Also it appears cities are never rough or open, there's a specific city bonus.
Well then how can you explain this:
There is a barbarian camp sitting on a flat tundra tile. All tiles but one around it are also flat tundra but one which has a hill. My Horseman approaches from a flat tundra tile and the battle prediction shows a minor victory (I kill 4 barbarians but 3 of mine die) if I attacked I moved my Horseman to the hill it changed to a total victory (I kill all of them but only lose 2).
I've been placing all my units on hills and always attacking from hills wherever possible and the victory conditions have been overwhelmingly in my favor.
I've been placing all my units on hills and always attacking from hills wherever possible and the victory conditions have been overwhelmingly in my favor.
Also it appears cities are never rough or open, there's a specific city bonus.
On p58 of the manual it says "Attacking units get bonuses when attacking from a hill." I assume it's the +25% bonus that's listed as a terrain bonus.
To be more specific, Drill and Shock only apply to combat against units anyway. While it is pretty easy to verify that you don't get any bonus attacking cities (regardless of the city's terrain type) I believe this also means you don't get any defensive bonus if the city attacks you.
The one you're shooting at. I took Drill promotions for my War Chariots. They never enter rough terrain because it is always end of turn and no defense bonuses for them, so the combat bonus definitely comes from the target tile.What about ranged attack? drill/shock affect the terrain you are standing on or the one you are shooting to?
My understanding is that if a ranged unit has a rough terrain bonus, it does more damage to an enemy standing in rough terrain than it does to an enemy standing in open terrain. The opposite applies to a ranged unit with open terrain bonus.How does it apply to ranged units?