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In the Beginning Was Napoleon: Background Thread


i knew you were a real man of the left
May 26, 2006
The vibe is The World Turned Upside Down, people.


In the beginning was Napoleon. He, at the crest of the heroic French Revolution, sought to overthrow the old and oppressive Ancien Régime, and succeeded. The Holy Roman Empire was destroyed. The Iberian Empires, bowed. Italy, united. Russia, negotiated; and Britain, excluded. By 1819, none could stand to contest the domination of the French Empire, and the Code Napoleon swept the continent on the back of seemingly invincible armies.

Of course, nothing is by coincidence. Napoleon moved carefully, his enemies blundered, and all were blinkered by the shades of their time. One might point to the narrow and successful negotiation of alliance with Russia as the most decisive factor, which even by 1815 had petered out, but had bought enough time for Napoleon to secure a decisive position. As leader of the Revolution, he espoused the vision of a new Europe, united by France's revolutionary ideals. By 1827, the United Kingdom had quietly lifted its total embargo on French markets, and Napoleon graciously adapted the Blocus continentale to match.

The new age promised a unity that seemed stubborn to arrive. War and revolutions spread, upstarts espoused visions of new nations and new ideals, and France tightened its control with the help of its British and Iberian business partners. This age of revolutions was the age of a new imperialism, where the leaders of the old revolutionary class gave way inexorably to the captains of industry. New scions arose in nations once handily defeated by Napoleon, irreducibly studied in the ways of the new empire.

In an age of industrial politics and unmatched exploitation of resources, France was inevitably driven to war with those selfsame scions. By 1909, nations which had not existed 100 years before now vied with the Western Bloc for the power of Europe. The Empire of Italy, a confederation of republics united by an elective Emperor; the United Republics of Germany, a very young confederation which sought to build its own industry and separate from the economy of France; and what remained then of the Russian Empire. Against them was arrayed The French Empire, and its beholden allies, the British Republic, the Spanish Empire, and the Ottoman Empire.

The Russian, Spanish, and Ottoman Empires were annihilated in this 10-year war, and Britain and France were rocked dearly from within. The Empire of Italy was forced at length to accept a humiliating peace, and fell to a liberal revolution which nevertheless voted to keep the Italian Imperial system. The German union collapsed into civil war and chaos.

Outside of Europe, a consciousness is rising as to the relationships of the nations of the world. As the industrial powers spread their dominion and seek ever more resources to uncover, the revolutionary Republic of China has finally overthrown the Qing, and the Empire of Japan was forced to capitulate to the French at the hands of a German Treaty Force (German Union splitters who signed an "early" peace treaty with France in 1917). The newly established Legation State of Manchuria and Korea is woefully underprepared for the mandate placed on it by Paris.

It is 1919 and the world is changing once more.


I will give you the intro words EQ used in 2007 to intro his game about a world without Britain:

EQandcivfanatic said:
The creation of the world we live in should be of interest to us all. Events such as the Great War, the Treaty of Versailles, and the Second World War set the foundation for the current global society in which we exist. The American invasion of Iraq, the persistant tribal fighting and genocide in Africa, and the rise of China to global prominance all have their bases in the events of the past hundred years.

Disclaimer: The following is my own opinion and the basis of the start of the development of this NES

The United States is often given credit for most of the world's problems, especially in the Middle East. As flattering as this may be to us Americans, it is blatantly false. The rise and fall of the British Empire is the direct cause of many of the modern world's difficulties, beginning with the hundreds of years of oppressing Ireland and ending with the destruction of the Islamic caliphate. This train of thought led me and a friend to debating the history of the world if the British Empire was removed from the equation.

With this in mind, we leave it to you, the NES players to figure out what the world could be with the absense of Perferdious Albion.

Let us meditate on these and contemplate the way of things.


You will most likely play as the government of some state or empire, and you will endeavor to expand the power and basis of your mandate and prove the glory of your nation. Vive la révolution.

If you scroll to the bottom of this post, you will see rules that allow you also to play as a rebellion or revolutionary movement, and endeavor to liberate an oppressed nation. Bonne chance! Tu en auras besoin.

Sample Nation Statistics

The French Empire
Constitutional Congressional Empire: Parti Radical (election in 1925)
Capital: Paris
Dissent: 35%
Jingoism: 10%
Reputation: Admired
Industrial Capacity: 35 (+15)
Military Industry: 12 (+3)
Public Services: 8
Private Enterprise: 15 (+12)
Army: 20 Guards Divisions, 15 Infantry Divisions, 5 Cavalry Divisions, 5 Armored Divisions
Army Quality: Veteran
Navy: 28 Capital Ships, 30 Cruiser Groups, 50 Destroyer Groups, 10 Submarine Groups
Navy Quality: Elite
Air: 18 Biplane Squadrons, 7 Dirigible Divisions
Air Quality: Veteran
Background: The French Empire stands at the center of the Western Commission, the artifact created by the European Social War Treaty after the Great War. The Western Commission is plagued by economic dysfunction, popular dissent demanding more socialist reforms, and ever-expanding chaos in the imperial periphery. The French are divided by the Parti Radical, which seeks peace in our time, and the Front Populaire, which seeks reform.

Empire of Italy
Federative Republican Empire: National Front
Capital: Rome
Dissent: 45%
Jingoism: 55%
Reputation: Feared
Industrial Capacity: 30 (+6)
Military Industry: 5 (+2)
Public Services: 4
Private Enterprise: 21 (+4)
Army: 10 Guards Divisions, 22 Infantry Divisions, 7 Cavalry Divisions, 2 Armored Divisions
Army Quality: Elite
Navy: 9 Capital Ships, 9 Cruiser Groups, 39 Destroyer Groups, 48 Submarine Groups
Navy Quality: Veteran
Air: 18 Biplane Squadrons, 12 Dirigible Divisions
Air Quality: Elite
Background: The Empire of Italy formed out of a successful peninsula-wide rebellion against the French Empire in 1839, which eventually led to the continent-spanning rebellions and revolutions of 1844. Although many of those ultimately were defeated, the Italian rebellion triumphed over all comers and became the very symbol of meritocracy. This irresistible vision of the new Italy brought both the nobles and capitalists in line, and seemingly came to an end with Great War, when Rome was occupied and the government, scattered. Although a provisional government made peace with the west, it too was overthrown by revolution from within and the imperial system was reestablished. The newly-elected National Front now promises to ensure peace with the west, but it will have to submit to very unpopular reparations to truly satisfy Paris...

State and Politics


The government of a nation represents the political approaches available to people to legitimately take control of the state. Generally, it is designed in such a way as to protect some inherent privilege or advantage of the ruling class. Often, it is reliant on the promulgation of popular ideas in order to manufacture consent, which is why most governments steep themselves in tradition. Appeals to tradition can be conservative or innovative, as they can relate what are or are not, for example, "rights" or "entitlements." No matter the situation, people generally expect governments to maintain order.

Ruling Party/Faction/Monarch

To the right of your nation's government in the stats is the ruling party, loose association or faction, or the titular or absolute ruler of your government. This will tend to be who people blame when things go wrong. Whether the Head of State or Head of Government is listed here is contextual; in reality, the two offices are not that loosely connected. Elections are also held contextually, and governments with electoral authority will have their control-taking election listed here.


Dissent is the key indicator of your success and the stability of your government. Dissent rises in the following circumstances:
1. When you shift policies to an influential political class' detriment.
2. When you politically move away from an influential political class.
3. When something confusing happens to something procedural and expected, like an election.
4. When you lose a war, or one of your influential political class' loses a proxy war, or you are fighting a war with low jingoism.
5. Other types of unfortunate events which can surprise you.

Dissent falls in the following circumstances:
1. When a government successfully implements publicly preferred policy.
2. When spending in social services is increased.
3. When you win a war with high jingoism.
4. When a party is re-elected to government.
5. Other types of fortunate events.


A measurement of public support for war and hostile activity in general. This can be dressed up any number of ways, what matters is the bottom line and whether people will tolerate your expenditure of their lives and treasure for war or not. Low jingoism in times of war can result in rebellion. High jingoism in any time can also backfire, as influential violent psychopaths take things into their own hands, but is generally the type of problem you prefer to have if you like to fight wars.


Industrial Capacity / Base IC

The Base IC is NOT the IC you spend each turn. This is the total combined IC your nation produces or imports through exploitation and favorable exchange, and is a collection of the production and development of military assets, the spending put into welfare and other public projects, and the amount of industry and economic activity in general controlled by private enterprises such as corporations and wealthy individuals. IC cannot be banked or saved over time, and all must be spent on the turn it is earned or else you will lose it. Once again I'd like to repeat that Base IC is NOT the IC you spend each turn.

