Anyway, I spend some times and attempted to write some Civ, entry for the Religions, I've only done two, but I want if possible some feedback on what KIND of information people want to include in there.
Shingon in Kanji literally mean True Word, which is an adaptation of the Sanskrit’s word for Mantra, for “ spiritual conduits, words or vibrations that instill one-pointed concentration in the devotee. Other purposes have included religious ceremonies to accumulate wealth, avoid danger, or eliminate enemies”(Wiki).
The origin of Shingon Buddhism begins when during the Heian period (794-1185), a monk name Kukai went to China in 804 to the Xian and bring back texts and art works center around Vajrayāna Buddhism. He later established the head of Shingon sect at a monastery on Mount Koya and is given support from the Kyoto nobility to perform rituals for the imperial family.
The two main written texts for Shingon are Womb Realm (Taizokai) mandala and Diamond Realm (Kongo Kai) mandala. A mandala is a “plan, chart or geometric pattern that represents the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically, a microcosm of the Universe from the human perspective”(Wiki) .These two mandalas are engaged in the abhiseka initiation rituals for new Shingon students. The practice of Buddha-nature, states that every living being can reach enlightenment with proper training of the body, speech, and mind.
Tendai (Tendai-shū
Tendai originated from the Chinese teaching of Tiantai and is brought to Japan by the Chinese monk Ganjin in the 8th century. However it is not until 805 AD, when the Japanese monk Saicho returned from the trip in China with Tiantai text and built Enryakuji on Mt.Hiei, which later become a center for study and practice of Japanese Tendai. During the Kamakura period Enryakuji“became a sprawling center of power, attended not only by ascetic monks, but also by brigades of warrior monks (sohei) who fought in the temple's interest (Wiki).
One of the reason that Tendai become so popular is that it offer a way to reconcile with Japan’s own Shinto beliefs. Usually Buddhist believe that “one should not concern oneself with any religious practice save the pursuit of enlightenment” (Wiki). By categorizes the Kami, or god-like creatures are “simply representations of the truth of universal buddha-hood that descend into the world to help and teach mankind. Thus, they are actually equivalent with Buddhas” (Wiki). Also, in stark contrast with the Buddhist belief to shed all worldly possession, Tendai instead offers “reconciliation of beauty and aesthetics with Buddhist teachings. Poetry, which once was a sin to be cast away, now in fact can lead to enlightenment”(Wiki).