", this is the German name, more correct would be the Latin "Roma".

2) You did not include vassal states: i suppose that was done on purpose, as in the classical age vassalage dit not exist, protectorates and client-states however where common, and vassal states represent protectorates as well. I suggest you make vassal states possible with "sensitive diplomacy". (I did that already)

3) The woodsman 1 promotion has two stars, while the woodsman 2 promotion has only one, you might want to change that.

4) The AI values the players world map as worthless, while they value their own world map as extremely valuable, i had an AI that was not willing to give up their world map for peace, instead i got an medium culture/high commerce pop 6 city in a strategic position :eek:.

5) In ancient Rome, naval transport was much faster than overland transport, while in your mod this is not the case.
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