Shifting IC Emphasis and Spending IC

Shifting IC

Your Base IC determines the total amount of IC per turn you gain, and from that the IC is divided into different aspects of your economy. For each category, you can shift 1 point to any other category once per turn. Beware, however, the consequences that a shift will have upon your people and your dissent rating. For example, Ethiopia has 1 IC per turn in all three of the different sections, the first part of which gives them the industry and resources to sustain a modern military, the second part of which creates a sturdy government with a steady flow of magistrates, and a third part of the economy is produced as a result of private domestic commercial activity. However, ruining this peace, the Italian Empire determines to annex the other nation. In order to mobilize for a war, Ethiopia shifts IC from Public Spending and Private Enterprise in order to triple its production of military equipment in the fight against Italy. Even though Ethiopia now has 0 Private and Public IC, a rudimentary amount of both still exist within the nation, but not enough to produce any political activity with. The longer an imbalanced circumstance like this persists, the worse the circumstances of the Ethiopian state's control will become.

In most nations, the ruling class will prefer to have as much private enterprise as possible. This is because they can generally do whatever they like with private enterprise, and usually you have no reason to stop them - unless they're foreigners, trying to crowbar away your resources.

We may stereotype the imbalanced edge cases like so:

Max Military Industry: A nation wholeheartedly committed to fighting a protracted people's war.
Max Public Services: The utopian ideal for those who seek to provide the material needs of all society.
Max Private Enterprise: The preferred circumstance for landowners, bourgeoisie, and syndicalists.
Max State Enterprise: A nation entirely characterized by steel and cement plants.

"Is Balanced just equally distributing IC to the three main categories?"

Yes, for the most part; but you may wish to seek additional advantages. Evenly splitting your IC is just a strategy to ensure you can handle whatever you need to, but if you really want to multiply your advantages, you should attempt to take advantage of the following dynamics:

nations should always ensure their Private Enterprise is not less than either of the other two categories. Capitalist nations with colonial empires should ensure their Private Enterprise is greater than or equal to their Military Industry, and should regularly train new Guards Divisions for security.

Socialist nations, or nations that seek some degree of separation for their economies from the global or western ones, should do the following: Always ensure their Public Services budget is equal to or greater than the combination of their Private and State Enterprise. Ensure Private Enterprise is less than State Enterprise. Ensure State Enterprise be greater than Military Industry. Do these things, and you will be on your way to autarky - and maybe even liberation.

Spending IC

Military IC can be spent on military units. Public Service IC can be spent on Special Projects. Private IC you must leave to its own devices, but can attempt to influence through political means. State IC is beholden to certain economic roles defined as necessary by your state planners.

Virtual and Imported IC

Imports or virtual quantities of IC are indicated in a parenthetical statement following the quantity, such as (+2). These are considered real industry and a real part of your economy. They count towards your totals for the purpose of unlocking units and infrastructure.

You can end up in a circumstance where you "import" a virtual quantity of IC, usually to private enterprise but sometimes to the other categories where it is spendable, and this is generally the result of favorable international circumstances whereby you have privileged access to another nation's markets. This is almost always the heritage of past conquests and the victory of imperialism, but sometimes results from honest trade. Virtual IC does not necessarily subtract from that which another nation has access to, as it is considered "outside" of their ownership. However, it usually is taking space that that nation cannot.

Public Services Spending, and Special Projects

Your public services budget can be spent on a 1:1 basis on Special Projects. A Special Project is more broad than "build Hoover Dam" and represents a national strategy or political undertaking to bring about a specific end, accomplished with the financial resources being allocated to the project. For example, suppose Japan wants to build its industry so that it can be more economically competitive. It may undertake to directly build and manage the industry (see State-Owned Enterprise below), or it may attempt to scaffold the development of private enterprise with public resources. Public services are also automatically spent maintaining ongoing expenditures related to the essential functions of the state (see Maintenance below). These expenditures you cannot easily reduce, and are shown in a parenthetical. These expenditures must be paid before you spend Public Services budget on anything else.

Private Enterprise

Private Enterprise is the most essential aspect for a long term game plan. This is the age of industry and development, and private enterprise represents the commercial activity and exploitation that is driving that development. The downside, of course, is that there is an increasingly powerful stake of bourgeois business-owners in the management and destiny of your nation. Sometimes, your Private Enterprise score will represent industry that is owned by a class of bourgeoisie from a foreign nation, who serve a different state. This still benefits you as Private Enterprise, but it benefits the foreigners as well, and they told you that was the standard market price for cardamom...

State-Owned Enterprise

State-Owned Enterprise is available for any nation, but is generally not an efficient option for capitalist empires, which are not configured to support state-owned enterprise really. This enterprise must be supported by an equivalent or greater amount of Public Services Spending. You cannot spend or allocate State Enterprise like other spending, as it is assumed to be automatically allocated by your planning commissions to certain necessary activities. In your strategic orders, you may specify such goals as they should work on, and according to their ideology and the priors you give them, they will seek to shape your economy to fit those goals.


Your public services budget is charged a bill every turn for maintaining the bureaucratic functions of the state. You can effectively only reduce the maintenance amount with directed policy - which usually means the expenditure of additional public services stat. An example is trying to reduce a "bloated" red taped-up bureaucracy's operating budget. Indeed, reducing the overall cost is the goal, but you will still need to put effort in to identifying which parts of the bureaucracy are really bloated. Corners may get cut in this process, for all the more carnage you may accidentally or recklessly end up doing to your state.

Military Spending

Military spending IC is the only IC that you can specifically spend on production and military research. Any IC not spent on the turn it is earned is lost. You may spend any virtual or imported Military IC as if it were normal Military IC.

When you recruit new forces, it is assumed you are recruiting those forces - the people and the equipment and organization necessary to assemble them into divisions - from your population. This may or may not be desirable, for you or for your population. Therefore, you should take care to try to "sweeten the deal" when pressing new soldiers into battle. If nothing else, give them a symbol and an ideal to fight for. Then maybe you don't need to do that much sweetening.

When recruiting new Guards, there will be less disgruntlement than when recruiting Infantry. However, if you have, say, some Guards Divisions already failing in a theater and you recruit new Guards to send them in, beware that it will be really important to the people back home how well you do in that theater, and all the more so when you decide to commit new Infantry. Therefore, you should generally try to make do with what you have.

As a rule of thumb, divide your jingoism stat by 10% to find the number of new land divisions you can recruit without stepping on anyone's toes.

Recruiting new naval and air forces is much less impactful on your population, so you can ignore this rule of thumb, but it is still very impactful on your economy. Be mindful of the effects that constant militarization can have and stay vigilant.

Stockpiling Weapons

If you don't want to raise any new forces but you still wish to build your military advantage, you may always use any military IC to stockpile weapons. This will add to a hidden stat that only you may see indicating your weapon stockpiles. The types of stockpiles and the effect they will have on your readiness will vary according to the programs that you as the player wish to undertake. However, in general it is better to have some stock than none especially if you are raising new divisions. By default, everyone's stocks are assumed to be sufficient until proven otherwise. Insufficient stocks will not necessarily stop you from raising new divisions, but it may impact those divisions' combat readiness.

...Selling Weapons?

Yes, you just need to find a buyer. Whatever deal you work out, your buyer will benefit from improved readiness and the technical advantages conferred by your stockpile, however sophisticated and well-equipped it may be.

Ground Forces

Guards Division: 1 IC for 2 Divisions. These divisions represent garrisons or local guards forces that are not equipped to go on the offensive.
Upgrade Guards to Infantry: 2 IC for 3 Divisions. A way of preparing new combat forces without recruitment. These divisions are significantly more combat-ready than fresh recruits. Consider this move like dipping into your active reserves.

Infantry Division: 1 IC for 1. These forces provide the standard military forces to most nations. Consisting generally of infantry equipped with rifles, mortars, and bombs.

Cavalry Division: 1 IC for 1: These dragoon forces move much faster than infantry and can fight just as well. All they require is a functioning horse economy.

Must have 5 or more Military Industry:

Armored Division: 2 IC for 1: These expensive divisions assemble armored fighting vehicles and state-of-the-art battle equipment.

Naval Forces

Destroyer Groups: 1 IC for 1 Group. These forces provide protection for sea-lanes and larger ships against marauding enemy submarines and raiders.

Submarine Group: 1 IC for 1. These groups of submarines assault convoys and merchant ships which provide vital lifelines for many nations.

Cruiser Group: 2 IC for 1. These forces fill the niche for open sea control between capital ships and destroyer groups. Cruiser groups are crucial for naval supremacy.

