Incite revolt too cheap?

I dont think its too cheap. I find it hard to do more than a few cities at the most. Yes if you focus on one civilisation you can damage them but more often then not you are fighting more than one civ so dont have the foresight to focus all your espionage on them.

Everyones game is different though so i can only comment for myself.
Imo its very realistic. Why? Ill explain. In any city, any culture, there is bound to be a number of unhappy, discontent, or downright anarchy supporters. Look at the incite revolt in this way. The spy gathers such people under cover of night, and they open the city gates for your troops. (Which would obviously nullify any defense the city has in one shot). No one else in the city even realises what is going on.
I only recall a few cases when a city's defenses has been sabotaged from within to allow enemy troops to enter the city, and this was back when city walls were still useful.

EDIT: Actually, there may be a modern parallel to this, and that is when the enemy uses propaganda and false rumors to sway public opinion to their side, but that's still far from dropping the whole city's defense to zero.
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