With a bit of (a lot of) save scrumming, I want to beat the king on the hardest difficulty.
So right at the outset, he's got 130 Man O' Wars in his pool.
Now I think by 1700's I can definitely build QUITE A FEW Ship of the Lines. But why bother?
I mean maybe I can fortify a line of them outside of all my harbors at the outset of the war, in hopes I can sink a Man O' War full of horses/cannons/soldiers? Help me out here.
It's a land-war, right? Instead of building ships of the line I could be cranking out garrison cannons and artillery like no tomorrow, maybe 500 of each, you never know.
It's very likely that the King will overwhelm no matter what kind of navy I produce, and its NOT an archipelago map. So, what's the point? Seems a better idea to invest in a road net work between colonies to move crap tons of men and equipment quickly to the front, than building tons of very expensive ships that really are only of use by endgame.
Also...is there a colonist cap like there was in Col 1? Because I remember hitting that thing not even late 1600's and it ruined the game since you had to delete a unit to build a new one.
So right at the outset, he's got 130 Man O' Wars in his pool.
Now I think by 1700's I can definitely build QUITE A FEW Ship of the Lines. But why bother?
I mean maybe I can fortify a line of them outside of all my harbors at the outset of the war, in hopes I can sink a Man O' War full of horses/cannons/soldiers? Help me out here.
It's a land-war, right? Instead of building ships of the line I could be cranking out garrison cannons and artillery like no tomorrow, maybe 500 of each, you never know.
It's very likely that the King will overwhelm no matter what kind of navy I produce, and its NOT an archipelago map. So, what's the point? Seems a better idea to invest in a road net work between colonies to move crap tons of men and equipment quickly to the front, than building tons of very expensive ships that really are only of use by endgame.
Also...is there a colonist cap like there was in Col 1? Because I remember hitting that thing not even late 1600's and it ruined the game since you had to delete a unit to build a new one.