Must have 5 or more Military Industry:

Capital Ship: 3 IC for 1 Ship. These behemoths represent imperial might. They have large guns and are expensive.

Carrier: 3 IC for 1. These ships are built specially for naval aviation and combat.

Air Forces

Biplane Squadron: 2 IC for 1 Squadron. This is a group of about 100 wooden-and-canvass biplanes equipped with machine guns, trained to dogfight as a squadron. They are vulnerable to anti-aircraft artillery, but make short work of dirigibles.

Must have 5 or more Military Industry:

Dirigible Division: 3 IC for 1 Division. This is a division consisting of ground and aircrew, infrastructure, and support for a few combat dirigibles and war-balloons. They are much faster than ground forces and can show up with considerable firepower, but they are expensive and easily destroyed by biplanes.


Your nation's global opinion is the reflection that your empire gives to the other governments of the world. The better this is, the more you can snow people into doing what you want, say make it easier to make alliances or trade deals, or get them to listen to your insane megalomaniacal rants. On the other hand, if your nation is feared or hated, all those things will be that much harder to do.

Attacking a nation which is more globally hated than your own will have a less negative effect on your own global opinion. If you attack a nation that is far more beloved, you will bring the wrath of global opinion down upon ye.

Oh, and remember: People love an underdog.


Military and Its Use


I must ask that when you send orders, describe your plan for the whole war, and leave the specific strategy to the generals in charge. On a related note, your generals can and will get better over time, so remember their names and keep them fighting to get a better military.

Artillery and early armor will both be considered automatically a part of divisions which are in your army, supporting part of Infantry and Cavalry divisions only. Research into these aspects of war will significantly increase the strength of your divisions in comparison to your enemies. These effects are reflected within your Military Quality section of the stats.

Military Quality

Your military quality demonstrates how well advanced, experienced, or trained your armed forces are. Good circumstances can be fostered by investing additional resources, but in general experience is the best teacher. The best military quality can only be maintained by constantly remaining at war all across the globe, in one form or another. It exists on the following scale, from bad to good:


*Mutinous does not technically indicate combat quality, as it is not actually worse than Incapable, which assumes your military is perfectly unequipped for fighting a modern war. Rather, this value will be used to indicate a military that is totally disorganized and splintering. Expect coups and counter-coups, and expect even a once-invincible fighting force to be reduced to nothing by mutiny.

Hidden Green

Generally, when your army quality is Green, your officers are not aware of it. Therefore, your military quality may be reported as Regular when it is actually Green. The only way to reveal this is to either blow the lid off your army's unpreparedness (difficult as the officers will indeed attempt to keep a lid on things) or go to war and let the meatgrinder grind. Note that after a sudden or emergency draft, Hidden Green becomes a very possible scenario.

Revolutions & Nationalism

Ever since the Revolution, new nations just seem to crop up all the time. Here's how to play as one. Fill out this form:

Organization Name:
Base City:

Here's what your stats will look like when they are complete:

Organization Name:
Base City:
Base IC:

Reputation refers to your global reputation in terms of how seriously people take you. You prefer for this to be on the left side of the following scale:


Legitimacy exists on a 1-100 scale. If it is 50, then 50% of the organization's objective is said to have been fulfilled.

Ground Forces

Militia Division: 1 IC for 2 Divisions. Improperly trained or equipped and with poor morale, fate calls them to war anyway.

Revolutionary Division: 1 IC for 1. Slightly worse than standard infantry, but with very good morale.

Mercenary Division: 2 IC for 1. Slightly better than standard infantry.

Naval Forces

Barque: 1 IC for 1 Squadron. Consider these ships worse than any regular navy vessel. Can traverse rivers and lakes. Better than no navy at all.

Air Forces

Revolutionaries can have air force equipment gifted to them, but presently it is not generally possible to bootstrap an air force.

Military Quality

Army/Navy Quality for player rebellion armies, nationalists, or revolutionaries is considered to be always around Veteran.


This is vital to creating your nation, you must state an objective for your organization. When this is achieved, or if a convincing impression of achievement has been made, the group ends with victory. If you are nationalists you create a new real nation. If you are rebels attempting to change the government, you get control of that nation and form a new government. The former government is driven into exile.
Last edited:
Reserved for nation stats, background, and map.

Named Characters and Specific History

With 100 years of divergence, many people have not been born that would have otherwise, and vice-versa. Conditions may be familiar, but the people are different.

National Stats and Backgrounds

Empire Français
Napoleonist Empire: National Liberal President, Travailleur Consul
Capital: Île-de-France
Dissent: 43%
Jingoism: 28%
Reputation: Admired
Industrial Capacity: 40 (+15)
Military Industry: 12 (+3)
Public Services: 8 (-3)
Private Enterprise: 20 (+12)
Army: 20 Guards Divisions, 33 Infantry Divisions, 5 Cavalry Divisions, 5 Armored Divisions
Army Quality: Elite
Navy: 28 Capital Ships, 30 Cruiser Groups, 50 Destroyer Groups, 10 Submarine Groups
Navy Quality: Veteran
Air: 18 Biplane Squadrons, 7 Dirigible Divisions
Air Quality: Veteran
Background: The legacy of Napoleon was a century of turbulent rule over an unruly world. Careful maneuvering (and good fortune) carried Napoleon Bonaparte's revolutionary French Empire to the very center of the European political order, and the shockwaves were tremendous. The Italian revolution, and the revolutions of the 1840's, would formalize a very fundamental transition that had occurred in the heart of European politics. Within France, an innovative new political system emerged from the loamy soil of the Napoleonic empire. The Emperor's power was inevitably split into other offices and institutions, chief among them the Emperor-appointed President (the executive head of government), the popularly-elected Consul (with certain powers of its own), and, of course, the Congress. For decades, a dynamic has ruled this government constituting of the tug-of-war between the National Liberal Party, which enjoy a strong base of support among Parisian elites and other members of the so-called "centralist" school of politics, and the Federalist Party, which attempts to patch together an opposition out of everything that Paris is not. Since the war, however, the political terrain is in upheaval, with a large diversity of socialist and labor parties gunning for coalition control of the Congress. Standing on procedure, the Emperor and the President have managed to isolate the socialists, which remain splintered by the war, but are yet buttressed by the recent election of a socialist Consul, member of the all-nation Socialist Travailleurs' Union; and meanwhile, the shrinking Federalists seek to align a new coalition and redefine themselves.

The British Republican Commonwealth
Federative Republican Empire: Union of Federation Labour Parties (elected in 1918)
Capital: London
Dissent: 52%
Jingoism: 44%
Reputation: Respected
Industrial Capacity: 33 (+12)
Military Industry: 10 (+2)
Public Services: 10 (-3)
Private Enterprise: 13 (+10)
Army: 18 Guards Divisions, 16 Infantry Divisions, 6 Cavalry Divisions, 4 Armored Divisions
Army Quality: Veteran
Navy: 15 Capital Ships, 29 Cruiser Groups, 78 Destroyer Groups, 29 Submarine Groups
Navy Quality: Elite
Air: 22 Biplane Squadrons, 2 Dirigible Divisions
Air Quality: Veteran
Background: Sorely shamed in the Revolutionary Wars of the early 19th century, aristocratic and anti-Napoleon politicians had a lot of explaining to do in the following decades. So it was that by 1844, London was spared none of the flaming indignation that came to the rest of the continent. Great Britain was swept by a combined movement of workers, petty bourgeoisie, and nouveau riche industrialists who sensed the weakness of the young Queen Alexandria and her allies. The Charter Committee, organized from this movement, would ultimately vote to expel the British royals to the continent, where they would wander before finally settling, ignominiously, in Paris. So it was that they chartered a new republic, very much in the spirit of the times: the British Republic, which would come to be replaced in 1877 in the Federation Acts, reestablishing the British Empire as the new British Republican Commonwealth (a stroke of political genius, even if it came some 40 years after a similar innovation was presented in Italy). The new Commonwealth had a great empire of resources to exploit, and despite a tempestuous, up-and-down relationship with the rest of the world, have successfully consolidated a new system which now stands victorious at the end of the Great War (though it eyes independent South Africa ruefully, and contends with a seemingly impossible task in averting a vote for independence by the confederate Irish Republic).

