Inflation at 278% and rising..


Sep 22, 2007
and i still have 222 turns left in the game. Is this "working as intended" or a bug?

PS, this is only on monarch, terran map, standard world, normal speed - ancient era start. I have 30 cities, 40% of the map under my control, with 2 vasals - each with around 10 cities. I can only run 10% research as with inflation as it is - i would be bankrupt at -170 if i set it any higher.

This is my first game with under BTS and other than my financial situation, i am really enjoying it (the AI is much smarter) but i have never experianced this level of inflation before, any tips folks?
Excuse my ignorance, but I havn`t come across inflation in the game. How do you find out how high it is, and what drives it up?
Excuse my ignorance, but I havn`t come across inflation in the game. How do you find out how high it is, and what drives it up?

Press F2 to bring up financial advisor and in the far right box will be expenses. Hold the mouse over inflation for more info....
I am playing .25l and inflation is up at about 110%. Turn 350 or so, maybe 8-9 cities, large map. I have had to convert to Order, build courthouses everywhere, build basilicas, build forbidden palace. I have the shrine for Leaves and for Order and have spread order aggressively so now 20 gold/turn or so for order.

With all of this I still have to run at only 60-70% science. Yes, I am building the Bazaar of Mammon in the Order city (ironic in a biblical way, the moneychangers in the temple) but this seems a bit ridiculous. 110% and rising about 1% a turn now!!??? Is there anything that I can do to effect inflation or trim it back directly?

Yeah, that's a good question - what to do with inflation? In RL they still don't know the answer.
inflation doesn't have anything to do with maintenance...
it is an artificial way of burdening economy so it doesn't become too powerful...
it was that or have later tech cost 50,000 instead of 10,000.
and thecn you would have to scale all production costs due to gold rush... and then upgrad production ability in end game...etc.
basically, with all commerce producing mecanism : growth of civ, growth of cities and of cottages, improvement of cottages, improved number of trade routes and their yield, commerce grows more than tech cost.

currently I'm playing amurite, 20-30 cities, only a palace, no winter/forbidden palace, I'm sustaining a huge war in prince (near end of tech tree so I have most improvements and many buildings in bigger cities) and I'm running 80% science !!! and as I use scholarchip, I have a big part of my pop that do not produce commerce (ie some bit of gold) but mostly science : sages.. and learns omniscience in 6turns (cost : 9500)

I think it shows that at turn 390, my commerce output is too strong IMO and thus inflation is not big enough.

IMO, the issue is that it is artificial. not its value.
thus, having a big powerful empire will gets you the same inflation as a small undevelloped one.but in the first casae you can easily overcome it, on the second you cannot.

maybe just make maintenance due to city pop and building in citis even bigger and reduce inflation to 0 .?? (or make building costs something like 1g-2g ... or just some buildings..)

or have inflation increases triggerd by progression in the tech tree..
What version are you using? It was reduced in a recent patch.

It wasn't reduced nearly enough. I seriously hope that the staff will look into this since it has been reported many times, right now 0.25L, it is almost game-breaking.
I find it extremely annoying as well. Also, for some reason there seems to be a big jump from prince to monarch- in prince games inflation never bothered me and I could deal fine, often running science at 90%. However, just recently i've started on monarch and the inflation is incredibly painful.

Partly I think it's because techs/development in FFH is just naturally slower than in vanilla? So the same arbitrary inflation rate is hindering development rather than just keeping it in place.
It just grows too fast (I only play Monarch or above so it may be possible that under this level it's working ok). Already at 1/3 of the tech tree you reach or are above 100% inflation, which I never reached in regular Civ even at the end of the game.
It has been reduced further on higher difficulty games (I was never having problems in my measly Noble games, but Loki was having problems on Monarch).
Cool... I can't wait for Shadow then. I wonder what that 16 in your avatar means ? ;)
TO handle inflation, you have to prevent, not cure (there is no cure).

Inflation is not artificial, nor arbitrary. It is based on your upkeep costs EACH TURN. So if you are learning how to combat inflation, keep an eye on the F2 menu.

Many people wind up with horrific inflation because while they still have a single city they produce too many scouts/warriors and wind up getting maintenance costs from the begining of the game. This will become basically compound interest, and everyone should know the glory/horror (depending on which side you are) of that mechanic.

If you strive to keep your maintenance from units/distance/number of cities/etc at 0, or dang close, every turn, you will never get inflation of any notable effect.
untrue because it's not based on YOUR upkeep costs but on WORLDWIDE upkeep costs. Hence the AI screws you, and in FFH2 there is an insanely high number of High maintenance cost civics.
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