Increase # of Unit SLOTS in CivII MGE ?


Jan 30, 2002
Monaco di Baviera!
Hi there,

Is there anybody that can give me advice on this ??

I realise that TOT has more Slots for units (units.gif/bmp) available than civ2. My question:

Is there any way to also increase the ammount of useable slots in Civ2, since I'd need to create more unique units for my new scenario ??

Thx for reading (even more for answering),

:king: :king: :king:
if not all the units are used all the time, you can try creating 2 different units.gif files. one for early game play, one for the middle of the game, and one for late in the game. if you do that, you'll probably need to write a .bat program to switch everything correctly, and you'll need an event telling the player when to run the program.
Unit slots cannot be increased but with a utility program it is possible to automatically change the prerequisite, cost, att, def, etc. for a unit. Using that, a slot for different civs can have different attributes, which effectively mutipled number of unit slots.

For example, when civ 1 is playing, the settler unit has a cost of 20 shields; when civ 2 is playing, the settler unit has a cost of 40 shields. Almost all attributes can be changed except maybe defense factor, attack 0 vs. non-zero, helicoptor, naval/air unit vs. land unit and certain flags (since when you attack such units these factors matter).
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