Spanish Republic
Constitutional Republic: Confederation for the Autonomous Right (elected in 1918)
Capital: Madrid
Dissent: 55%
Jingoism: 25%
Reputation: Neutral
Industrial Capacity: 17 (+7)
Military Industry: 8 (+3)
Public Services: 2 (-2)
Private Enterprise: 7 (+4)
Army: 10 Guards Divisions, 12 Infantry Divisions, 6 Cavalry Divisions
Army Quality: Veteran
Navy: 8 Capital Ships, 11 Cruiser Groups, 15 Destroyer Groups
Navy Quality: Regular
Air: 6 Biplane Squadrons
Air Quality: Regular
Background: The Spanish Empire was already bubbling up by the time of the Great War, but everything boiled over by the end. The Republic was formed following approval of a constitution after a popular uprising in response to the war, which in particular took the east lands. In compromise, the new Republic settled in Madrid, where they barely feel the distant, jealous gaze of the military colonial administrations - in whose perspective their thankless and mostly unsuccessful efforts to quell colonial rebellion has been rewarded with vice and decadence at home. The third core member of the Western Commission.

Portuguese Republic
Constitutional Republic: Liberal Party (elected in 1918)
Capital: Lisboa
Dissent: 55%
Jingoism: 15%
Reputation: Liked
Industrial Capacity: 13 (+8)
Military Industry: 5 (+2)
Public Services: 2 (-2)
Private Enterprise: 6 (+6)
Army: 8 Guards Divisions, 16 Infantry Divisions
Army Quality: Regular
Navy: 6 Capital Ships, 7 Cruiser Groups, 12 Destroyer Groups, 15 Submarine Groups
Navy Quality: Regular
Air: 4 Biplane Squadrons
Air Quality: Regular
Background: The Portuguese Republic formed after a revolution in 1908, and has had elections every four years since. The delicate dance of ruling the empire and satisfying the needs of the reformists has hindered the republic with interminable political gridlock and government dissolutions. The current government of the Liberal Party has maintained some semblance of stability so far, but anarchist rebellions and colonial insurgencies throughout the empire and particularly the jewel territory of Brazil continue to plague it. An observing member of the Western Commission.

Dutch Republic
Constitutional Congressional Republic: Dutch Socialist Workers' Party (elected in 1918)
Capital: Amsterdam
Dissent: 42%
Jingoism: 16%
Reputation: Neutral
Industrial Capacity: 12 (+12)
Military Industry: 2 (+3)
Public Services: 4 (-2)
Private Enterprise: 6 (+9)
Army: 8 Guards Divisions, 6 Infantry Divisions, 2 Cavalry Divisions
Army Quality: Regular
Navy: 7 Capital Ships, 12 Cruiser Groups, 21 Destroyer Groups, 11 Submarine Groups
Navy Quality: Regular
Background: The Dutch Republic formed amidst the collapse of the Batavian Republic in 1889, and has since been governed alternatively by the nationalist Dutch People's Party and the pro-west Constitutionalist Party. In a recent upset, the country has come to be governed by the Dutch Socialist Workers' Party - which now must decide where its loyalty lies. An observing member of the Western Commission.

United German Republics
Constitutional Federal Republic: German Federalist Alliance (elections indefinitely suspended)
Capital: Cologne
Dissent: 80%
Jingoism: 50%
Reputation: Hated
Industrial Capacity: 25
Military Industry: 8
Public Services: 1 (-1)
Private Enterprise: 16
Army: 10 Guards Divisions, 14 Infantry Divisions
Army Quality: Mutinous
Navy: 2 Capital Ships, 2 Cruiser Groups, 5 Destroyer Groups, 5 Submarine Groups
Navy Quality: Regular
Air: 7 Biplane Squadrons, 6 Dirigible Divisions
Air Quality: Veteran
Background: The United Republics of Germany was formed at the turn of the century, after yet another provincial rebellion occurred in the same year the Kingdom of Austria sought to dismantle what remained of the German Union (itself formed from the ashes of the ill-begotten Republic of the Rhine). This time, the rebellion caught a wave of popular dissent and opportunism that allowed a self-establishing German Congress to declare their union of republics. The tempestuous next decade led to the Great War, and ultimately the leadership of Germany was destroyed or scattered so that all that remained were the contemptuous Treaty Force, which signed peace with the Western Commission. Germany is now descending into chaos, and the newly-formed German Federalist Alliance must unite the country once more or perish.

Bavarian Independent Republic
Base City: Munich
Reputation: Upstart
Legitimacy: 55%
Base IC: 2
Army: 8 Militia Divisions, 3 Revolutionary Divisions, 4 Mercenary Divisions
Navy: 1 Barque
Objective: Create a legitimate, independent Bavarian nation and banish Cologne's authority.

Prussian Social Revival Movement
Base City: Szczecin
Reputation: Indifferent
Legitimacy: 20%
Base IC: 1
Army: 6 Revolutionary Divisions
Navy: 2 Barques
Objective: Liberate the nation of Prussia from Germany and Poland.

Anational Free Trades Association
Base City: Stuttgart
Reputation: Indifferent
Legitimacy: 30%
Base IC: 0
Army: 9 Militia Divisions, 1 Revolutionary Division
Objective: No gods, no masters, only free people.

Czech Republic
Base City: Praha
Reputation: Respected
Legitimacy: 90%
Base IC: 2
Army: 12 Militia Divisions, 3 Revolutionary Divisions
Objective: Create a legitimate, independent Czech Republic that is recognized by the Western Commission.

Italian Empire
Federative Republican Empire: National Front (elected in 1918)
Capital: Rome
Dissent: 45%
Jingoism: 55%
Reputation: Feared
Industrial Capacity: 30 (+6)
Military Industry: 5 (+2)
Public Services: 4 (-1)
Private Enterprise: 21 (+4)
Army: 7 Guards Divisions, 15 Infantry Divisions, 4 Cavalry Divisions, 1 Armored Division
Army Quality: Elite
Navy: 6 Capital Ships, 6 Cruiser Groups, 26 Destroyer Groups, 24 Submarine Groups
Navy Quality: Veteran
Air: 12 Biplane Squadrons, 8 Dirigible Divisions
Air Quality: Elite
Background: The Empire of Italy formed out of a successful peninsula-wide rebellion against the French Empire in 1839, which eventually led to the continent-spanning rebellions and revolutions of 1844. Although many of those ultimately were defeated, the Italian rebellion triumphed over all comers and became the very symbol of meritocracy. This irresistible vision of the new Italy brought both the nobles and capitalists in line, and seemingly came to an end with Great War, when Rome was occupied and the government, scattered. Although a provisional government made peace with the west, it too was overthrown by revolution from within and the imperial system was reestablished. The newly-elected National Front now promises to ensure peace with the west, but it will have to submit to very unpopular reparations and further demilitarization to truly satisfy Paris (and to send the large French garrisons in Lombardy home).

United Kingdom of Denmark-Norway and Sweden
Parliamentary Monarchy: King Christian X
Capital: Copenhagen
Dissent: 42%
Jingoism: 32%
Reputation: Liked
Industrial Capacity: 7
Military Industry: 1
Public Services: 2 (-1)
Private Enterprise: 4
Army: 4 Guards Divisions, 2 Infantry Divisions
Army Quality: Regular
Navy: 1 Cruiser Squadron, 10 Destroyer Squadrons
Navy Quality: Regular
Background: The successful nomination of a Danish prince to a Swedish throne, a small population, a century of spinning the wheels in quiet cooperation with the dominant tides of North Sea trade, and fear of the Russian juggernaut and the example of Finland, are all hall marks of this Scandinavian union, which rides the line between Danish pride and Scandinavian nationhood.

Polish Republic
Military Republic: Warsaw Junta
Capital: Warsaw
Dissent: 41%
Jingoism: 55%
Reputation: Disliked
Industrial Capacity: 15 (+3)
Military Industry: 4 (+3)
Public Services: 4 (-1)
Private Enterprise: 5
State Enterprise: 2
Army: 24 Guards Divisions, 10 Infantry Divisions, 6 Cavalry Divisions, 1 Armored Division
Army Quality: Elite
Navy: 3 Destroyer Groups
Navy Quality: Regular
Air: 7 Biplane Squadrons, 5 Dirigible Divisions
Air Quality: Veteran
Background: At first no more than a political project propped up by Napoleon, the Republic of Poland came into its own in the 20th century, fully capitalizing on the gains made half a century prior. The current republic is industrializing quickly and well-armed, having been a core site of the Great War's battles. Despite its victories, it is politically divided, as the ruling junta have long swept any pretense of democracy aside, and the opposition liberals are trying and failing to keep the ever-increasing masses of unemployed anarchists at bay.

