INES II: Gone is the Old Guard


Mirror Wolf
Jun 15, 2006
INES II: Gone is the Old Guard: Introduction

Over the course of the twentieth century, the world disintegrated into a number of powerful feuding states. Now we will see who carves out a new order.
INES II: Gone is the Old Guard: Ruleset

Statement of Purpose:
It’s a game. Enjoy the game. If you’re not having fun, you’re not doing it right. With that in mind, anyone can join, and the rules are meant to be flexible as possible.

Part One: Players

The most straightforward way to participate in my NES is to pick a country, roleplay its government in diplomacy, and send its government’s orders each turn. However, if you are interested in joining as a rebel group, terrorist organization, world cult, or transnational conglomerate, be my guest. In such a ‘secondary’ role, you may conduct diplomacy and send orders, but note that your group may not actually get stats until it seizes some territory. Note that rebel groups who control a white splotch on the map are not organized enough to get stats. Such groups will get stats when they get a color.

Part Two: National Stats

Each established country in the game has stats on the first page of this thread that will be updated after each update. All stats will be based on the following model:

American Federation/Imago
Government: Liberal Democracy
Annual Spending Points: 5
Approval Polling: 57%
Acquired Technology: G0.R0.X0.E0.A0.N0.T0
Developing Technology: None
Other Investments: None
Army: 10 divisions
Navy: 10 squadrons
Air Force: 10 groups
Background: The breakup of the Soviet Union was matched by a similar disintegration on the other side of the Atlantic, as the people of the once proud United States fell into infighting, having lost their common enemy. The strongest of the US splinter nations is the American Federation, based in New York.

Let’s go through this line by line, shall we?

American Federation/Imago

This, as you might have guessed, is the name of the country. For the purpose of this example, it is played by me, though someone else will take it for the actual game. If a country is NPC, that will be listed after the backslash. Moving on.

Government: Liberal Democracy

This is a short description of the country’s government, aka the regime you are playing as. In the above case, rump America considers itself to be a Liberal Democracy. Other nations might be Communist Dictatorships, Constitutional Monarchies, or Military Juntas, to list a few options. Obviously, a country’s government can change, either through player input or via less controllable events.

Annual Spending Points: 5

Now we get to the heart of the NES. The American Federation has 5 ASP, meaning it can spend 5 ASP every year (aka turn) in any number of ways. Annual Spending Points represent a government’s annual funding, NOT GDP or GNP or anything like that. Obviously, rich nations have more to spend, but if you start pull a Regan and cut taxes left and right, you might start experiencing tax flow problems that aren’t related to the prosperity of your nation. Conversely, if you say in your orders that you want to increase taxes, your ASP might get a short term boost, then decline precipitously as the national economy is exhausted. You can try to write polices into your orders that might result in an ASP boost during the update, but there are also some direct ways you can use ASP to influence ASP:
-An investment of 3 ASP will increase your next turn’s ASP by 1 point. This represents government funded economic development. If your orders detail a specific stimulus plan, you may try to cut corners, invest less than 3 ASP in the boost, and hope I show you mercy, but the only way to be absolutely sure of a boost is to invest all 3 ASP.
-You may overspend by up to double your ASP, but for every point you overspend in your orders, your next turn’s ASP will be reduced by one. If Jonny’s nation has an ASP of 4 and he spends 5, next turn his ASP will be 3, and his ASP the turn after that will still be 3 if nothing changes. This emergency spending tactic might serve in a pinch if you get invaded.
Also note that while many of the sections of the stats detailed below detail other ways to spend ASP, you can spend ASP in any way you see fit, even if something is not specifically in the rules. Want a powerful spy agency? Start investing ASP into your very own KGB rip-off, and soon you’ll have the best secret agents in the world. Just don’t forget to remind me how much you’ve invested into your side projects in your orders.

Approval Polling: 57%

Yes, we’ve reached a new section of the rules. Approval Polling is the official best guess at how your people feel about your government, and it will rise and fall every so often without being mentioned in updates. Note that while this number lets you put your finger on the pulse of the people, if it ever rises to insanely high levels, (say, 99%) there’s a good chance your people are too afraid to tell you they hate you. So, beware extremely high and extremely low approval ratings. Both are warning signs. There is no direct way to influence this stat through ASP.

Acquired Technology: G0.R0.X0.E0.A0.N0.T0

This is probably the most complicated section of the stats, but fear not. Each letter stands for a field of technological investment, and the number immediately after each letter tells you what level of advancement the nation has reached in the field. The periods are just meaningless separators. In order, the fields are Genetics, Robotics, Explosives, Equipment, Aeronautics, Naval, and Theoretical (obviously, all fields involve theory, so the last category is really a catch-all that can result in some really incredible discoveries). Nations start the game in a dead technological heap, with an advancement level of 0 in every category, but richer nations obviously can quickly advance. In order to advance to the next level of scientific knowledge in a specific field, invest one more ASP than your current level number. So, if the American Federation is to raise its Genetics level from 0 to 1, its player has only to invest a single ASP. However, if the next turn that same player wants to raise American Genetics technology from level 1 to level two, he has to invest 2 points. So, what does technology do? Whatever you want it to! For example, in this world nuclear weapons have not yet been invented, and so you want to try and make an H-Bomb, you have a better chance of a successful test if you have obtained high level of Explosives technology. If you want to create a race of robot servitors to serve your peoples’ every whim, invest in Robotics else you will have costly failures--even, if you really screw up, a mechanical revolution. Technology puts weight behind the words of your orders, and makes crazy stuff possible if you have the right perquisites. PM me if you have ideas. Two more things to note:
-If your orders describe what specific areas of technology you’re interested in, (you are only buying Robotics technology for the sake of giant mecha suits, for example) then you nation will specialize in the areas you are interested in. If your nation has a Robotics score of 10, but has only been using it to build mecha, you’ll have really amazing mecha but won’t be able to suddenly turn around and build an amazing AI.
-Technology levels can be traded, stolen, and invested in through international cooperation. If two or more countries want to help each other build giant spaceships (Aeronautics technology) that’s fine by me.

Developing Technology: None

Technology ultimately gets very expensive, but if you can’t afford all of the next level with one turn’s ASP, fear not. Your progress will be recorded in this area of the stats.

Other Investments: None

Remember when I said you can spend ASP on anything? That’s still true, but if you have a really specific project in mind, start spending for it in your orders and it will wind up here, as a fraction counting how many ASP you have already invested out of how many ASP you will need to finish. Projects can be labeled secret, of course.

Army: 10 divisions

This is the bread and butter of your military. For each ASP you invest here, you instantly gain 5 divisions of soldiers to play with. Each division is roughly ten thousand soldiers. How effective your armies are can be related somewhat to technology, specifically Equipment technology, but you will get more of a boost if you explain the relevance of specific inventions to the battlefield. On a related note, if you start detailing strategies, tactics, and training styles in your orders, your armies will be more effective in the field. You can create new types of non-generic army units with an investment of 1 ASP, and then you can consult with me or decide for yourself how much they will cost on a per unit basis. This is how things like killer robots show up in the stats. You can recoup your design investment by selling non-generic unit plans to nations without the same military structure, and they are well advised to buy, because copycat versions tend not to be as good. Especially if your killer robots are fueled by Robotics level 9 and the other guy only has Robotics level 2. As I’ve just implied, nations can build advanced designs even if they don’t have the technology that inspired their creation, so long as they buy or steal plans from the inventive nation.

