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Industrialization victory condition.


Sep 12, 2005
Just started playing again after a long layoff. Ran out of other fun games and I've always had a soft spot for this one. Trying out something different and the industrialization victory condition caught my eye. But I've never been able to find an specific information on what it exactly takes. Any clues, no matter how minor would be greatly appreciated. And does it scale for map size?

And Fantastic to see that this best mod of all time is being worked on again.
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It says something in the condition that you need 10,000 of everything to win. I was looking for a tad more details on what everything was and if it scales according to map size since it seems it would be considerably easier on a huge map.

I hoped it would be be something simple, like build the statue. But I know better than that.

And thanks again for putting more effort in this great mod.
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I recently looked into this victory condition, so I think I can shed some light on this "mysterious" VC:

  • We've "inherited" it from the PatchMod
  • Calculated for all non-european players, even indians! (this must actually be a bug, I can't see how indians can ever achieve this VC)
  • Slows the game down quite a bit, something like 10% of CPU time is used for the calculation on a huge map according to the profiler. I did parallelize this and it improved quite a bit (code has not been checked in yet)
  • Everything produced counts, even hammers, bells etc.
  • The AI gets a cheat that depends on the difficulty level. It also gets another cheat that is independent of this; a 3x multiplier is applied to all its yields.
  • See CvTeam::getTotalProductionRate() for further details.
My apologies for the thread necro :shifty:
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That might be an issue on gigantic. Does the script stay active even if the victory condition is disabled?
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