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Infinite City Sprawl 03 - Divine


Knight of Cydonia
Aug 29, 2007
We're finally there - about to challenge the Deity AI.

Civ: India (Mining/Mysticism, Fast Worker, Mausoleum
Leader: Asoka (Spi/Org)
Size: Standard
Type: Inland Sea
Speed: Normal
Difficulty: Deity (d'oh)
Other: Random events off (just think of all that razing with partisans)
Version: BtS 3.13 using BUG mod is welcome.

The roster is full, no more signups please.

I'm trying to get some proper rules together:

° All cities we settle have to be "on grid", that means that they're 3 tiles to the north/east/south/west of a currently existing city.

° All cities we capture that are not on grid have to be razed.

At least this were the rules we used to follow. We might loosen them up a bit to stand a little chance. Two suggestions:

° All cities we settle have to be "on grid" but we can found one already 6 or 9 or 12 ... tiles away, resulting in more land for us. Landgrabbing is very hard with this variant.

° We don't need to raze all the cities we capture. This results in more land and pop for us (easier to keep vassals) and we can keep some wonders (last game we had to raze the SoL :cry:).

Some words on how it came to this:
Spoiler :
It all began on Februrary of this year when Zherak_Khan, Betruger, shuye, ungy, stuge and I wanted to see how this "Infinite City Sprawl"-strat works. We decided to play on Emperor as we had no clear idea as to how difficult it would be. We used what we could call a "Religious Attempt", the quite obvious University of Sankore + Apostolic Palace + Spiral Minaret combo together with The Oracle to get us GPP, Courthouses and Confucianism for a shrine. This went very well and we safely reached the two key techs: Nationalism and Rifling. From then on it was easy: With our countless cities we drafted like mad and vassalized one AI after the other.

After the game we agreed to play another game, this time on Immortal. Sadly, Betruger left our roster and was replaced by r_rolo1. It was harder (as one might suspect...) resulting in no early religion (we didn't lose a race but decided not to try), no USak (very bad) and just barely getting the AP (thanks to r_rolo1 for his crazy chopping :goodjob:) but in another victory.

Now, we want to play this on Deity as well, which was a goal our captain, Zherak_Khan, mentionned several times. I don't really expect us to win this game but I hope we'll put up a fight.

As I see it we really NEED the Oracle so we'll beeline it. We probabely have no chance of winning if we miss this wonder. It is an early GPP source (we desperately need), gives us a religion (we desperately need) and early courthouses (guess what: we desperately need them...). The Oracle plus priest specs will help us get some Great Prophets. Though thing is, what to do with them: when to build the shrine, when to bulb theo. These are the first two things we'll want. From then on we either want the Christian shrine (if we get there first) or go on bulbing DR.
Techwise, we need to beeline Paper to not miss the USak again... Our other important techs will be bulbed. Our four key-wonders will be chopped hard so let's keep our fingers crossed for some forests :please:
Discuss :goodjob:

Oddly, we're looking for players. ATM we're down to two (:lol:) but stuge agreed to play in case we can't find enought players. Also, our previous captain, Zherak_Khan seems to have some problems and will only join later, probabely. I'd like to have a 6-man roster but would also start with fewer as I expect it to be hard to find that many. If you have some experience on the higher levels and have no problem with losing, sign up! To me it's most important that we have discussion and fun. It would be great if some Deity players joined as well.


I suggest that anyone who wants to join checks the following threads first: ICS-1, ICS-2, Drafting for fun and profit (guide by vale).

Standard 24/48 rules apply.

I expect to roll a start when (if) we find some players daring to play :evil:
I'd love to be in, and i have lurked the other ics, and i'd love a nice challange.
This whould be my first sg and going to deity looks fun.(i'm a emperor player) I am very daring for this. Should be fun ;)
Welcome to CivFanatics, ssmage :band:

You're in! So not only my first SG is a ICS-game :D

You'll surely get challenged BTW ;)
Checking in....