Navy: 10 squadrons

A squadron is a handful of ships. Think a cruiser, a couple destroyers, and a pocket carrier. For each ASP invested, you can get 5 squadrons. Naval technology is related to quality. Of course, if you want non-generic units, designs cost 1 ASP a pop, and work exactly like Army designs.

Air Force: 10 groups

A group is twelve jets, a mix of both fighters and bombers. For each ASP invested, you can get 5 groups. Aeronautics technology is related to quality. Of course, if you want non-generic units, designs cost 1 ASP a pop, and work exactly like Army and Navy designs. Space ships probably will be listed here, if we get that far.

Background: The breakup of the Soviet Union was matched by a similar disintegration on the other side of the Atlantic, as the people of the once proud United States fell into infighting, having lost their common enemy. The strongest of the US splinter nations is the American Federation, based in New York.

That’s the American Federation background. It will probably get outdated fast by developments in the updates.

Part Three: Updates

The game starts in the year 2000, meaning the first update covers year 2001, the next 2002, etc. Each update will list important civil and military developments. Any changes in the stats based on ordered investments will not be listed here, but all other changes will be, with the exception of changes in Approval Rating. There will also be a map with every update, showing the current territorial status of the world, as well as the presence of cities, rivers and perhaps fortifications. Paint the map your color!

Part Four: Orders

Submit orders via PM each turn on strategy and ASP spending.

Part Five: Stories

I think they add great flavor to NESing, but I’ve gotten carried away with them in the past. One each turn will provide your nation with an in-update boost of some sort.


Annual Spending Points:
Approval Polling:
Acquired Technology: G0.R0.X0.E0.A0.N0.T0
Developing Technology: None
Other Investments: None
Army: 10 divisions
Navy: 10 squadrons
Air Force: 10 groups


Federal Republic of Alaska/Lord Iggy
Government: Conservative Democracy
Annual Spending Points: 4
Approval Polling: 60%
Acquired Technology: G3.R4.X3.E5.A3.N3.T3
Developing Technology: (1/4) Genetics, (2/6) Equipment, (1/4) Aeronautics, (2/4) Explosives, (2/4) Theoretical, (2/5) Robotics, (1/4) Naval
Developing Technology: None
Other Investments: None
Army: 31 divisions
Navy: 17 squadrons
Air Force: 10 groups
Background: In the fall of the United States and Canada during the early 1990s, the north became a refuge for soldiers and seeking a home.

Government: Oregon Liberation Front Junta
Annual Spending Points: 2
Approval Polling: 67%
Acquired Technology: G3.R4.X3.E5.A3.N3.T3
Developing Technology: (1/4) Genetics, (2/6) Equipment, (1/4) Aeronautics, (2/4) Explosives, (2/4) Theoretical, (2/5) Robotics, (1/4) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 10 divisions
Navy: None
Air Force: None
Background: A convoluted political situation led to the rebirth of Cascadia in the midst of the Great North American War.

Government: Private Owners
Annual Spending Points: 1
Approval Polling: 50%
Acquired Technology: G4.R3.X3.E4.A3.N2.T2
Developing Technology: (3/4) Robotics, (2/5) Equipment, (2/3) Nautical, (2/3) Theoretical
Other Investments: None
Army: None
Navy: None
Air Force: None
Background: In the wake of Chindōgu, another Japanese exile company popped up in North America, this time on the Pacific coast.

Government: Authoritarian Presidency
Annual Spending Points: 5
Approval Polling: 59%
Acquired Technology: G3.R4.X3.E5.A3.N3.T3
Developing Technology: (1/4) Genetics, (2/6) Equipment, (1/4) Aeronautics, (2/4) Explosives, (2/4) Theoretical, (2/5) Robotics, (1/4) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 10 divisions, 16 Warfighter divisions
Navy: 13 squadrons
Air Force: 18 groups
Background: French-speaking Canadians stepped in to fill the void when their national government disintegrated. Now the Quebecois find themselves ruling more territory than they bargained for.

Theocratic State of Deseret/germanicus12
Government: Theocracy
Annual Spending Points: 3
Approval Polling: 55%
Acquired Technology: G3.R4.X3.E5.A3.N3.T3
Developing Technology: (1/4) Genetics, (2/6) Equipment, (1/4) Aeronautics, (2/4) Explosives, (2/4) Theoretical, (2/5) Robotics, (1/4) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 8 divisions, 20 Marines divisions, 6 Warfighters divisions
Navy: 13 squadrons, 1 Supercarrier squadron
Air Force: 6 groups
Background: In the Western United States, the LDS Church stepped in to fill the void left by Washington. Now the leadership has to find a way to reconcile some of their new nation’s principles with the old American (and Mexican) way of life, though for the time being, many people are just grateful for the stability.

American Federation/NPC
Government: Suspended Liberal Democracy
Annual Spending Points: 3
Approval Polling: 48%
Acquired Technology: G3.R4.X3.E5.A3.N3.T3
Developing Technology: (1/4) Genetics, (2/6) Equipment, (1/4) Aeronautics, (2/4) Explosives, (2/4) Theoretical, (2/5) Robotics, (1/4) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 23 divisions
Navy: 19 squadrons
Air Force: 17 groups
Background: The breakup of the Soviet Union was matched by a similar disintegration on the other side of the Atlantic, as the people of the once proud United States fell into infighting, having lost their common enemy. The strongest of the US splinter nations is the American Federation, based in New York.

Government: Company Board of Directors
Annual Spending Points: 2
Approval Polling: 50%
Acquired Technology: G3.R4.X3.E5.A3.N3.T3
Developing Technology: (1/4) Genetics, (2/6) Equipment, (1/4) Aeronautics, (2/4) Explosives, (2/4) Theoretical, (2/5) Robotics, (1/4) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: None
Navy: 2 squadrons
Air Force: None
Background: Chindōgu is an Americas-based corporation specializing in feats of everyday technological wizardry.

The Confederate States/Anonymoose
Government: Authoritarian Presidency
Annual Spending Points: 3
Approval Polling: 60%
Acquired Technology: G3.R4.X3.E5.A3.N3.T3
Developing Technology: (1/4) Genetics, (2/6) Equipment, (1/4) Aeronautics, (2/4) Explosives, (2/4) Theoretical, (2/5) Robotics, (1/4) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 23 divisions
Navy: 9 squadrons
Air Force: 7 groups
Background: In the southern American splinter states, an alliance of traditional interests with Miami Cubans led to an expansionist policy throughout the Caribbean in the name of recovering Cuba from the Castros. With that objective accomplished, the nation seems at a loss for what to do next.

Government: Socialist Democracy
Annual Spending Points: 7
Approval Polling: 63%
Acquired Technology: G4.R4.X6.E5.A4.N3.T3
Developing Technology: (2/5) Robotics, (2/6) Equipment, (1/5) Genetics, (2/4) Theoretical, (1/4) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 32 divisions, 7 Instigators divisions
Navy: 20 squadrons
Air Force: 20 groups
Background: In the 1990s, with the United States gone and the hemisphere threatening to slip into anarchy, Venezuela embarked on an expansionist campaign to secure the border regions.

