Info Thread: Rise of the Shogunate

I see you're using my old Japanese city set. :) I made newer and better ones a while back. It's still in the same thread.
Really?! I'll definitely have to go check them out. If they're better than those, they must be amayzing.

I'm actually not even remotely done with the aesthetic aspect of the scenario. There's still so much I have planned to spruce up the overall look of the game, and I'm sure I haven't found the final city set either (I'll take a look at your current one). I'm also looking for a better road type than the dirt ones but so far, I haven't found the perfect road yet (despite Pounder's massive line-up, but then again, I still haven't looked through all of his).
This looks amazing!!!! I would play this game.

Can you post a tech map?
How long does it take to get from one end of Japan to another? For a ground unit?

What is the ETA for the beta version? I will make the leaderheads after beta is out. I can also make citizen pop heads and advisors.

Great job so far.
Are you using the japanese units that came with PTW?

Sorry that I didn't see this before. Most if not all of the PTW units will be used. I'm going to be flavoring this even more than the Conquests Sengoku mod though, since it had quite a few Japanese units but plenty of others, such as the ships, that simply didn't fit at all. Those units will all be eliminated from my version, and any other elements that are changeable and didn't feel accurate in the old game will also be changed accordingly.

odintheking said:
Just a note, Tokugawa and Meiji could be used for two clans, and I wholeheartedly support the requests for the other 15 leaderheads!

I already have Tokugawa as one of the playable clans. Using Meiji as a clan on the other hand wouldn't be very fitting at all. Only after the long reign of the Tokugawa shogunate did the Meiji line take control of Japan, which is a long time AFTER the Sengoku period. Or did you mean to use their leaderheads. I think I understand now. :crazyeye:

Glad to hear that I have your support for the leaderheads odin! :D

Shiro said:
Can you post a tech map?
How long does it take to get from one end of Japan to another? For a ground unit?

What is the ETA for the beta version? I will make the leaderheads after beta is out. I can also make citizen pop heads and advisors.

As I said, I'm still using the tech map from the Conquests Sengoku mod, because to test the in game mechanics (i.e. things like the leaderhead flics working properly, etc.), I have to have a fully functioning tech tree. I still have not started anything regarding the new tech-tree. I'm going to start establishing the basics today though.

For a normal 1 movement unit such as the Ashigaru, the amount of turns required to get from the northern most tip of Honshu to the southern most (in this case, the tile next to Shimonoseki), it takes 78 turns.

What exactly is this ETA you refer to? I still have a few civ acronyms to learn, sorry. ;)

Thanks for all the comments so far guys! Glad to hear that you're all liking it so far!
I already have Tokugawa as one of the playable clans. Using Meiji as a clan on the other hand wouldn't be very fitting at all. Only after the long reign of the Tokugawa shogunate did the Meiji line take control of Japan, which is a long time AFTER the Sengoku period. Or did you mean to use their leaderheads. I think I understand now. :crazyeye:

Glad to hear that I have your support for the leaderheads odin! :D

Yeah, I know all about the Japanese Westernization and Meiji's reign. (I learned most of it from The Last Samurai, but hey, it got me interested in Japanese history.) I meant just using the leaderhead for another Japanese guy that looks kind of like him. I would make some of the leadeheads, but I'm not sure I can do a good one yet.
Oh, all right; now I understand. The Last Samurai was indeed a really good movie, the minor fallicies aside. But then again, I can't think of a single movie that doesn't have some kind of fallicy, especially when talking about historically based movies.

And let me just say, I would have nothing against you making a leaderhead. ;)

By the way, did I mention that I have started watching a lot of Akira Kurosawa movies as a sort of break from modding. I believe I may be able to find a quite a few ideas in these movies that I can implement somehow. Just got done watching the Seven Samurai (excellent movie :D ).
Looks most interesting - you seem to have got the map done pretty well, and you are clearly concerned to get your scenario looking good. :)

ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival.

I think that the boxes around the LHs in the Diplo screen may be a transparency problem with the pcxs you are using. I don't know what graphics program you use, but with GIMP the easiest thing to do is to make the last two colours in the colourmap (or palatte) magenta and green (codes 00ff00 and ff00ff I think) and then make sure that one of these is the colour surrounding the LH.