Kingdom of Austria
Constitutional Monarchy: Queen Josephina von Habsburg
Capital: Vienna
Dissent: 47%
Jingoism: 42%
Reputation: Neutral
Industrial Capacity: 7
Military Industry: 2
Public Services: 2 (-1)
Private Enterprise: 3
Army: 4 Guards Divisions, 4 Infantry Divisions, 2 Cavalry Divisions
Army Quality: Veteran
Air: 2 Biplane Squadrons, 1 Dirigible Divisions
Air Quality: Veteran
Background: The Kingdom of Austria has limped along as such ever since it emerged from the populist revolutions of 1844, unbroken by the mob, except for Hungary and the rest of the Empire, which were lost. The Holy Roman Empire a long-distant memory, the ambition of the Habsburgs remains yet undiminished. The Kingdom of Austria represents a reformist project to build a new identity for Germany: as a sister nation to Austria, which must learn from her big sister. This led to the Founding War of the United Republics, which ended when Italy occupied Austrian territory and forced a settlement to the issue. Austria did not participate in the Great War, but Austrian warhawks seek to take advantage of Germany's present weakness.

Hungarian Republic
Constitutional Congressional Republic: National Catholic Party (elected in 1915)
Capital: Budapest
Dissent: 59%
Jingoism: 55%
Reputation: Disliked
Industrial Capacity: 5
Military Industry: 2
Public Services: 1 (-1)
Private Enterprise: 2
Army: 4 Guards Divisions, 5 Infantry Divisions, 5 Cavalry Divisions
Army Quality: Regular
Background: In 1844, the Italian revolution finally spread to the Danube. Austria was besieged on all fronts and no aid would come from France, Russia, or the Ottoman. Hungarian nobles and commoners alike took to the streets of Budapest and unfurled the greens, whites, and reds of the popular revolution. In a matter of months, the Austrian authority had all but evaporated in Hungary, and it would be border war with Poland and, later, Russia that would force the Hungarian Republic to create itself. A multi-national federation of a style with Italy's was built in Hungary, but alas the Hungarian nationalist project struggled with the problems of Transylvania and Croatia. By the time of the Great War, Hungary had joined the Eastern Alliance with Germany, Italy, and Russia, and would be mercilessly divided by both revolution and peace terms in the coming years.

United Romanian Republics
Federative Congressional Republic: Liberal-Republican Party (elected in 1919)
Capital: Bucharest
Dissent: 46%
Jingoism: 52%
Reputation: Liked
Industrial Capacity: 9
Military Industry: 3
Public Services: 3 (-1)
Private Enterprise: 3
Army: 4 Guards Divisions, 5 Infantry Divisions, 2 Cavalry Divisions
Army Quality: Regular
Navy: 2 Destroyer Squadrons
Navy Quality: Green
Air: 1 Biplane Squadron
Air Quality: Green
Background: If Hungary was the big loser of the Great War, Romania was the big winner. A successful revolution started in Transylvania by revolutionaries from Bucharest had galvanized the rump Russophilic state of Wallachia and would later successfully seize all of Moldavia, taking advantage in a time when other nations were crumbling (as, indeed, the then-nascent Ukrainian Republic had no interest in quashing Romania at that time, or could not act on it if they did). As a union of republics, modeled in the Italian populist revolutionary style, the United Romanian Republics is a very young nation born of war and revolution, and the political debates in Bucharest grow ever more grim between the influential and young urban revolutionary class and their bankrolling, nationalist landlords.

Bulgarian People's Republic
Revolutionary Republic: Bulgarian Revolutionary Nationalist Party
Capital: Sofia
Dissent: 59%
Jingoism: 38%
Reputation: Hated
Industrial Capacity: 5
Military Industry: 2
Public Services: 1 (-1)
Private Enterprise: 2
Army: 2 Guards Divisions, 8 Infantry Divisions
Army Quality: Veteran
Background: The Bulgarian nationalist movement was the key driving force of the Bulgarian revolution for decades before the Great War, when amidst the collapse of the Ottoman Empire it saw chaos like the rest. Traction would not come until 1913 (roundly considered the death knell of the Ottoman state), when the left coalition of the active revolutionary nationalist party finally achieved the upper hand and expelled certain unpopular aristocrats. After many years of war, the Bulgarian People's Republic was announced by the victorious Nationalist Party. Despite their success, the ruling faction is unpopular for their socialist ways, and once elections are held the mood is certain that the Center will abandon them. With pressure to hold elections mounting, the young republic must ponder what it shall do.

Yugoslavian Republic
Provisional Commissary State: Alliance for National Unity
Capital: Belgrade
Dissent: 62%
Jingoism: 29%
Reputation: Neutral
Industrial Capacity: 9
Military Industry: 2
Public Services: 0 (-1)
Private Enterprise: 7
Army: 5 Guards Divisions, 2 Infantry Divisions
Army Quality: Regular
Background: Formed by treaty and force by the end of the Great War, the Yugoslavian Republic represents the Western Commission's solution to the issues of Serbian and Croat nationalism, playing up the hatred of both parties against the Italians and the Hungarians which had divided the region for the previous half-century. Based in the ideal of South Slav unity, the Western Commission intends this republic to develop into a new independent nation for "the Yugoslavian people," and sets now on the hard work of fitting those people into this government.

Military Junta: Athens Commission
Capital: Athens
Dissent: 51%
Jingoism: 55%
Reputation: Liked
Industrial Capacity: 5
Military Industry: 2
Public Services: 1 (-1)
Private Enterprise: 2
Army: 4 Guards Divisions, 12 Infantry Divisions
Army Quality: Regular
Background: An ever-recurring thorn in the paws of all powers, Greece in the 19th century was a story of imperial misadventure and great power politicking. By century's end, all had lost control of the situation with the Greek-Ottoman War. The resolution to thus was short-lived as during the Great War, Greece had aligned with the Eastern Alliance, and attacked the Western Commission's Ottoman ally alongside Russia. The Greek government that fought this war would ultimately be destroyed. However, with the Ottomans now in collapse and Anatolia reunited by the forces of the Turkish revolution, France and Britain have scrambled to establish a new solution to the Greek problem and settled on the Athens Commission: much like the pre-war government, in fact containing many of the same people, but now charged with fighting Turkey rather than punished for doing so. Needless to say, the Greeks are more than a little cynical about this arrangement, with the newspapers daily urging the government to "take what it can in Thrace and ditch the West at the first opportunity."

Turkish Revolutionary Republic
Revolutionary Committee: Turkish Nationalist & Socialist People's Movement
Capital: Ankara
Dissent: 40%
Jingoism: 30%
Reputation: Disliked
Industrial Capacity: 15
Military Industry: 5
Public Services: 1 (-1)
Private Enterprise: 9
Army: 6 Guards Divisions, 13 Infantry Divisions, 3 Cavalry Divisions
Army Quality: Regular
Navy: 3 Capital Ships, 9 Cruiser Squadrons, 12 Destroyer Squadrons, 4 Submarine Squadrons
Navy Quality: Veteran
Background: Unrecognized by the Western Commission or any other state, the Turkish Revolutionary Republic is a very young state which exists amidst the collapse of the Ottoman empire and the desperate, failing efforts of the Western Commission to prop it up. Based in Ankara, the Turkish revolutionary movement formed from deserting officers and bureaucrats who realized that the increasingly-militarized and French-and-British-flag-having Constantinople was no longer a place for Ottoman officers to engage in politics on its own terms. The legally murky Battle of Constantinople saw the revolutionaries take the city from the Western Commission, but it is known the fighting was not intense. The movement seeks now to define Turkey and express a revolutionary path towards modernity, shorn of the baggage and weakness of the Ottoman state, and not yielding an inch of soil in Thrace.

Russian Soviet Republic
Soviet Republic: Social Democratic Workers' Party of Russia (elected in 1917)
Capital: Sovietgrad
Dissent: 25%
Jingoism: 20%
Reputation: Hated
Industrial Capacity: 18
Military Industry: 5
Public Services: 4 (-1)
Private Enterprise: 8
State Enterprise: 1
Army: 12 Guards Divisions, 16 Infantry Divisions, 3 Cavalry Divisions
Army Quality: Veteran
Navy: 1 Capital Ships, 4 Destroyer Groups, 3 Submarine Groups
Navy Quality: Veteran
Background: The Russian Empire cast its lot in with Napoleon once it signed the Treaty of Tilsit, and the successful Thracian Expedition would force Ottoman hands in its war against Russia. The theme of the remaining century, however, was one of hostility and alienation. The Russian Empire would become symbolic of the "forces of reaction," as they were often known in the west, and presumptive alliances with conservative German, Austrian, and Hungarian factions became the norm. Internally, political divisions only became sharper, and industrialization was a slow and grueling process. In the end, it was the bloody theaters of Poland and Romania that would break the resolve of the Tsar, and lead the way to revolution in 1916. The provisional government elected to St. Petersburg that same year would vote in 1917 to form the Soviet Republic of Russia (a highly-contested vote, as many ministers "associated with the Tsar regime" were locked out of the government chambers) and vow to end the war. The Western Commission has not recognized the Soviet government, and expects reparations to be paid from Russia once the mob has been cleared out of the temporarily-renamed St. Petersburg.