Lima Republic/NPC
Government: Conservative Democracy
Annual Spending Points: 2
Approval Polling: 44%
Acquired Technology: G3.R4.X3.E5.A3.N3.T3
Developing Technology: (1/4) Genetics, (2/6) Equipment, (1/4) Aeronautics, (2/4) Explosives, (2/4) Theoretical, (2/5) Robotics, (1/4) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 12 divisions
Navy: 10 squadrons
Air Force: 13 groups
Background: This nation formed as a counterbalance to Venezuela’s rapid expansion.

Government: Moderate Democracy
Annual Spending Points: 1
Approval Polling: 31%
Acquired Technology: G3.R4.X3.E5.A3.N3.T3
Developing Technology: (1/4) Genetics, (2/6) Equipment, (1/4) Aeronautics, (2/4) Explosives, (2/4) Theoretical, (2/5) Robotics, (1/4) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 2 divisions
Navy: 15 squadrons
Air Force: 9 groups
Background: One of the more stable governments on Earth, despite the loss of some border regions, Brazil stands ready to forge an economic success out of the world’s new order, if invaders don’t stop her first.

Argentine Federation/Crezth
Government: Conservative Democracy
Annual Spending Points: 4
Approval Polling: 61%
Acquired Technology: G4.R3.X6.E4.A4.N2.T2
Developing Technology: (2/4) Robotics, (2/5) Equipment, (1/5) Genetics, (2/3) Theoretical, (1/3) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 19 divisions, 21 Cyborg divisions
Navy: 6 squadrons
Air Force: 13 groups
Background: Fate has made the Argentine Federation either Brazil’s natural ally or natural enemy: it is a stable state in the same region with the same general outlook.

South African Union/Haseri
Government: Conservative Democracy
Annual Spending Points: 4
Approval Polling: 46%
Acquired Technology: G3.R4.X3.E5.A3.N3.T3
Developing Technology: (1/4) Genetics, (2/6) Equipment, (1/4) Aeronautics, (2/4) Explosives, (2/4) Theoretical, (2/5) Robotics, (1/4) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 27 divisions
Navy: 12 squadrons
Air Force: 13 groups
Background: Forged from an alliance of black intellectuals and Afrikaners, the South African Union has won the support of its citizens by extending order. However, someone might soon notice that the country is run by a cabal of elites supporting each other for the top positions, and then who knows what will happen?

Nigerian Republic/NPC
Government: Military Dictatorship
Annual Spending Points: 1
Approval Polling: 27%
Acquired Technology: G0.R0.X1.E2.A1.N1.T0
Developing Technology: (1/3) Equipment
Other Investments: None
Army: 12 divisions
Navy: 9 squadrons
Air Force: 6 groups
Background: After Africa was decolonized, the old colonial borders were rendered obsolete. One of the major beneficiaries of the new land grab occurring in the 1960s was Nigeria, which increased its proportion of Christians by invading due south.

Islamic Courts Union/NPC
Government: Theocracy
Annual Spending Points: 2
Approval Polling: 98%
Acquired Technology: G4.R3.X6.E4.A4.N2.T2
Developing Technology: (2/4) Robotics, (2/5) Equipment, (1/5) Genetics, (2/3) Theoretical, (1/3) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 13 divisions
Navy: 3 squadrons
Air Force: 15 groups
Background: Southern Somalia survived the fall of Siad Barre by undergoing a surge of Islamic fundamentalism. While Puntland was lost to another Islamic power, a core alliance of Somali clans expanded the nation established their power in Dar es Salaam to lord over a set of newly conquered peoples.

Government: Military Dictatorship
Annual Spending Points: 2
Approval Polling: 97%
Acquired Technology: G4.R3.X6.E4.A4.N2.T2
Developing Technology: (2/4) Robotics, (2/5) Equipment, (1/5) Genetics, (2/3) Theoretical, (1/3) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 12 divisions
Navy: 5 squadrons
Air Force: 15 groups
Background: The Mahdist sprit never really left Sudan, even after the British quelled an uprising in the late 1800s. As the world spun out of control, a native elite based in Khartoum harnessed the power of local religious organizations to maintain control of the country. However, as one might imagine, it is foul bargain, and the Islamists are growing in power.

Empire of Morocco/TheLizardKing
Government: Representative Empire
Annual Spending Points: 3
Approval Polling: 55%
Acquired Technology: G4.R3.X6.E4.A4.N2.T2
Developing Technology: (2/4) Robotics, (2/5) Equipment, (1/5) Genetics, (2/3) Theoretical, (1/3) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 3 divisions, 19 Marines divisions, 9 conscript divisions
Navy: 4 squadrons
Air Force: 11 groups
Background: Morocco, freed from French control, was one of the major beneficiaries in the African land grabs of the 1960s.

Tunisian Arab Jamahiriya/Adrogans
Government: Socialist Dictatorship
Annual Spending Points: 4
Approval Polling: 100%
Acquired Technology: G4.R3.X6.E4.A4.N2.T2
Developing Technology: (2/4) Robotics, (2/5) Equipment, (1/5) Genetics, (2/3) Theoretical, (1/3) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 29 divisions, 3 Bahiyya Aamina divisions
Navy: 20 squadrons
Air Force: 12 groups
Background: In Tunis, Communism and Arabism have mixed to create a new proto-ideology.

Government: Liberal Democratic Republic
Annual Spending Points: 2
Approval Polling: 63%
Acquired Technology: G3.R4.X3.E5.A3.N3.T3
Developing Technology: (1/4) Genetics, (2/6) Equipment, (1/4) Aeronautics, (2/4) Explosives, (2/4) Theoretical, (2/5) Robotics, (1/4) Naval
Other Investments: 3/6: Project Big Boss
Army: 11 divisions, 6 conscript divisions
Navy: 8 squadrons
Air Force: 4 groups
Background: With Franco’s death, Spain and Portugal merged into a democratic republic.

Socialist Republic of France/Kozmos
Government: Socialist Democracy
Annual Spending Points: 4
Approval Polling: 42%
Acquired Technology: G4.R3.X6.E4.A4.N2.T2
Developing Technology: (2/4) Robotics, (2/5) Equipment, (1/5) Genetics, (2/3) Theoretical, (1/3) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 13 divisions, 16 Genome Soldiers divisions
Navy: 11 squadrons
Air Force: 20 groups
Background: Even at the height of the Cold War, France insisted on going its own way, with various presidents attempting to run a benevolent welfare state in the midst of national tension and hatred. Now that the nation has lost a recent war to Iberia, French administrators can peer out of their shattered hexagon and see a world that considers their country a very small fish.

Great Britain/NPC
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Annual Spending Points: 4
Approval Polling: 60%
Acquired Technology: G3.R4.X3.E5.A3.N3.T3
Developing Technology: (1/4) Genetics, (2/6) Equipment, (1/4) Aeronautics, (2/4) Explosives, (2/4) Theoretical, (2/5) Robotics, (1/4) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 25 divisions
Navy: 43 squadrons
Air Force: 15 groups
Background: In recent years, Britain has seen a decline in international power similar to that of France, but the nation’s island location has afforded the British people a measure of safety that their onetime allies desperately crave.

Scandinavian Republic/NPC
Government: Liberal Democracy
Annual Spending Points: 2
Approval Polling: 59%
Acquired Technology: G3.R4.X3.E5.A3.N3.T3
Developing Technology: (1/4) Genetics, (2/6) Equipment, (1/4) Aeronautics, (2/4) Explosives, (2/4) Theoretical, (2/5) Robotics, (1/4) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 12 divisions
Navy: 18 squadrons
Air Force: 17 groups
Background: After some halfhearted attempts to join with the Central European Union, the Scandinavian region made a capital at Oslo and went its own way.

