Indian UHV


May 1, 2003
Is this possible any longer?

The reason I ask is that in 5 attempts when I used the tried and true tested method for finding 5 religions: research--> masonry, polytheism, monotheism, meditation, priesthood leads to Jerusalem founding either Judaism or Hinduism before I cam research either!

Has anyone been able to found the 5 religions?

It is known that Judaism is on a clock, so founding that first was always important. But the independents are set to research meditation, so when I am able to found the Jewish holy city, Jerusalem just founds meditation instead :sad:
Yes I have.

I'll try it again just to make sure because im not 100% certain that I have done it since the most recent patch. It shouldn't take long though. About 50% of the time you get beaten to a religion by another faction no matter what moves you make.
I got Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism last night after a few several attempts (mostly involving changing me capital site, once i had figured out the initial tech sequence), but I couldn't get Christianity as well.

Regards, Luke
I just tried 5 starts and got Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism on 2 of the 5 occasions.

I have the save right after I founded Buddhism if you want it?

Monarch level following the guide in the Wiki.

The secret to Christianity, Luke, is Great Prophets (I dare say you know this but just in case) and the Oracle for Islam.

The population goal is difficult. There are two main contenders in 1200AD. China and Arabia. China can be collapsed by sending Elephants through the Jungles north of Khmer territory if Arabia is in the lead the best way to fix it is restart...
IIRC, the Oracle had been built before I even got my first GP...

I must say I don't find the ancient scenarios as enjoyable as the medieval ones because their time-based deadlines are
a) very tight, and
b) rather arbitrary.
Which is a shame, because I much prefer the ancient game in vanilla Civ. So I'm exploring Spain and Portugal at the moment.

Cheers, Luke
Ahh. Well that sort of plague isnt so bad. Restart your game from an Auto save about 15 - 20 turns before it hits and you may find it doesnt happen.
Thanks Corm. Nice to know it is still possible to do. Following the Wiki is the way to earn 5 religions. Getting #1 in population is part skill, part luck and part plague!
IMO, the great thing about BtS UHVs is that now we have a great UHV combination for builders, war mongers and expansionists!
Totally since i suck at war except, oddly, when playing problem has always been sacrificing building another unit in order to build something to make my people love me more. C'mon little 'puter people love thy Corm!
my problem when playing the ancient civs is wonders. I can crank them out, but then i get invaded.

Stangly when playing European nations, there are no wonders to build usually, so I build more military.
The population goal is difficult. There are two main contenders in 1200AD. China and Arabia. China can be collapsed by sending Elephants through the Jungles north of Khmer territory if Arabia is in the lead the best way to fix it is restart...

So you would say that you can get a great prophet to earn theology before anyone can beat you in the Oracle building? Sounds really odd. doesn't it? Anyway, I will try...
So you would say that you can get a great prophet to earn theology before anyone can beat you in the Oracle building? Sounds really odd. doesn't it? Anyway, I will try...

Sure thats been the defacto way to complete Indias UHV for a long time now. The Wiki remains about the best guide for India really although you do have some flexibility from whats written there.

With BtS it has to be refined slightly in that you may have to start the Oracle in Delhi which used to be a big "NO NO" in anticipation of linking up the marble through tech trade for roads and slave rushing an unhealthy city to complete it after popping the GP from Takashilma (sp?). The only way to work out what is required though is by trying it and if you fail to get the Oracle first reloading and thinking about it again. Babylon often builds the Oracle in BtS before you do but as I said there are ways around it.

I actually recently tried something different with India under BtS (before the most recent patch though). I build the temple of artimis in Delhi and used Dehli (with a Jewish temple) to pop my Great Prophet whilst Takashilma was building the Oracle. I never managed to get the Oracle but I did manage to get 3 GP's from dehli wich gave me Theology and Divine Right before Arabia spawned by about 3 or 4 turns.

Like I said for me the hardest part of Indias UHV is the population goal but all 3 requirements rely on luck a little bit too much for comfort. Still India is a lot of fun to play on with after you have won through the UHV or even if you miss them. Great trade can be had and if you want to play aggresivley your relativley protected by choke point terrain.
I completed India UHV in BTS Rhye, patch 1.05. I used a bit different approach, though.

I used the initial settler to found the capital just above the marble, the Takwhatever. I did not build a second city until late game. I built a 2nd warrior, but then while beeling to Monotheism to found Judaism, I built a worker and Stonehenge (for +2 Great Prophet points and it allows you to change labor civics, which will be priceless upon reaching Calendar. By switching to Serfdom, you will be able to take advantage of your resources quickly).

Anyway, after the Stonehenge, you should be ready with Priesthood and the quarry on the marble, so noone can beat you to the Oracle. Then comes Meditation and Writing (but you hold off the Oracle, until Writing is researched), so you take Theology from the Oracle to found Christianity. Then you pop two prophets from this city and you will have Islam. And then you will have plenty of time for the population, you can churn out settlers and workers and max out all city on food.

One thing - you will need Iron Working fast, as you will need spearmen to take care of the barb war elephants. So it is best to settle Delhi a bit lower, so you can work on the iron mine fast.

Eliminating the fog of war does not help, as they will spawn anyway.

With this, there will be times when you will get beaten to Judaism - but after you are done with Judaism, this is a surefire approach.
Why is founding 5 religions part of India's UHV anyway? I'd like to see something like producing the most food and having the healthiest cities (total health, not health-unhealthiness). My Indian peasants' belief in the Flying Spaghetti Monster will see me through to victory!
Personnally I've always thought a better Indian UHV to represent their religious diversity and pluralism would be a requirement building say 25 or so temples before 1200 AD. Since you're not going to be able to build 13 cities by (with hinduism and buddhism in each) then you have to have more religions and spread them around - the more the better! This would be better as:
a) It will be really difficult (change number and time parameters to make it more so if necessary), but much less based on luck.
b) Better represents actual history of Indias bringing in of the Jewish, Christian and Islamic faiths via traders rather than thinking them up themselves.
c) Ties in with the population goal, whilst also meaning you'll have to strike a careful balance between growth and whipping your cities to make the temples.
d) India has a lot of religious sites, and this would show that.
e) Founding 5 religions would be really helpful towards this goal ;).
I tried 5 times this morning to get the first three religions. Everytime I get Judaism, the Independants get hinduism 1 turn before me! Other times I dont get Judaism at all.

Plus I agree that the new barb elephants make it harder than before. Can we tweak this UHV so it is at least possible?
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