Ukrainian Republic
Urban Republic: Councilor Volin Iwanicki
Capital: Kiev
Dissent: 72%
Jingoism: 44%
Reputation: Neutral
Industrial Capacity: 7
Military Industry: 2
Public Services: 1 (-1)
Private Enterprise: 4
Army: 6 Guards Divisions, 10 Infantry Divisions, 2 Cavalry Divisions
Army Quality: Veteran
Navy: 1 Capital Ship, 2 Destroyer Groups, 1 Submarine Group
Navy Quality: Veteran
Background: Although the provisional government voted to form a soviet republic in Ukraine (as well as, for that matter, Kazakhstan and beyond), the mood in Kiev was significantly different than that in old St. Petersburg. For the first thing, although Ukrainian representatives in St. Petersburg did vote to form the republic, the simultaneously-extant Kiev Soviet did not ratify that vote, amidst concerns about exacerbating a possible civil war with the atamans and the Kiev and Sevastopol business leagues. The lost time was too much: weeks later, the business league decided it could not trust the Soviet, and cut a deal with some atamans to clear out the city. It was civil war after all: the Soviets fled south, to Sevastopol, and new elections were held in which the coalition of Councilor Volin Iwanicki came to power. A modest and liberal man, Iwanicki must soothe the nerves of those who consider him a puppet of Kiev's shadow interests.

Ukraineshchina Soviet Combine
Base City: Sevastopol
Reputation: Upstart
Legitimacy: 30%
Base IC: 1
Army: 4 Militia Divisions, 5 Revolutionary Divisions
Navy: 2 Barques
Objective: Overthrow the government and form a new socialist society.

The Black Ataman
Base City: Huliaipole
Reputation: Upstart
Legitimacy: 20%
Base IC: 1
Army: 6 Militia Divisions, 1 Mercenary Division
Navy: 2 Barques
Objective: Destroy the Soviets and liberate Kiev from the Commission sell-outs.

Kazakh Republic
Military Dictatorship: Generalissimo Antonov Andreievich Dubrovsky
Capital: Almaty
Dissent: 55%
Jingoism: 5%
Reputation: Neutral
Industrial Capacity: 5
Military Industry: 2
Public Services: 0 (-0)
Private Enterprise: 2
State Enterprise: 1
Army: 11 Infantry Divisions, 12 Cavalry Divisions
Army Quality: Veteran
Background: Amidst the chaotic upheavals of the Great War, the Russian Empire was as determined not to lose central Asia to rebels as anywhere else; on top of which, previous liberal Duma administrations had successfully exiled numerous conservative or old nobility officers to Kazakhstan. Even with the onset of the war, politics prevented many of them from returning, and they were earmarked for the merciless Afghan Theater. By 1915, enough was enough and the local army units defected and, with the help of their Kazakh comrades, created a new Kazakh Republic to ride out the collapse of the Empire. Officially at peace with the Western Commission for only token reparations, Uzbek nationalism is now the foremost political issue for this military junta masquerading as a republic.

United States of America
Federative Congressional Republic: Democratic-Republican Party (elected in 1915)
Capital: Washington D.C.
Dissent: 15%
Jingoism: 25%
Reputation: Neutral
Industrial Capacity: 30 (+6)
Military Industry: 5
Public Services: 2 (-2)
Private Enterprise: 23 (+6)
Army: 13 Guards Divisions, 13 Infantry Divisions, 4 Cavalry Divisions
Army Quality: Regular
Navy: 12 Capital Ships, 16 Cruiser Groups, 30 Destroyer Groups
Navy Quality: Regular
Air: 2 Dirigible Divisions
Air Quality: Green
Background: The French Revolution in North America as it came to be known, sometimes called the Disastrous War in the United States, set the tone for a very indolent century for the United States, as the generals quietly hung up their hats at the end of long, disastrous, and mostly failed campaigns. And so, a quiet era of disappointment set in, whereby U.S. politics came to be dominated by a very entrenched group of east coast nobles. As half of these were slavers, an attitude propped up in the west and at the very furthest reaches of the Louisiana Purchase that the national question was one of the free independent yeomen and the old entrenched nobility. With no compromise forthcoming, the Civil War lasted from 1844 to 1850, and ended with the victory of the coalition led by the National Party, based in Ohio. Slavery was outlawed nationwide, and the seeds of a new era of urban politics were sown. After fifty years of development, colonial adventuring, and occasional saber-rattling with the France-and-Spain-backed Mexico, the Great War has finally presented the opportunity that hawks have longed for since the great verdant northwestern territory of Sacagawea became a state: to attack an isolated Mexican Republic, and perhaps seize the northern territories of California and Texas from them. The Democratic-Republican Mandate relies on winning this war started in 1916 soon, as the upcoming elections in 1919 threaten to swing the Congress back towards the National Party, which may continue the war but may also seek a negotiated settlement. An observing member of the Western Commission.

Mexican Republic
Constitutional Congressional Republic: Pablo Garcia Government (Liberal) (elected in 1911)
Capital: Mexico City
Dissent: 36%
Jingoism: 45%
Reputation: Liked
Industrial Capacity: 19
Military Industry: 4
Public Services: 1 (-1)
Private Enterprise: 13
Army: 8 Guards Divisions, 10 Infantry Divisions, 10 Cavalry Divisions
Army Quality: Regular
Navy: 5 Capital Ships, 4 Cruiser Groups, 11 Destroyer Groups, 7 Submarine Groups
Navy Quality: Regular
Air: 1 Dirigible Division
Air Quality: Green
Background: The Mexican Republic rose from the successful overthrow of the French-created Mexican Empire, which itself was the compromise option for the Spanish and French nobles who fled the French revolution half a century prior. After the sudden death of the propped-up Habsburg emperor with no presumptive heir, the government was seized by military strongmen, and France threw its lot in behind the Mexican indigenous leader Benito Juárez. The resulting Republic strengthened the central government, and Mexico City, much to the detriment of the northern territories, which would become a serious issue by the turn of the century, when the growing cities and industrial power of those regions aligned with a greater clamor for political power. Pablo Garcia, President of the current Mexican government, rules a political patchwork which many acknowledge desperately needs to be updated. However, the war with the United States and the growing chaos in the northern territories continue to exact a heavy toll.

Union of Central American Republics
Federative Congressional Republic: Catholic Union Party (elected in 1916)
Capital: Guatemala City
Dissent: 48%
Jingoism: 40%
Reputation: Hated
Industrial Capacity: 6
Military Industry: 1
Public Services: 1 (-1)
Private Enterprise: 4
Army: 4 Guards Divisions, 4 Infantry Divisions
Army Quality: Regular
Navy: 1 Destroyer Group, 1 Submarine Group
Navy Quality: Regular
Background: Finally successfully casting off the Spanish yoke in the Great War, and forming a new federative independent republic in Central America, the Union is patria non grata in the Western Commission, and its independence has only been formally recognized by the Republic of Mexico. The elected liberal government currently enjoys a broad base of support, but determined autonomists and rival political factions vary between ignoring the government and being outwardly contemptuous of it. The next few years will determine much about this Union's future.
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The Federation of People's Republics
Socialist Republican Federation: Internationalist Movement for Socialism Party
Capital: Buenos Aires
Dissent: 44%
Jingoism: 51%
Reputation: Hated
Industrial Capacity: 14
Military Industry: 3
Public Services: 3 (-1)
Private Enterprise: 5
State Enterprise: 3
Army: 9 Guards Divisions, 11 Infantry Divisions, 2 Cavalry Divisions
Army Quality: Veteran
Navy: 2 Destroyer Squadrons
Navy Quality: Green
Background: It seems all over the world now you can find a banner or a newspaper declaring the pronunciation of these words: "la federación ganó," a slogan now come to be associated with the precipitous collapse of the Spanish imperial authority in South America during the Great War. The situation, of course, was indebted to half a century of revolutionary mischief at the behest of French (and, later, British) business poachers, and wasteful expenditure in the quelling of bourgeois rebellions. Finally, the pendulum swung in the favor of those militant socialists who organized workers, middle tradesmen, and peasants alike, and scourged the owners and overseers from their midst. Between 1913 and 1918, the socialists conquered large swaths of the Spanish regime in South America, and continued to capitalize their gains far beyond anyone's expectations. Besieged by all of the Brazilians, the Colombians, and the Western Commission, the Argentine republics are taking up arms and mobilizing their forces in the Rio de la Plata basin, and the sister republics in Charcas, Peru and Chile will have to learn from their example or be stomped by counterrevolution.