People’s Republic of Europe/conehead234
Government: Communist Dictatorship
Annual Spending Points: 5
Approval Polling: 95%
Acquired Technology: G4.R3.X6.E4.A4.N2.T2
Developing Technology: (2/4) Robotics, (2/5) Equipment, (1/5) Genetics, (2/3) Theoretical, (1/3) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 44 divisions
Navy: 10 squadrons
Air Force: 27 groups
Background: After the fall of the Soviet Union, relatively prosperous East Germany felt the need to carry the torch, and thus did Berlin bring a substantial part of Europe into a new state.

Earth Liberation Special Projects Group/TerrisH
Government: Communist Network
Annual Spending Points: 1
Approval Polling: 50%
Acquired Technology: G4.R3.X3.E4.A3.N1.T2
Developing Technology: (2/4) Robotics, (2/5) Equipment, (1/2) Nautical
Other Investments: 0/10: StormFront
Army: None
Navy: None
Air Force: None
Background: The Earth Liberation Special Projects Group, or ELSPG, was founded by Liberation Party members who wanted to further communist goals even without a nation to stand on. The group is organized somewhat like a corporation.

Government: Authoritarian Republic
Annual Spending Points: 1
Approval Polling: 33%
Acquired Technology: G3.R0.X0.E2.A0.N0.T0
Developing Technology: None
Other Investments: None
Army: 21 divisions
Navy: 4 squadrons
Air Force: 12 groups
Background: Poland joined with the Baltic states after the fall of the Soviet Union to increase clout.

Northern Collective/Commando_34
Government: Oligarchic Republic
Annual Spending Points: 4
Approval Polling: 59%
Acquired Technology: G3.R3.X0.E2.A0.N0.T2
Developing Technology: (1/3) Theoretical
Other Investments: None
Army: 10 divisions, 25 Kola Iron Man Suits
Navy: 10 squadrons
Air Force: 10 groups
Background: After the fall of the Soviet Union, various business leaders around Saint Petersburg and in Finland got fed up with the way Yeltsin was ruining the region, and so founded a new country to conform to the needs of their corporations. Trondheim, deemed a suitably distant place for government, was purchased from a then-anarchic Norway.

Hellenic Imperium/Circuit
Government: DEP Dictatorship
Annual Spending Points: 4
Approval Polling: 55%
Acquired Technology: G3.R4.X3.E5.A3.N3.T3
Developing Technology: (1/4) Genetics, (2/6) Equipment, (1/4) Aeronautics, (2/4) Explosives, (2/4) Theoretical, (2/5) Robotics, (1/4) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 49 divisions, 1 Talon Guard division
Navy: 15 squadrons
Air Force: 25 groups
Background: The Soviet Union’s fall left a lot of lost satellites looking for direction. Greece, victorious from a recent war against Turkey, stepped in to provided that direction, placing much of Eastern Europe under a new brand of domination.

Russian Empire/NPC
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Annual Spending Points: 2
Approval Polling: 42%
Acquired Technology: G3.R4.X3.E5.A3.N3.T3
Developing Technology: (1/4) Genetics, (2/6) Equipment, (1/4) Aeronautics, (2/4) Explosives, (2/4) Theoretical, (2/5) Robotics, (1/4) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 29 divisions
Navy: 10 squadrons
Air Force: 16 groups
Background: Thus do the Imperial Romanovs return.

Syrian Arab Socialist Republic/NPC
Government: Socialist Dictatorship
Annual Spending Points: 1
Approval Polling: 91%
Acquired Technology: G4.R3.X6.E4.A4.N2.T2
Developing Technology: (2/4) Robotics, (2/5) Equipment, (1/5) Genetics, (2/3) Theoretical, (1/3) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 5 divisions
Navy: None
Air Force: 5 groups
Background: In Syria, Communism and Arabism have mixed to create a new proto-ideology.

Mesopotamian Union/NPC
Government: Liberal Democracy
Annual Spending Points: 3
Approval Polling: 41%
Acquired Technology: G3.R3.X3.E5.A3.N2.T2
Developing Technology: (3/4) Robotics, (1/4) Genetics, (2/3) Nautical, (2/3) Theoretical
Other Investments: None
Army: 22 divisions
Navy: 25 squadrons
Air Force: 19 groups
Background: Perhaps the most shining example of human success in all the world, the Mesopotamian Union is run by a combination of Egyptian aristocrats, Turks, Kurds, Maronite Christians, Palestinians, and Israelis, who decided to put aside their differences and forge a new nation based on the principles of human rights. The Syrians are a perennial problem, however, and their leaders want an Islamist nation.

Arabian Umma/Charles Li
Government: Theocracy
Annual Spending Points: 2
Approval Polling: 80%
Acquired Technology: G4.R3.X6.E4.A4.N2.T2
Developing Technology: (2/4) Robotics, (2/5) Equipment, (1/5) Genetics, (2/3) Theoretical, (1/3) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 18 divisions
Navy: 3 squadrons
Air Force: 5 groups
Background: With continual chaos in world financial markets, the Saudis decided their best bet was to unify OPEC, but their efforts ended somewhat differently than anticipated after the nation’s reigns were seized by the clerics.

Government: Rebel Junta
Annual Spending Points: 1
Approval Polling: 51%
Acquired Technology: G4.R3.X3.E4.A4.N2.T2
Developing Technology: (2/4) Robotics, (2/5) Equipment, (1/5) Genetics, (2/3) Theoretical, (1/4) Explosives, (1/3) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 5 divisions
Navy: None
Air Force: 2 Groups
Background: Persia reentered the community of nations as a side effect of World War III.

Central Asian Republic/NPC
Government: Military Junta
Annual Spending Points: 1
Approval Polling: 51%
Acquired Technology: G4.R3.X6.E4.A4.N2.T2
Developing Technology: (2/4) Robotics, (2/5) Equipment, (1/5) Genetics, (2/3) Theoretical, (1/3) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 9 divisions
Navy: None
Air Force: 5 Groups
Background: The aftermath of yet another Russian civil war brought the Muslim Central Asian Republic into existence.

Pakistan/Commander Gorma
Government: Military Dictatorship
Annual Spending Points: 2
Approval Polling: 30%
Acquired Technology: G4.R3.X6.E4.A4.N2.T2
Developing Technology: (2/4) Robotics, (2/5) Equipment, (1/5) Genetics, (2/3) Theoretical, (1/3) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 7 divisions, 4 Raiders divisions, 10 Marines divisions
Navy: 5 squadrons
Air Force: 7 groups
Background: The Pakistani military leadership profited off of Soviet and Iranian collapse, if territorial expansion can be considered profit. The government’s current hold over the nation seems rather untenable.

Indian Republic/D’Artagnan59
Government: Conservative Democracy
Annual Spending Points: 4
Approval Polling: 51%
Acquired Technology: G4.R3.X3.E4.A3.N1.T2
Developing Technology: (2/4) Robotics, (2/5) Equipment, (1/2) Nautical
Other Investments: None
Army: 32 divisions, 9 Corkscrew Tank divisions
Navy: 10 squadrons
Air Force: 25 groups
Background: India was rescued from the brink of collapse by a militant Hindu party, which placates its constituents by putting on a show of swearing revenge on the People’s Republic of China while their diplomats kowtow to the obvious regional leader.

