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Infinite City Sprawl 04 - The comeback of the deities


Sep 25, 2007
So after our devastating defeat in the ICS 03 we have developed a totally new approach to the ICS and are ready to challenge the deities once again!

the new settings are:

-Map: Maze (ZPVCSPLFUIFDPEF's version with 4 tiles land strips and 2 tiles water, allowing a perfect gird with costal cities exclusive)
-Size: Standard
-Speed: Normal
-Difficulty: Deity
-Version: Civ4: BtS 3.13 / Bhruic, BUG: 2.30 at least (optional)
-Random events off
-Civ/Leader: TBD

The rules:

° All cities we settle have to be "on grid", that means that they're 3*n tiles to the north/east/south/west of a currently existing city. (we can found our cities further away, but we must backfill the gird later)

° All cities we capture that are not on grid have to be razed.

°(we must get TGLH or restart until we do so)

The idea of this one is, unlike the first 3 game which concentrated on the religious path, is to get a lot of costal cities and use the trade routes to support our economy while we build an ICS empire.

For more info:


mystyfly (???)

(not a strict order)

and the map script:

I hope we can agree on the leader soon so we can start the game.
Checking in....

I don't have strong feelings about the options for leader, but given that we are going to rely on trade routes, maybe it is better to choose a Exp leader ( halved price Harbors )....
lurk: Mehmed is EXP/ORG, Bella is SPI/EXP. Mehmed is very good for coastal starts, as he gets cheap harbours and lighthouses and something else I think. He gets a total of 6! cheap buildings.
Checking in Mehmed sounds good to me.


I'm able to play although I won't be online that much anymore as my laptop isn't really mobile anymore (how do you call a laptop without the monitor? lap? :D:D)

My leader preference:
1) darius
2) hannibal
3) mehmed
4) lizzy

mostly for the reasons I posted earlier in the last thread.
I like Mehmed as well, but a fin civ in a map where we'll not need to research Astro and with a a high percentage of coastal tiles ( read Colossus ) looks interesting as well. Maybe in another game ;) ?
Bah, don't do Mehmed, He's good on paper, But has Ag/Wheel for start tech, And the techs we want are Fish/Min, So Liz,Vic,JC,Augustus,Hannabal,Joao are the only leaders that are good on paper for this. (unless you go unresticed)

From that, I would go Joao, as Exp/Imp and Fin later with the UB is good. UU is useless tho.
Or Vic, cause she is underused, and has redcoats + Fin/Imp.
seems like mehmed's the favorite. the starting techs aren't the best we can get, but you can't have everything :p. I think all those cheap buildings are going to be a really big help, espacelly the cheap lighthouses.

I think I'll generate the map, so we shall see how it goes. We can still take someone else for our next retry :lol:
ok, here we go; our start:


This was the second start we got, as we couldn't say where the gird goes out of the first one.

the start looks really good IMO; 7 flood plains, 2 seafood, 3 hills and some forests for chopping.
we start with wheel & agri, I suggest something like fishing->mining->sailing->masonary->BW, (maybe archery somewhere in between)

Now let's see how our last euro match goes, Portugal shouldn't be a very tough opponent to beat :p
Nice FP area... but not much of prod.

Clearly fishing first, but I would make a partial warrior ( pun intended ) instead of the worker...

And qwertz... maybe you won't lose by much with the Portuguese B team ( I'm seeing the game... it is clearly the B team from our side ;) ) :p
And qwertz... maybe you won't lose by much with the Portuguese B team ( I'm seeing the game... it is clearly the B team from our side ;) ) :p

seems the team B plan didn't work very well :p

well, I first thought about worker first because we are quite :hammers: poor here so we should mine those hills ASAP.
But if we don't get a 3:hammers: tile to work, bilding a warrior and growing to size 2 might ideed be the better option as it won't really delay the worker too much.
^^You deserved to win, but that Austrian referee..... ( I'm a referee , so I know a little of this ;) )... 1 penalty forgiven to you , a false offside goal anulation, that play with Paulo Ferreira ( he should had been expelled.... )..... not counting with too much game breaks for pety contact. Amateur :p

We have a possible 3 :hammers: tiles but only after mining.... IMHO it is better to let the city grow.
This is not a football thread guys :p

With this start, I am glad we chose EXP. That health will be needed early on. I agree on going Fishing first. Warrior first, not worker. We need population, so wait with worker till a couple of WBs are up, right?
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