Republic of China
Revolutionary Republic: The Loose Coalition
Capital: Beijing and Nanjing
Dissent: 57%
Jingoism: 59%
Reputation: Neutral
Industrial Capacity: 20
Military Industry: 1
Public Services: 5 (-3)
Private Enterprise: 14
Army: 26 Guards Divisions, 11 Infantry Divisions, 9 Cavalry Divisions
Army Quality: Veteran
Navy: 1 Capital Ship, 1 Cruiser Squadron, 3 Destroyer Squadrons
Navy Quality: Regular
Background: Millennia of monarchy came to an end at the beginning of 1909, when the Yongheng Emperor, last of the Qing, confronted by mob and magistrate alike, abdicated his throne and abandoned Beijing. The Wushen Revolution (戊申革命), as it came to be called, set into motion the chain of events that would lead to the Great War. Immediately, the Japanese ambassador to the Qing, Saburou Takahara, went to the Emperor's residence and demanded he un-abdicate, as the Japanese government feared revolution would jeopardize the rights to property and industry Japan had worked so hard to secure with the Qing (and France's heavy-handed mediation). Laoyi (the Emperor's courtesy name) refused for fear of his life, as there had been two assassination attempts by ex-monks or magistrates in the last eight months alone. Making good on old threats, Ambassador Takahara then elected to take Laoyi into custody, and the gun battle thus associated is considered to be the opening shots of the Great War. Within a few weeks, Japanese imperial army units had entered Manchuria, and Beijing military factions had mobilized to answer. Meanwhile, the imperial abdication was celebrated throughout China and particularly in Nanjing, where the revolutionary Mindonghui (民动會) organization had gathered with the eyes to form a new national government. The "Republic of China" per the Mindonghui program was established, with the tentative (not wanting to seem unpatriotic) support of the Beijing generals. The war was long, and led to two outcomes: first, the arriving German-French expedition in 1917 would defeat the Japanese imperial forces in detail, and take Manchuria from China to form their new Legation; and second, a roundabout of Chinese military and political leadership, rotating between Nanjing and Beijing, where in either which place for the first time since the revolution it seems a new government might be formed.

Empire of Japan
Constitutional Empire: Emperor Yoshihide (Giaki 10)
Capital: Tokyo
Dissent: 52%
Jingoism: 55%
Reputation: Neutral
Industrial Capacity: 13 (+1)
Military Industry: 5
Public Services: 3 (-2)
Private Enterprise: 5 (+1)
Army: 6 Guards Divisions, 16 Infantry Divisions, 4 Cavalry Divisions
Army Quality: Veteran
Navy: 3 Capital Ships, 7 Cruiser Squadrons, 23 Destroyer Squadrons
Navy Quality: Veteran
Background: In 1855, a student of the changing times, canny to the ways of the Imperial Court, Prince Yasuhiro would mark the Akirabi Era (新日) by ascending the Imperial throne after much ruthless politicking. A quiet, calculating, and officious man with a fierce demeanor, he sought power over the Shogun, Yoshinabe Tokugawa, a similarly clever man. The Samurai's War would finally erupt in 1869, lasting 3 years and costing countless lives as new and deadlier weapons of war were brought to bear. Ultimately, the Emperor and his allies triumphed, and a new government was declared rejecting the Shogunate entirely. The Emperor consolidated his power within the military and the new state, and so a ruthless plan to make Japan a modern war machine had begun. Over the next few decades, imperialist ventures would see conquests of Taiwan, Okinawa, and Korea, the colonization of Hokkaido, skirmishes with Russians in Sakhalin, and corsair privateering in the South China Sea. War against China seemed a foregone conclusion, and by 1909 it was. In 1913, Prince Yoshihide Asakura would ascend the throne of the Giaki Era (義哲), and inherit his uncle's war. Unlike his uncle, Emperor Yoshihide was a loud, brash, and hale man, and committed wholeheartedly to carrying out his uncle's war. He would pay for such loyalty by military defeat in Manchuria, and with the loss of Korea. Forced to accept the humiliating Legation peace, the imperialists now lick their wounds, and the zaibatsu scramble to secure their business relations in the continent.

Legation State of Manchuria and Korea
Commissary State: French Embassy in Lüshun
Capital: Lüshun
Dissent: 55%
Jingoism: 15%
Reputation: Neutral
Industrial Capacity: 11
Military Industry: 5
Public Services: 1 (-2)
Private Enterprise: 5
Army: 4 Guards Divisions, 5 Infantry Divisions, 5 Cavalry Divisions
Army Quality: Veteran
Navy: 3 Cruiser Squadrons, 8 Destroyer Squadrons
Navy Quality: Veteran
Background: Forcibly imposed on all parties, the Legation State represents the French Empire's newest invention for settling the peace of Northeast Asia. Despite a tepid sentiment among the German soldiery most responsible for it, victory over Japan was a miracle: the Empire of Japan was forced to deliver hostages to Germany and surrender Korea in order to get back into France's good grace. (This victory, also, made the German Treaty Force some important friends in the French Imperial Legions.) The legation brought together ambassadors from China, Japan, Germany, and France, and made them responsible for administering a prosperous, new republican government to the territories. Japanese corporations, mercifully permitted to continue doing business along the lines of the new government, wasted no time moving in and now the state teeters in the balance like a man drawn and quartered between the Japanese, the French, the Manchurians, and the Koreans.

Colombian Republic
Bourgeois Republic: President Ernesto Gaviria
Capital: Bogotá
Dissent: 52%
Jingoism: 27%
Reputation: Neutral
Industrial Capacity: 5
Military Industry: 1
Public Services: 0 (-0)
Private Enterprise: 4
Army: 3 Guards Divisions, 6 Infantry Divisions, 2 Cavalry Divisions
Army Quality: Regular
Navy: 2 Destroyer Squadrons
Navy Quality: Green
Background: Victorious in negotiating its independence from Spain, taking full advantage of the upheavals happening elsewhere within the Empire, the Colombian Republic is tightly ruled by the business association of plantation magnates roosting in Bogotá, and enjoys a far more legal position with respect to the Western Commission than its southern neighbor (which borders it in Peru). With the war settling down and trade getting started again, new grumblings are murmuring across the country, as many people still unsatisfied by the war clearly make to look in another direction.

Free Republic of South Africa
Bourgeois Republic: President H. M. Vorster
Capital: Cape Town
Dissent: 59%
Jingoism: 30%
Reputation: Disliked
Industrial Capacity: 6
Military Industry: 2
Public Services: 0 (-0)
Private Enterprise: 4
Army: 3 Guards Divisions, 6 Infantry Divisions, 2 Cavalry Divisions
Army Quality: Regular
Navy: 2 Destroyer Squadrons
Navy Quality: Green
Background: Having won its independence from the British Republican Commonwealth in 1899, the self-declared Free Republic is the project of a conservative English-Boer political alliance. Having its origins in smuggling and syndicate work, and hosting more than a fair number of fleeing aristocrats and slavers from other parts of the world, the government in Cape Town now presides over a wretched network of scum and villainy, and a state that is proving harder to herd than cats.

Republic of the Philippines
Revolutionary Committee: Socialist Revolutionary Party of the Philippines
Capital: Manila
Dissent: 67%
Jingoism: 18%
Reputation: Disliked
Industrial Capacity: 5
Military Industry: 1
Public Services: 1 (-1)
Private Enterprise: 2
State Enterprise: 1
Army: 4 Guards Divisions, 5 Infantry Divisions
Army Quality: Elite
Navy: 2 Destroyer Squadrons
Navy Quality: Green
Background: After a long and bloody war, the Socialist Revolutionary Party, long exiled and abused, finally achieved victory over the Spanish colonialist government in Manila and revenge for the bloodily destroyed Christian Labor Federation of the Philippines. The Liberal Nationalists having been driven to ground in the few years prior, the Revolutionary Labor Party successfully recruited those remainders to form the new Socialist Revolutionary Party. Led by a hardened core of educated revolutionaries, supported by business allies in Manila who remain ideologically committed to the Philippines national project, and tempered with a novel revolutionary practice, the party's central committee now sets about the arduous task of designing its government and seeing to its future. And although the mood in Manila is exuberant, bedecked with crimson and new pamphlets, many nations eye the rogue islands warily, all in expectation of yet another empire testing its mettle thereupon...