Government: Theocracy
Annual Spending Points: 0
Approval Polling: 47%
Acquired Technology: G0.R0.X0.E2.A0.N0.T0
Developing Technology: None
Other Investments: None
Army: 5 divisions
Navy: None
Air Force: 5 groups
Background: India created Tibet in 2005 both for the Dali Lama and as a buffer state.

Far Eastern Republic/Karalysia
Government: Communist Junta
Annual Spending Points: 5
Approval Polling: 113%
Acquired Technology: G4.R3.X6.E4.A4.N2.T2
Developing Technology: (2/4) Robotics, (2/5) Equipment, (1/5) Genetics, (2/3) Theoretical, (1/3) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 16 divisions, 2 People’s Crushers divisions, 6 Clone Trooper divisions, 3 Hellfire Tank divisions, 8 conscript divisions
Navy: 3 squadrons
Air Force: 30 groups
Background: Various Red Army groups on the Pacific coast swore to stop obeying orders from the Kremlin after Soviet leadership began to make an endless stream of concessions to the West. They seized a good quarter of the Asian continent, and have since fought many wars to keep the dream of a glorious future alive.

Government: Theocracy
Annual Spending Points: 1
Approval Polling: 52%
Acquired Technology: G4.R3.X6.E4.A4.N2.T2
Developing Technology: (2/4) Robotics, (2/5) Equipment, (1/5) Genetics, (2/3) Theoretical, (1/3) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 3 divisions
Navy: 3 squadrons
Air Force: 4 groups
Background: After years of Chinese and Indonesian occupation, Japan was finally reconstituted as by FEAR as a puppet state.

ASEAN/Agent 89
Government: Federative Conservative Democracy
Annual Spending Points: 3
Approval Polling: 56%
Acquired Technology: G3.R4.X3.E5.A3.N3.T3
Developing Technology: (1/4) Genetics, (2/6) Equipment, (1/4) Aeronautics, (2/4) Explosives, (2/4) Theoretical, (2/5) Robotics, (1/4) Naval
Other Investments: Done: Adanan Tunnel and Kra Isthmus Canal; 1/7 Project Ares
Army: 29 divisions, 5 Marines divisions, 25 conscript divisions
Navy: 17 squadrons
Air Force: 10 groups
Background: The Association of Southeast Asian Nations banded together in the 1990s the way the states of Europe could only dream of, fending off a Chinese invasion and accepting Taiwan as a member state.

Indonesian Empire/NPC
Government: Monarchy
Annual Spending Points: 1
Approval Polling: 87%
Acquired Technology: G4.R3.X6.E4.A4.N2.T2
Developing Technology: (2/4) Robotics, (2/5) Equipment, (1/5) Genetics, (2/3) Theoretical, (1/3) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 6 divisions, 1 Peoples’ Crushers division, 5 Indonesian conscript divisions
Navy: 12 squadrons
Air Force: 13 groups
Background: After Dutch withdrawal from the Indonesian archipelago, the region went a little crazy, and eventually a unitary Indonesian state established a capital at Perth in conquered western Australia in an effort to keep the native whites under the Imperial thumb.

Republic of Australia/NPC
Government: Moderate Democracy
Annual Spending Points: 1
Approval Polling: 40%
Acquired Technology: G3.R4.X3.E5.A3.N3.T3
Developing Technology: (1/4) Genetics, (2/6) Equipment, (1/4) Aeronautics, (2/4) Explosives, (2/4) Theoretical, (2/5) Robotics, (1/4) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 6 divisions, 4 conscript divisions
Navy: 4 Squadrons
Air Force: None
Background: After Australia’s unfortunate humbling by the Imperial Indonesian Navy, its rump combined with the remaining free states of Oceania in a union committed to resisting Indonesian aggression.

New Zealand/NPC
Government: Moderate Democracy
Annual Spending Points: 1
Approval Polling: 40%
Acquired Technology: G3.R4.X3.E5.A3.N3.T3
Developing Technology: (1/4) Genetics, (2/6) Equipment, (1/4) Aeronautics, (2/4) Explosives, (2/4) Theoretical, (2/5) Robotics, (1/4) Naval
Other Investments: None
Army: 3 divisions
Navy: 2 squadrons
Air Force: 3 groups
Background: After Australia’s unfortunate humbling by the Imperial Indonesian Navy, its rump combined with the remaining free states of Oceania in a union committed to resisting Indonesian aggression.
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2001-2006 Semi-Awards



Democratic Front International: Lima Republic, Iberia, Scandinavian Republic, Russian Empire, South African Union, ASEAN, Great Britain, Brazil, Republic of Australia, New Zealand, Persia, Indian Republic, Hellenic Imperium, Central Asian Republic
Democratic Front International Technology Partner: Chindōgu
The Democratic Front International has a website in partnership with NADTA. Read about their new plans for world freedom here.
The DFI's predecessor, the Chicago Pact, still has a website. Read about their old plans for world freedom here.
The Democratic Front International has a Freedom Fund for Technology Research, currently in partnership with the NADTA Fund.

North American Defense and Trade Alliance: Theocratic State of Deseret, Cascadia, Republic of Quebec, American Federation, The Confederate States, Federal Republic of Alaska
The North American Defense and Trade Alliance has a website in partnership with the Democratic Front International. Read about their crusade for peace here.
The North American Defense and Trade Alliance has a NADTA Fund for Technology Research, currently in partnership with the DFI's Freedom Fund.

Eastern Coalition

Eastern Coalition: Far Eastern Republic, People's Republic of Europe, Socialist Republic of France, Tunisian Arab Jamahiriya, Venezuela, Indonesian Empire, Empire of Morocco, Islamic Courts Union, Sudan, Arab Umma, Pakistan, Argentine Federation, Japan
The Eastern Coalition has a website. Read about their plans to defeat the vile Westerners here.
The Eastern Coalition has an Eastern Fund for Technology Research, which encompasses the Socialist Fund, the Islamic Fund, and the individual research efforts of all nations in the EC.

Comintern Founding Members: Far Eastern Republic, People's Republic of Europe, Socialist Republic of France, Tunisian Arab Jamahiriya, Venezuela
Comintern Affiliate Member: Indonesian Empire
The Comintern has a website. Read about their plans for global domination here.
The Comintern has a Socialist Fund for Technology Research, currently in partnership with the Islamic Fund.

Dar al-Islam Full Members: Indonesian Empire, Empire of Morocco, Islamic Courts Union, Sudan, Arab Umma, Pakistan
Dar al-Islam Affiliate Member: Tunisian Arab Jamahiriya
Dar al-Islam has a website. Read about their plans for spreading the faith here.
Dar al-Islam has an Islamic Fund for Technology Research, currently in partnership with the Socialist Fund.

Other Long-Term Treaties

FEAR-Indian Strategic Agreement: Far Eastern Republic, Indian Republic
Quebecois-Deseret Mutual Protection Pact: Quebec, Deseret
Indonesian-ASEAN NAP: Indonesia, ASEAN (expires at end of 2004)
ASEAN Protectorate System: ASEAN, Republic of Australia, New Zealand
Venezuelan-Confederate NAP: Venezuela, The Confederate States
Deseret-Venezuelan NAP: Deseret, Venezuela
Moroccan-Nigerian NAP: Morocco, Nigeria (expires at end of 2006)
Tunisian-Mesopotamian NAP: Tunisian Arab Jamahiriya, Mesopotamian Union
Omsk Treaty Agreement: FEAR, Russian Empire

Clerical Fanatics: Developed by Arabian Umma
Can be emulated at Equipment 2

Highly trained in both Qu'ran theoretics and Local Military tactics, they use stealth to fight and to convert dissenting natives and deploy using relatively stealthy methods. One ASP buys 5 Clerical Fanatics divisions.

