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Indian Warlord SG

Erik Mesoy

Core Tester / Intern
Mar 25, 2002
Oslo, Norway
Im a pretty danged new player, but I have so far 4 victories on chieftain (Dont really count), my first warlord game awas a dom win, and 1 loss on regent. Oh and played in some OPEN sg here.
I was thinking about starting a game here.
India Small map
Sedentary barbs
Wet, warm
pangea, 80% water
Does anyone want to join?
If not, perfectly OK.
I was thinking 3 opponents for some expansion room.
Edit:20 turns to start the first round, then 15 turns each, otherwise we will come back to the game and wonder just whats happened.
ALso I changed to french to avoid duplicating the GOTM.
Psst T-fall can you change the title that displays in the forum?
i havent played yet any SGs but want to try. I posted on EXIII - The Military Front but looks like it wont start :( .
So i would like to try this one :)
Though we should try regent at least. Warlord is a bit easy but if regent feels too hard I can play warlord lvl too.

Topi, regent is out- too hard for me. You dont have to play if you think its too easy. Tell me wether you want to.
Civanator, you seem to be in the same situation, same skill level as me- You are IN.
Any more? I was thinking 4 players total.
The :king: INFAMOUS POPS:king: will play your game.
Looks like we have a team.
Alright, expect the game pretty soon.
Just for organizing: My local time is GMT+1, whats yours? Might help with the organizing.
The forum is funny. It says forum time is GMT+2 but displays the same time as I have. I suppose the forum doesnt use Daylight Savings Time.
Great :D
I see you live in norway. I live in finland so not that far away. GMT +2 but what it really is now when switched to summer time here :crazyeye:
Well I can play evenings around 18:00-23:00 after work and weekends anytime :D but not in work... i doubt they let me install civ3 here :lol: actually i am not allowed even read these forums here at work :o but no one cares anyway...
OK, game closed.

I changed to French, otherwise this would have been the same as the GOTM. I'll edit the title.
Turn order is:
Topi <--up now
Civanator <--next

4000 BC: I move onto the hill for production, defence, better land etc while still being coastal and being able to grab the fish.
3950: Paris founded, start on CB. Looks like a good OCC spot.
(5)3750: Warrior built, start on a barracks. Really good land here!
(9)3550: We disturb an angry Vandal Warrior or two. Promotion to veteran. :goodjob: to the warrior.
(10)3500: Looks like good land over to the east.
(14)3300: We build a barracks and start on settler. ALso made contact with Persia. :mad:
(18)3100: Contact with america. I decide that its time for some bold trading. I manage to pull off selling our Alphabet for Warrior Code, Bronze Working and Pottery. Pretty neat move. :lol: America must have gotten lots of goody huts.
Summary: Settler next turn, SEND HIM EAST. Then build some archers and spearmen, we have great production and might want to archer down Persia before they get immortals.

Have some fun!

Topi, its 15 turns now. You will be deciding whether this becomes an OCC.:crazyeye:
Was just playing GOTM and decided to check forum and noticed this game now started. Great ! :)
Ok I will now start now my turn...

Looks like link works...

and here is what happened

New leader of France is now Topi I the Fool!
2950: Finally we gathered enough brave people in Paris to settle new lands! They decided to head for those strange looking animals which people decided to name as "cows".
Our scouting warriors was a bit wounded so they decided to rest a bit.
Some wierd looking people came to our borders who called themselves as english. They knew lots about burying dead people so we decided to exchange some knowledge and gave them masonry for their ceremonial burial.
Although we were already quite far at that technology I felt that we could teach that skill cause someone else would have done that anyway.

2900: doh it is hard to climb those mountains, our warriors gets tired for that

2850: our brave setlers moving towards cows hoping no barbarians spot them

2800: moving...

2750: moving, we can now hear those cows MOO!

2700: ah those cows looks delicious :p

2650: finally setlers reached their destination

2600: new town formed named Orleans! Those cows seems to make so much food for us that we could equip soon new group of setlers to establish new town again!

2550: Meanwhile in Paris new skilled warriors are trained and equipped with spears and shields. They decide to go new town Orleans.
I think those spears are good so we start training more people to use them.
Our scoutting warriors also got good look about persian City of Persepolis at top of the mountain. They seem to have so called "ivory" as luxury which make their people happy . We should get that:eek:

2550: ZZzzz

2500: ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz

2450: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

2400: Our spearmans finally reached Orleans. Our brave warriors met people who call themselves as "Romans". We traded masonry for 21 gold which was all they got but I decided it is better that we get that gold than Persians or English.
Now I am confused when we met that ugly biatch called catherine
:crazyeye: Well we know Russian people too now...

2350: New spearman is ready to duty at Paris. We could soon make setlers at Paris too but first we have to get more warriors so those other civilizations think we are STRONG! :D


2250: both cities now building setlers and road is soon finished to orleans and frog leg stucks in Topi I Fool's throat and dies from suffocation... French people needs new leader now...

:confused: :crazyeye: hum how did I reach here to year 2250 :) and in game to 2350 :crazyeye:

well that report or my game isnt quite accurate :D

Allright we should aquire as much land as possible now cause map is small and keep relations friends with other civs friendly even if we have to :p some a$$. We can later conquer them.

T1) met russians, they tried to get alphabet from us for 2 gold:lol:
t2)finished road to orleans
t3)started to mine the "Cow" (ow, that's gotta hurt)
t4)finished settler in paris, ordered spearman
t5)finished settler in orleans, ordered spearman
t6)found the americans
t7)HOLY CRAP our research is at 20%!!! i changed it to 70% to get the wheel in 12 turns and bought Iron working from Americans. We have Iron nearby.
t8) settled the city of lyons north of paris, going to rush temple to get 2nd sorce of Iron. it is right outside of persepolis and i dont want persia do get immortals:eek:
t9)Paris builds a spearman, worker ordered, spearman sent to defend Rheims, the iron city. Warrior coming home to defend new cities
t10)lowered science from 80 to 70, Run warrior man run!:lol:
t12)we researched the wheel. We had a road right on the horses so we didnt have to build it:D
t13) Bought Horseback Riding from persia for 24 gold, now have 32.gettin writing in 24 turns. building a settler in orleans
t14)NO! persians ruined my plans.they settled a city right in the middle of french territory. Hurried production of a temple in lyons
t15)Persians got the Iron!!!
t17)finished temple in paris:yeah: created settler in orleans. sent to settle west of paris.
t18)we buy writing from americans for 1 gold:lol: :lol: :lol:
t19)settled tours west of paris and southwest of lyons
t20)WE got IRON!!!!
DAMN IT!!! Lost my notes due to not saving them and error when posting... damn me
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