Not sure if I explained that well. :mischief: Anyway, if you can't work it out then post the files here and someone will take a look for you.

If the problem is not transparency then I don't know what it could be.
Looks most interesting - you seem to have got the map done pretty well, and you are clearly concerned to get your scenario looking good. :)

Why thank you sir! :D

ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival.

I figured it was something like that. If I had to a guess at the point in time when beta testing can start, I would estimate about a month or two...and that's only if nothing gets in my way. Knowing me though, that may very well be the case. :sad:

I think that the boxes around the LHs in the Diplo screen may be a transparency problem with the pcxs you are using. I don't know what graphics program you use, but with GIMP the easiest thing to do is to make the last two colours in the colourmap (or palatte) magenta and green (codes 00ff00 and ff00ff I think) and then make sure that one of these is the colour surrounding the LH.

Not sure if I explained that well. :mischief: Anyway, if you can't work it out then post the files here and someone will take a look for you.

If the problem is not transparency then I don't know what it could be.

Actually it made perfect sense! In fact, that was something that I had predicted as well prior to my help plee, so I edited the first two colors of the color range (since I'm using Photoshop) to be the ff00ff and 00ff00 accordingly, but upon loading the scenario, the problem persisted to plague my foreign advisor screen.

I'll post up one of the advisor_all files, in this case the Oda file, so that someone can check it out to identify the problem because I'm clueless at this point.

Here ya go. Should be fixed now, though I didn't check it in game.

The problem was that more than one of the palatte colours was magenta, and the one used in the background of the pcx was not the one set up to be transparent. Try to avoid having the colours 00ff00 and ff00ff in the palatte except for the two indexes at the beginning.

Again, hope that makes sense. Let me know when you've got the file and I'll remove it.

Wow, that seems to have done the job, thanks! Now it would be helpful if I knew how to do it but hey, you can't have everything right?!

Seriously though, I believe I understood your explanaition above on how to fix it, so I'll be taking a whack at it...if I mess up, you'll surely be seeing a post from me again. :blush:
Kinboat also made some Japanese units btw availible in a pack, check the unit artists libruary in the units board. Just thought I'd point it out, some good stuff there.

Yeah, I already downloaded all the Japanese units from the forum database, under which Kinboat's amazing units also fall. I also downloaded ones that might not be strictly Japanese, but are borderline enough to add, for instance as pirate units or something. Still a thousand times better than having a European swordsman representing a Japanese one.

After an elongated break, I have finally come to the conclusion that I have completely over-done the deadline which I had previously announced for the scenario. I have not had much time to work on the scenario the last three or so weeks, but as of today, I am officially working on this puppy again. I still have my goal in sight, and I will be sure not to disappoint anyone, but more importantly myself.

Keep checking back for updates!!!
Will there be a english version
I have the Shinto shrine you requested completed; it's up in the Asia Buildings Pack 2 thread. I'll also release the Japanese smithy soon as well; it will be released at the same time with the two Indian buildings that I've been working on as part of the Asia Buildings Pack 2b. :)
Will there be a english version

What other version would there be?! I may make a German version as an alternative for my countrymen that can't speak English so well, but foremostly, I prefer scenarios in English and will primarily make them in said language. Though I may need help with the civilopedia entries, since I may have to make those from scratch...which is also the reason why I've been asking for someone to send me the CivPedia.txt file included in the English version of the Sengoku mod included in the Conquests expansion for so long, since that would be at least a small base on which I can build up the rest of the entries. But for that, I would need someone to actually send it to me.

Ogedei said:
I have the Shinto shrine you requested completed; it's up in the Asia Buildings Pack 2 thread. I'll also release the Japanese smithy soon as well; it will be released at the same time with the two Indian buildings that I've been working on as part of the Asia Buildings Pack 2b.

That is absolutely excellent news to my ears man!!! I'll go check the shrine out right away and eagerly await the blacksmith to arrive as well! Oh, and I added the new Japanese city set you created to the scenario and must say it looks absolutely stunning. Awesome work man, they truly add to the environment of my scenario. :goodjob:
UPDATE: Thanks to Virote_Considon, making an English CivPedia for the scenario will be considerably easier, since he sent me the English Sengoku mod CivPedia.txt file. That means NO ONE HAS TO SEND IT ANYMORE. BIG thanks again to Virote for sending me that file!!!
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