Marines: Developed by Kingdom of Morocco, Developed by ASEAN, Also Employed by Pakistan, Also Employed by Theocratic State of Deseret
Can be emulated at Equipment 2

Specializing in sea-borne invasions, Marines are nevertheless all-around great infantry. One ASP buys 5 Marines divisions.

Raiders: Developed by Pakistan
Can be emulated at Equipment 2

Unit disguised as enemy soldiers, capable of infiltrating bases, countries, borders, cities, etc. that would either destroy/sabotage the base, steal intelligence, or just kill enemy troops. When push comes to shove they can also act as normal infantry, our scouts, however their true worth is in infiltration. They are not strongly armed, light infantry if you will, and so, holding a line isn’t really the best place for them, but when it comes to disrupting enemies, there are none the better. One ASP buys 1 Raiders division.

People’s Crushers: Developed by FEAR, Also Employed by Islamic Courts Union, Indonesian Empire
Can be emulated at Equipment 3

This is a weapon designed to oppress people. By crushing them, or grinding if you prefer. It's basically a giant motorized push blade lawn mower, only it's mowing people and objects instead of lawn. It's has some machine gun turrets and a driver, but it’s fairly useless in real military combat. It's only good for oppression. A terror weapon basically to crush the spirits of the Chinese peasant their flimsy AK's or RPG's will be no match as the giant spiked blades mow them down. It should be big and strong enough to grind most houses and such also. One ASP buys 5 People’s Crushers divisions.

Bahiyya Aamina: Developed by Tunisian Arab Jamahiriya
Probably can’t be emulated at Equipment 3

Female Special Forces known as the Bahiyya Aamina. They are highly trained guards and commandos. They are also as tech increases going to be genetically and cybernetically enhanced. One ASP buys 1 Bahiyya Aamina division.

Genome Soldiers: Developed by Socialist Republic of France
Probably can’t be emulated at Equipment 3 + Genetics 3

Basically soldiers enhanced by gene therapy with soldier genes. One ASP buys 6 Genome Soldiers divisions.

Instigators: Developed by Venezuela
Probably can't be emulated at G2.R2.X1.E3.A2.N1.T2

Genetics: Greater muscle structure and lung capacity
Robotics: Active Armour improves reaction times and improves strength
Explosives: These guys know how to blow poop up
Equipment: They've got the stuff to blow poop up with. Also clothes made of the most advanced materials. Radar Proof, Heat Scanning proof, body seonsors relaying back to HQ etc!
Aeronautics: They can jump out of planes, fly them and hijack them!
Naval: Or boats! Their stuff is suitable for ambhibious warfare
Theoretical: They did their theory homework, they know their poop and how to do it!
One ASP buys 1 Instigators division.

Cyborgs: Developed by Argentine Federation
Cannot be emulated without plans, even at Equipment 2 + Genetics 3 + Robotics 3

The "Cyborgs" as they have been called are the first actual product of Imago Industries and are the combination of cybernetic implants, genetic polytypes, and a specimen of soldier or criminal. The implants are upgraded with specialized "loyalty" programs that dissuades the test subject from disobeying superiors, turning once menaces-to-society and a possible threat into a tame and docile war machine. One ASP buys 5 Cyborg divisions.

Warfighters: Developed by Quebec, Also Employed by Deseret
Can be emulated at Robotics 3 + Equipment 4 + Aeronautics 3

Warfighters are equipped with the latest in body armor and weaponry, but their greatest asset is their communications. Infantrymen are connected to a battlefield network that provides realtime information to grunts on the ground and officers in fortified bunkers. This is combined-arms warfare taken to the extreme, with ground pounders able to call in air support in seconds. Soldiers have unparalleled coordination everywhere between the squad and division level, letting them overcome superior forces with superior tactics. One ASP buys 5 Warfighters divisions.

Kola Iron Man Suits: Developed by Northern Collectives
Cannot be emulated without plans, even at Robotics 3 + Equipment 2 + Theoretical 2

The Kola Iron Man Suits are very mysterious and come equipped with EMP blasters. One ASP buys 5 suits.

Clone Troopers: Developed by FEAR
Probably can’t be emulated at Genetics 4 + Equipment 4

Identical, genetically enhanced soldiers drilled from birth. The clones troops are cloned from only the fittest and strongest individuals from FEAR territory. They have enhanced strength, endurance, reflexes, and dulled (or absent) sense of pain and fear. They are drilled from birth in military tactics, and training, they are given growth hormones to speed up their development, they are instilled with deep loyalty to First Citizen Putin and FEAR and Communist principles. They have modern synthetic full body armor and a variety of weapons they may use and operate. One ASP buys 5 Clone Trooper divisions.

Hellfire Tanks: Developed by FEAR
Cannot be emulated without plans, even at Robotics 3 + Explosives 3 + Equipment 4

This is basically a tank armed with a particle beam weapon, flamethrower and an electromagnetic radiation cannon. Both should have full 180 degree rotation capability vertically and 360 degree horizontally.

Particle beam gun:

A neutral particle beam weapon ionizes hydrogen gas by either stripping an electron off of each hydrogen atom, or by allowing each hydrogen atom to capture an extra electron. When hydrogen gains electrons it forms anions; when hydrogen atoms lose electrons they form cations. A particle beam weapon that accelerates anions uses a traveling wave type particle accelerator. In this kind of ion accelerator, the negative ions are released inside a cylindrical ion acceleration chamber. This chamber has an electrode with an alternating electric charge of up to 1,000,000,000 (109) volts inside it.

It will be capable of destroying armored vehicles, aircraft, infantry, gunships etc..

Electromagnetic cannon:

This will work directing electromagnetic radiation, specifically, high-frequency microwave radiation at a frequency of 95 GHz[6] (a wavelength of 3.2 mm), toward the subjects.

It will basically cook infantry alive, while severely damaging and destroying all electronic equipment such as tanks, aircraft etc...enemy vehicles exposed to it will be turned into giant deathtraps cooking alive the crew. One ASP buys 5 Hellfire Tank divisions.

Supercarrier Squadrons: Developed by Theocratic Republic of Deseret
Cannot be emulated without plans, even at Naval 3

The Carrier is 80,000 tons, greatly eclipsing the pocket carrier who is only 25,000 tons. As a result, the carrier carries more planes, 10 air groups to be exact, as well as being outfitted with top of the line AA guns that can shoot down a fly if given the order.

The carrier is joined by 4 other ships which is listed below:

Battleships, these guys are our go to guys for shore bombardments and missile strikes. Their missiles can travel up to 2,000 miles at 60,000 feet and can be outfitted with chemical, TNT or any other warhead. They also carry ship to ship missiles for personal protection. Each battleship carries 450 shore missiles, and 100 ship to ship missiles. And each Supercarrier squadron has 2 battleships.

