Incredible disappearing Warrior


Apr 19, 2013
I was wondering if anyone could explain this mysterious occurrence. Yesterday I had levied Akkad's army and the next turn I attempted to upgrade the levied Warrior north of the City State to a Man at Arms with both Professional Army and Retinues policy cards. Poof! It disappeared as I pressed the button. 125g was deducted from my treasury, but no Iron was used. I then moved the Warrior to the west into the borders of the city state and tried again, this time the upgrade was successful and both 125g and 10 Iron was used.

Any ideas why the first Warrior vanished? I had Corporations, Secret Societies, and Heroes and Legends modes active but no Mods.


Maybe the district under construction underneath the first warrior interfered somehow? If you still have the save, you could try and test, if the results can be reproduced and persist.
Thanks, that’s a good observation. I didn’t save but I am guess that must be an encampment. I know you can’t occupy another Civs encampment, but the unit was already there to begin with and it also wasn’t finished. I assume it was a big related to that. Weird that it used the gold and not the iron too…. You learn something new about this game every day.
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