Incorrect defense boost from Citadel and Bastion


Jun 24, 2013
The Citadel gives 30% defense (Colopedia says it should be 150) and Bastion gives 40% (Colopedia says 160). And until a patch is released, how would I go about fixing this for my own game? Thank you!
It looks ok to me, though it seems that there are some issues with the reader friendliness of the text. You not only have to pay attention to what it says, but also what it could say, but doesn't.

If we look at the fortress, it says 120% and it replaces the fort. The citadel grants 30%, but it doesn't replace anything. It only require a fortress. This means the defense will be 120% (fortress) + 30% (citadel) = 150%. The same with bastion, which replaces the citadel, but keeps the fortress.

I'm not happy with the text at all for multiple reasons. One of them is placing the numbers in the text is prone to bugs. The special abilities on the left is auto generated at runtime based on the game data. The history/strategy part in the middle is just a text entry from an xml file. This means if somebody changes the game data, the left display is updated, but the strategy text still has the old numbers. Even worse, there is a text entry for each language, meaning even if we update the game data and the English text, the German translation will still use the old numbers.

We need to figure out some redesign of this because we need the pedia to be easily readable. Perhaps something like a concept page for colony fortification, which can then be programmed to read game data.
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