Cruisers, these guys are our eyes in the sky. Any airborne threats approach, these guys will take care of them. Whether they be planes, missiles, birds, bird sh*t, if it is in the sky, it will be shot down. They carry a wide variety of guns, most are AA guns, but they also have machine guns to blow up approaching torpedoes or missiles, they also have surface to air missiles for those tougher jets, these missiles are of a new design and cannot be shaken. Each supercarrier has 10.

Destroyers, the hunters of the sea. Their job is to find hostile subs in their sector and sink them. Their other job is to stop or destroy hostile surface ships. They work closely with the Subs and together they make a fearsome team. These destroyers have torpedoes that fire off their decks, depth charges, and ship to ship missiles. When confronted by an hostile naval squadron, these guys can hold their own and fight hard. A far cry from the destroyers of World War 2, or even the smaller squadrons of their peers. Each supercarrier squadron has 30.

Submarines, these are the advanced version of the Los Angeles Class Submarine, taken over by Deseret after the fall of the former United States, Deseret military minds have improved the sub and made it far more deadlier than before. These guys are the silent wolves of the sea, always working alone and often miles from the squadron searching for hostile shipping or subs and sinking them on sight. They are armed with torpedoes that have been dubbed, "Angel of Death" because it rarely misses its target. Once the LA class sub locks on its target and the torpedo is released, that unfortunate target better be praying to God for absolution.

1 ASP buys 1 Supercarrier squadron.

Talon Guard: Developed by Constantinople Federation
Cannot be emulated without plans, even at Equipment 4

A new wing of the military has been created, known as the Talon Guard.
The most prevalent purpose of the Talon Guard is to protect the Igetis's person, though its duties have been expanding to include security in the nation itself. 1 ASP buys 1 Talon Guard division.

ICBMs: Developed by Kingdom of Morocco
Cannot be emulated without plans, even at Explosives 6 + Aeronautics 4

Death from above. 1 ASP buys 10 ICBMs.

Corkscrew Tanks: Developed by Indian Republic
Probably can’t be emulated at Equipment 4

Corkscrew Tanks: A tank with the normal two guns, one with the normal cannon and one a missile launcher, but on the front, it has a corkscrew that can kill people and cut through metal like paper. 1 ASP buys 5 Corkscrew Tank divisions.
Reservations Per Preview Thread were here, but this information has become irrelevant, and you should check above for open nations. New players are always welcome and encouraged.
Our World, 2000 AD

For the map without labels:
Spoiler :

For the map with labels:
Spoiler :

For Karalysia's map of first turn alliances:
Spoiler :
Opening Remarks

We are making large parts of the alhist as we go, so don't forget how important your stories and worldbuilding are. However, remember that the timeline didn't vastly diverge until the 1960s in Africa and the 1990s everywhere else. Because part of the preview thread really was what started off the NES, I link to it here.

New players are still welcome at any time.

First orders are due Friday, December 11th, GMT 20:00. I'm lenient about this within reason, but I expect to get the update done within 24 hours of the deadline, so plan accordingly. The deadline each subsequent week will also be Friday, GMT 20:00. One exception: the 2004 update deadline will be Thursday, 11:00 GMT. Also, enjoy the NES.

To People's Republic of Europe, Socialist Republic of France, Tunisian Arab Jumiyayh

Comrade-First Citizen Putin leader of FEAR propose the re-creation of the Communist International (Comintern) between us true Commounist states to improve cooperation between ourselves, and allow us to plot evilly how to spread the Glorious Workers Revolution world wide, destroy capitalism, and other such things that we Communists like to do.
Claiming the Theocratic State of Deseret.

Imago@ Do we currently have any alliances?
The Confederacy reporting in. All hail our glorious banner


  • Flag of the confederacy.png
    Flag of the confederacy.png
    12 KB · Views: 178
Iberia reporting in. And with it, comes its backstory:

1974: The Revoluçao dos Cravos. The right-wing military junta that has been leading the Estado Novo de Portugal for more than 30 years falls in a coup by left-leaning soldiers. The symbol of this revolution is the carnations civilians gave to the military insurgents. Democracy is established in Portugal.

1975: Franco dies. Juan Carlos I rises to the throne as King. For the last year, the Junta Democrática de España and the Plataforma de Convergencia, formed by alliances of all pro-democracy (and illegal) parties in Spain have been pressuring for the re-establishment of the democracy that was lost in 1939 after the victory of the Nationalist side in the Spanish Civil War. Both of them also advocate for a immediate breaking of the current legal system so that a democratic constitution may be written up. Meanwhile, in Portugal, the first democratic elections in many years, directed at the creation of the Constituent Assembly, go on, giving victory to Mario Soares' Partido Socialista.

1976: In Portugal, the first attempts to establish a true democracy work, with hard work by the politicians that wish for it to happen and going towards . In Spain, the Ley de Reforma Política, which will allow for the gradual reformation of the government into a true democracy, passes in a referendum by a wide margin, with more than 80% of positives votes.

1977: Spain sees its first democratic elections in many years: Adolfo Suárez, leading the Unión de Centro Democrático, wins by a large margin, with the left-wing Partido Socialista Obrero Español in second place. In Portugal, the first post-Constitutional elections start, and Mario Soares wins once more. In both elections, there is a surprising party: the Iberian Party, that calls for the creation of a joint Spanish-Portuguese nation so that both of them may be well heard in the world scene. They win 13 seats in the Portuguese Congress and 10 in the Spanish Congress.

1979: Spain goes through their second elections. The CDU wins again, but loses many seats. PSOE rises a lot, and the Iberian Party catches 25 seats, to the detriment of Manuel Fraga's Alianza Popular and the Partido Comunista de España.

1981: On 23rd February, extreme-wing elements within the Army attempt a coup d'etat in order to restore the Francoist regime. The Congress is taken by a group of 200 Civil Guards led by Colonel Antonio Tejero. There are only four deputies that do not hide themselves when the shots are heard: President Adolfo Suárez (who has presented his dimission), Defense Minister Manuel Gutiérrez Mellado (whom, even being 69 years old, is brave enough to face Tejero), PCE leader Santiago Carrillo and the Iberian Party leader Alfonso Guerra. This coup d'etat will be solved in less than a day thanks to the timely intervention of King Juan Carlos I, who manages to issue a speech in which he condemns the coup. However, as this is happening in the TVE studio, he doesn't know that tragedy has struck his family: in the Palacio de la Zarzuela, the official residence of the Royal Family, a group of pro-coup soldiers has entered and, accidentally, killed 18-year-old Infanta Elena, 16-year-old Infanta Cristina and, worse of all, the Prince of Asturias, 13-year-old Felipe. This will send the whole nation into mourning, as the Royal Family is well beloved in Spain. The trial against the coupers will see many of them sent to prison for more than 30 years each, and the killers of the Infantas and the Prince are killed by an assassin claiming to do this in vengeance for the children's deaths. It is soon established that King Juan Carlos had nothing to do with this: the King has been the whole time mourning next to his wife the deaths of their children.

1982: New elections in Spain and Portugal. The Socialist Party wins in both nations, but the great surprise is that the Iberian Party continues its meteoric rise. The potential entrance of both nations in the EEC is giving them wings, as both nations together will be able to fight for better standing in the world scene.

