Caffeinated Khagan
I see you're using my old Japanese city set.
I made newer and better ones a while back. It's still in the same thread.

Are you using the japanese units that came with PTW?
odintheking said:Just a note, Tokugawa and Meiji could be used for two clans, and I wholeheartedly support the requests for the other 15 leaderheads!
Shiro said:Can you post a tech map?
How long does it take to get from one end of Japan to another? For a ground unit?
What is the ETA for the beta version? I will make the leaderheads after beta is out. I can also make citizen pop heads and advisors.
I already have Tokugawa as one of the playable clans. Using Meiji as a clan on the other hand wouldn't be very fitting at all. Only after the long reign of the Tokugawa shogunate did the Meiji line take control of Japan, which is a long time AFTER the Sengoku period. Or did you mean to use their leaderheads. I think I understand now.![]()
Glad to hear that I have your support for the leaderheads odin!![]()
Looks most interesting - you seem to have got the map done pretty well, and you are clearly concerned to get your scenario looking good.![]()
ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival.
I think that the boxes around the LHs in the Diplo screen may be a transparency problem with the pcxs you are using. I don't know what graphics program you use, but with GIMP the easiest thing to do is to make the last two colours in the colourmap (or palatte) magenta and green (codes 00ff00 and ff00ff I think) and then make sure that one of these is the colour surrounding the LH.
Not sure if I explained that well.Anyway, if you can't work it out then post the files here and someone will take a look for you.
If the problem is not transparency then I don't know what it could be.
Kinboat also made some Japanese units btw availible in a pack, check the unit artists libruary in the units board. Just thought I'd point it out, some good stuff there.
Will there be a english version
Ogedei said:I have the Shinto shrine you requested completed; it's up in the Asia Buildings Pack 2 thread. I'll also release the Japanese smithy soon as well; it will be released at the same time with the two Indian buildings that I've been working on as part of the Asia Buildings Pack 2b.