Time to go crazy, isn't it? ;)

About the rules: I'm either fine with the strict ICS rules or a more lax version ( Last game it was a real PITA to not be able to keep Ramesses and Freddy cities... it could had caused us to lose the game ).... Let's see what the team ( when we get one ;) ) will say.

And ssmage: welcome ;)
I stand by my words. If the roster doesn't fill up otherwise, count me in.
[run delurk.exe]

Sounds Neat,

I won't be joining but I'll be keeping my eye on this

Now for an Infinite Smiley Sprawl
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

(Would be more but 20 pic limit)

[run lurk.exe]
lurker's comment:
Adding this to my watch list.

Never played deity (way beyond me), so not a sign up.
lurk: I can't remember the early game of the other ICS games, but you bulb Theology -> Paper right? Many people forget you don't need Civil Service for Paper. You can maybe bulb Divine Right with an Artist or Prophet (artist after Clearing Drama, Lit and Nationalism?), and AP is with Theology.
@ LK

I never played Deity either ;)

@ Quotey

CS has some definite advatages like the irrigation spread.... but it might be need to go Theo -> Paper to have a chance on Sankore ( especially if we got some ind civs in game )
@LK: I haven't really either. Only a single game just for fun :D

@Quotey: I don't think we'll bulb paper or have ever done that. GA that early is out of question, GP it is (for DR). For Paper (GS) we need to have to have optics + philo or have it blocked (lack at least one prereq).

I think after shrine + theo we can run a mix of sci's + priests, probabely favouring sci's first.
Well I don't mind losing and like discussion so although I am no Deity Master (normally win Emperor struggle at Immortal in solo games) so if you need to fill out your roster I would love to join.

Thx good to be here, r_rolo1

If we can get theo slingshot do we take that? or col?
Lets hope us diety tryer win this :)

Lets hope we don't get steam rolled :spear:
Lets hope we steam roll the deitys with rifles when they have maces :)

Getting marble in bfc whould be :jesus: and :evil:
Lets go smash some deity heads!! :viking::trouble:
I've been following your two other games with big interest and I would really like to join this one.
My deity experience is, however, limited to some unheroic looses, so I really don’t know how is this going to work on deity. But loosing can be fun too. ;)
Ralph: Welcome on board!

ssmage said:
If we can get theo slingshot do we take that? or col?
Plan is taking CoL from the Oracle and theo from a GP. CoL early is more important (courts).

Lets hope we steam roll the deitys with rifles when they have maces
Let's hope we steamroll them before they have infantry...

Getting marble in bfc whould be :jesus: and :evil:
Nah, that wouldn't make any difference. Once we have the basic worker techs (agri, AH?) and eventually archery, we'll go straight towards priesthood. No time to tech masonry and the wheel. Remember: If we lose the Oracle we're screwed.
Techwise I think of: Agri > AH (> hunting > archery) > meditation > priesthood > writing. Horses in BFC is a gamble. I think we'll better leave it unless we have cows in the bfc. This would leave us with Agri > hunting > archery > medi > priest > writing > AH/BW.

qwertz: Fellow swiss civver, welcome on board :D
I'll sign up for this if that's OK. (I'm not a deity level player)
I play Emporer SP, and I stole my name from a crossword. If you rotate the letters one back in the alphabet, it reveals a secret code.
:lol: great idea!

So the roster's full, and I'll roll a start. Keep your fingers crossed for one like in ICS1 (and not like ICS2...) :please:
For loosening the rules, I would propose that we keep the strict settle 3 N/S/E/W but we can keep the AI's original capitals if we capture them and we can "grid" from them.
(On the off-chance that they also decide to go ICS :rolleye:
qwertz: Fellow swiss civver, welcome on board

I'm glad to join

damn 20 image limit and why do smiles even count as images ???

On the rules, I sugest that we can build cities in a larger gird (6x6 maybe)first and than backfill later. With settling just 3 tiles from the capital we might get boxed in quite fast (the deity AIs start with extra settler and they can really REX lile mad).
Keeping extra AI cities would be nice, but I think having multiple complementary girds would provide a bit too much mess (no nice looking map at the end anymore). Maybe only exception is the city with the SoL :-D
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