1986: Elections again in both Spain and Portugal. The Iberian Party finish their upsetting race by winning great majorities in both nations. They soon decide to hold referendums on whether a possible union between both nations is possible. Both referendums pass with more than three quarters of the voters favouring union. King Juan Carlos, heavily burdened by his loss of five years ago, decides that his time is over, and presents his abdication as King of Spain. Spain and Portugal join into the Iberian Republic. Its coin will be the Ducado, and it'll have Spanish and Portuguese as official languages, but as with the old Spanish Constitution, regions with other languages will be permitted to have them as co-officials. The nation will, curiously for a Republic, have two Heads of State: the first one will, naturally, be the President as chosen through popular voting, but the other will be Juan Carlos de Borbón y Borbón, in recognition to the hard work he went through for so many years to restore democracy in Spain. The former King, at first, wanted to reject this honour, since he would rather live the last years of his life in peace. However, after an impassioned speech of new Prime Minister of Iberia Alfonso Guerra, in which he tells the great accomplishments the King has done in his life, the whole Congress of Deputies convening in Madrid (which will be the capital of Iberia) rises into a very long applause and cheering for Juan Carlos. It isn't long after this that an spontaneous manifestation starts in the most important cities of Spain, all of them cheering for Juan Carlos and offering their support for the man that lost so much and yet still gave a lot for the country. The images of King Juan Carlos I breaking down and crying like a child in the shoulder of his wife, Queen Sofía, go around the world, and give him great popularity in the whole nation, who has always liked him and now see that, even with such a burden on him, he is still a person like the rest of them.

1989: The Berlin Wall falls. As the Soviet Union breaks into several nations and the United States does the same, the equilibrium between the world's nations is broken.

1991: France, having undergone several years as a Socialist Republic, decides that the best thing it can do right now is to expand, since now there isn't anyone able to check on them. They choose Iberia, thinking that such a young nation will be easily pushed over. This will be a great mistake.

1993: After a hard war lasting 1 year and a half, the Socialist Republic of France and the Republic of Iberia make peace. France loses the French Pyrenées and the region of Aquitaine to Iberia for their role in starting the war, and this comes at the same time the regions of Alsace, Lorraine and a couple more secede from France and join the Central European Union.

2000: Present day. Currently, the President of the Republic is Javier Solana, and the Prime Minister is Joaquín Almunia. Juan Carlos de Borbón is still the Honorary Head of State of the Iberian Republic, and travels around the world, always making use of his diplomatic skills to attempt to broker peace between nations. Nowadays, Iberia is more united than ever, as Iberian nationalism has been a part of the culture ever since the Iberian Party rose to power.
The American Federation has arrived
To Lima, Argentina, Brazil, Iberia, Central European Union, Scandinavian Republic, Brazil, Russian Republic, Mesopotamian Union, Oceania, ASEAN, Constantinople Union

From the American Federation

In order to protect Democracy throughout the world, we offer you an alliance in the interest of all democratic peoples. We ask that you join the Chicago Pact.
To: American Federation
From: Federal Republic of Alaska

We express our concern that we are not counted amongst the 'democratic peoples of the world'.

The Democratic Party

Following the disaster of the Bush years, the Democrat party has been riding high. President Kennedy has been able to help save what remains of the USA, and has formed it again into the worlds leading power.

The Democrat Party nominates Al Gore, Secretary of State in the Kennedy Administration, at their convention in Boston.

Al Gore is campaigning on several key issues. His first commitment is the stability and peace of the North American continent, followed by a new Democratic alliance between the free people of the world. He is actively campaigning for higher wages for workers, improved health care, and heavier social programs.

The Democratic party has nominated Hillary Rodham, Illinois State Senator, as Vice President for Gore.

The Democrats are sure Gore and Rodham will do an Excellent job, and hopes to continue its control of the White House

The History of the South African Union.

1960 – Malagasy Uprising ends. Madagascar and South Africa become allies.

1961 – Formation of the Republic Union of South Africa. Apartheid continues, despite international anger. South Africans don’t care, due to abundance of diamonds and gold. The country is also popular with visiting archaeologists and anthropologists.

1963 – Imprisonment of anti-apartheid campaigner Nelson Mandela

1964 – Nyasaland (became Malawi in OTL) becomes the first former British colony to come under the protection of South Africa. Northern Rhodesia gains independence as Zambia.

1966 – Basutoland (became Lesotho OTL) and Bechunaland (became Botswana OTL) joins the Union. Name changed to the South African Union.

1967 – South Africa attack Zambia. After a few months of bloody fighting, South Africa only manages to keep hold of the south of the country. They give up trying to get the rest. The ruined north joins Nigeria.

1968 – The recently independent Swaziland joins the Union for economic reasons.

1970 – Madagascar joins the Union after rebels wreck half the country.

1975 – The Mozambican War of Independence comes to an end. Civil war begins, as south wants to join South Africa, while north wants to go with the Islamic Courts.

1977 – South Africa welcomes the majority of Mozambique to the Union. Islamic Courts Union angry with perceived theft.

1980 – After the Rhodesian Bush War, Zimbabwe gains independence. They attack South Africa, claiming them to be ‘full of white swine’.

1982 – South Africa brings Zimbabwe under its control. Johannesburg Incident.

1990 – Apartheid ends. Mandela released. Murmurs of discontent in what becomes Namibia OTL.

1991 – The Namibians try a War of Independence. By and large, they fail. Eastern Namibia remains under South African Control. Nigerians step in and take the rest of Namibia under their control. SAU are angry at their interference.

1994 – Mandela elected as president of the South African Union.

1995 – Mandela takes office. He cryptically announces an ‘expansion of territory’.

1996 – South Africa attacks Argentina in a surprise move. The unprepared Argentineans quickly lose the south of the country.

1998 – South Africa begins its push into Chile, which is also taken by surprise. Mandela announces he is only going to serve one term.

1999 – Santiago falls early in the year. The rest of Chile surrenders to the Argentine Collective. South African elections begin, including, surprisingly, in occupied Patagonia (the administrative name for occupied South America). Thabo Mbeki, part of the conservative ANC, elected president. It is speculated this is because he promised the South Americans were to be ‘treated fairly’, instead of his liberal rival, who ignored the issue.

2000 – After spectacular New Millennium celebrations, Mbeki is sworn into office. His inauguration is broadcast both in Africa and South America.

Please alert me if any of this seems implausible. I don't have much experience with South Africa. All information was collected from Wikipedia.
To the American Federation
From the Theocratic State of Deseret

We likewise voice the Federal Republic of Alaska at being excluded from the Democratic Convention.

I am not sure which section of Theocracy my Government would fall under, but in our timeline the State of Deseret, according to sources, ran much like the US government with the exception that their leaders are appointed by God. But they used a council and had advisors for certain sections, such as Domestic, Military... who is in turn appointed by the President, and is approved by the council. If Imago wishes this government to be more like the Holy See, consider this diplo as "fell on deaf ears." :p

A source:
Spoiler :
Another ecclesiocracy was the administration of the short-lived State of Deseret, an independent entity briefly organized in the American West by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Its original borders stretched from western Colorado to the southern California coast. When the Mormons arrived in the valley of the Great Salt Lake in 1847, the Great Basin was still a part of Mexico and had no secular government. As a result, Brigham Young administered the region both spiritually and temporally through the highly organized and centralized Melchizedek Priesthood. This original organization was based upon a concept called theodemocracy, a governmental system combining Biblical theocracy with mid-19th-century American political ideals, including heavy reliance upon the U.S. Constitution.

EDIT: Oh and Imago, could you list any ongoing wars, if any please?
I'll try my hand at ASEAN. Perhaps I'll write a history of the country later on.
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