Imamate of Nejd
Princely Islamic State: Abdulsaid bin Abdul Rahman al Saud
Capital: Manila
Dissent: 29%
Jingoism: 54%
Reputation: Neutral
Industrial Capacity: 4
Military Industry: 1
Public Services: 1 (-1)
Private Enterprise: 1
State Enterprise: 1
Army: 2 Guards Divisions, 6 Cavalry Divisions
Army Quality: Regular
Background: The second state of the Sauds, the Imamate of Nejd has negotiated the latter 19th century quite handily for itself, narrowly avoiding destruction at the hands of French, Ottoman, and British forces until, finally, the Great War gave it the breathing room it was looking for. Taking advantage of the Ottoman collapse, the ambitious Imam, Abdulsaid bin Saud, saw an opportunity to seize both Mecca and Medina, and thus it was war. Although the Western Commission has officially refused to acknowledge these claims, the lofty perch of Riyadh is already consolidating its new power in Arabia.

Emirate of Afghanistan
Islamic Emirate: Rasmullah Khan
Capital: Manila
Dissent: 68%
Jingoism: 26%
Reputation: Disliked
Industrial Capacity: 3
Military Industry: 1
Public Services: 1 (-1)
Private Enterprise: 1
Army: 4 Guards Divisions, 2 Infantry Divisions, 3 Cavalry Divisions
Army Quality: Regular
Background: The Barakzai dynasty has ruled this nation since 1818, when it successfully defeated the Hotak dynasty and established the Emirate of Afghanistan. Ever pulled to and fro by the Great Games of Russia and Britain, the Emirate has striven to secure its independence between them, and in 1899 finally achieved independence from Russia after the Russo-Afghani War ended in Afghani victory. Although it was a short-lived victory, for Britain would invade the country again in 1909 with the declaration of the Great War, ultimately the Emirate went to ground and was not destroyed. The brutal three-way campaign known as the Afghan Theater would ultimately herald the death knell of the Russian Empire, and although the British were repulsed, the Emirate has political rivals aplenty to contend w

Sublime State of Iran
Regency Committee: Qajar Dynasty
Capital: Tehran
Dissent: 70%
Jingoism: 20%
Reputation: Neutral
Industrial Capacity: 7
Military Industry: 1
Public Services: 1 (-1)
Private Enterprise: 5
Army: 6 Guards Divisions, 7 Infantry Divisions, 4 Cavalry Divisions
Army Quality: Regular
Navy: 2 Destroyer Squadrons
Navy Quality: Regular
Background: Ruled by the Qajar dynasty, the Sublime State of Iran is in a state of dire emergency, as the sudden death of the Shah means that a regency rules in the name of a little baby, Mohammad Shah Qajar, in a time when the government is considered by all to absolutely need a ruler. Ten long years away from the king's age of majority, now vultures circle the government of all Russian, British, and French stripes - and still some vultures are yet close to home.

Player Claims

Major Regimes -
if you are looking for a regime to play as and there's an unclaimed major regime, GO for it!

French Empire - Shadowbound
British Republic - Kyzarc Fotjage
Italian Empire - NinjaCow64
German Republics - Aleks
Russian Soviet - J.K. Stockholme
Republic of China - Johanna
Empire of Japan - Dubbeleh
United States - tobiisagoodboy

Contender Regimes - if all the major regimes are taken, please select a contender regime before any other minor regime.

La Federación - JAM
Polish Republic -
Spain -
Mexico - jackelgull
Turkey -
South Africa
Manchuria-Korea - Omega
Ukraine - cardgame

Minor Regimes - all other regimes other than those listed above are minor, and thus it would be preferred that they were occupied after other regimes were filled.

Rebellions - be prepared to die

It's OK to post in this thread now.

You: Nation list? Map?
Me: Coming soon.

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Are we allowed to play as existing nations? If so I would like to play as the Soviets.

Should we post a list of nations we are interested or is it first come first serve?
You may express interest in all the nations you want, it is not necessarily first come first serve because I will list everyone's claims and allow you all to decide over time where your interest lies. Also, I am still updating the nation list, and will make a post when everything is done.
Expressing an interest in AMUHRICA, failing that a rebellion somewhere sounds dope.
Ok so of the three current nations of the Americas, I'll actually shift my hoped for claim from Mexico to the Union of Central American Republics.
Of the nations so far my preferences are as follows (likely to change when Asia is revealed):

1. Italian Empire - The open-source NC vibes checker has determined that the vibes in this nation are incredible and the potential for shenanigans is off the charts
2. French Empire - Someone has to play the big cheese. Peace in our time!
3. United Kingdom - Under Labour, the fruits of Empire shall be shared equally by all Britons! Notably, the Irish and those whose lands we colonised are not Britons.
4. Spanish Republic - Someone has to play the shaky leg of the Western Commission. Perhaps under my rule Spain will once again shine.
5. United States of America - Money baby! Lets maximise that Private Industry stat!
6. United German Republics - Someone has to keep this mess together.
7. Russian Soviet Republic - Very cool country, there are probably others more interested in it than me tho.
8. Dutch Republic - I think this nation could be very interesting but also likely to be not very important in the scheme of things.
As you all make claims from this point on, I'd request you all target the major regimes first. If you really want to play as a contender regime and really not as a major at all, you can still play as your choice, bearing that you keep in mind the game works best when the majors are filled. I won't be allowing anyone to play as minor nations or rebellions until every major seat is occupied, however.

Those of you who have talked to me about playing as another nation on a case-by-case basis, go by what I tell you in our conversations and not by what is posted here.
No India makes Johanna sad.

But I'm a weeb anyway so China or Japan will probably do nicely.
Expressing interest in Russian Soviet Republic. Republic of China is probably good too pending background.
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In order of desire/claims:

Germany: It is currently in a situation not too dissimilar from that of China in the 1920s/1930s, with similarly huge consequences however way it goes.
U.K: Lots of potential roads to take, especially if it breaks off from France.
RSFSR: You know it, baby.
China: Another newcomer with lots of potential outside of Western Europe. Will defer to Johanna, though.


La Federacion: A beleaguered socialist state besieged by enemies? Why, I've never liked that!
Yugoslavia: Maneuvering between the French and the rest to reunify the Balkans - why not?
Kingdom of Austria: A man once told me that I need to challenge myself.
Mexico: Throw the Yankees back into the sea by successful reform!
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Germany: last time I played as Germany I was very moral and united central Europe through peaceful diplomacy (until ww2 started)

Britain: last time I played a global hegemon, I had multiple players send me very angry all caps pms because I continually messed with them and then I manipulated france and Germany into going to war over the Philippines

Turkey: I've never played turkey before and I'm a notorious byzaboo so I'm down to get out of my comfort zone (but also be the true legal successor to the Roman empire as a muslim socialist republic)
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I'm interested in Mexico - they have a clear and difficult challenge in resisting the US, which seems difficult but not undoable, especially if I can find a decent alliance to shore up my weaknesses

Argentina also seems interesting since most of the continent hates them

Finally I always have a soft spot in my heart for Turkey
Interested in playing the rebellious Ukrainian Soviet Combine.
Planning to finish the map and all the backgrounds by next weekend, then hopefully to be rolling shortly after that.

The rules are essentially finished for now. Any tweaks and edits to this point will just be for rewording or illuminating unclear things, or to expressly highlight intended interactions. No major mechanical changes will be coming.

Since people have asked sample orders, I just want to highlight that at the very core, your orders for this game will have a simple format. The execution and context you provide is another story, but something you will get the feel for as you play. Here's a sampling of basic orders:

Colombia Player said:
Colombia Orders

Move 1 private IC to military IC.
Move 1 public IC to military IC.

Public IC: 1 (-1) = 0

Private Enterprise: Ask business leaders to make donations to the war effort, get people to buy war bonds and stocks.

Total Military IC now: 5
2 MIC on 2 Infantry Divisions
2 MIC on 1 Armored Division
1 MIC on stockpiling airplane equipment*

*I worked out a deal with Britain where they will provide technical knowhow, so use this to begin putting together some materials right now. They'll confirm in their orders.

All new divisions to the Peruvian front.

Peruvian Front: (war against Federation)
Half of our forces should continue the siege of Cusco blocking the rivers and blowing up roads and bridges, starving them out. The other half will march on the lowlands in Charcas.

Britain Player said:
Britain Orders

All IC into making obedient robot soldiers.

I made a "deal" with Colombia to send them aircraft engineering consultants but i'm actually sending CIA (Commonwealth Intelligence Agency) agents to blow up their hospitals and kindergartens

Even though this last set of orders is a joke, it's still better than if you send nothing. Remember that!
Coupla things:
1. Can we switch and affect State Enterprise in orders or does that just chug along in the background?
2. Can we spend 2 Public Spending on the same special project?
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