Info Thread: Rise of the Shogunate

Holy Jeez what a sizable and important development overnight! Civ3 stock climbs a few points upon hearing the news. :)
The mods potential for store bought type feel upon first release has risen

Now its closer to being on the same level the revamped 'MEM Scenario' and RFRE scenario reached with their Leaderhead program.

IN the original Flags were a bit lame so ether way this like everything else, is a vast revamping of a already amazing scenario
Shiro! Welcome back! :)


I like the one with the pirate patch the best :goodjob:
Beautiful leader heads, Shiro! Great to have you back!
Man, I was definitely not awaiting this! It's sweet to have you back in the community Shiro, I was definitely starting to miss your leaderhead making talent. And wow, what a sudden and unpredictable wave of Daimyo LH!

I must say, Takeda and Uesugi look particularly amazing! :goodjob:

And man, Imagawa is very fitting of his personality...the fan is a beautiful touch!
Anyway, I spend some times and attempted to write some Civ, entry for the Religions, I've only done two, but I want if possible some feedback on what KIND of information people want to include in there.


Shingon in Kanji literally mean True Word, which is an adaptation of the Sanskrit’s word for Mantra, for “ spiritual conduits, words or vibrations that instill one-pointed concentration in the devotee. Other purposes have included religious ceremonies to accumulate wealth, avoid danger, or eliminate enemies”(Wiki).

The origin of Shingon Buddhism begins when during the Heian period (794-1185), a monk name Kukai went to China in 804 to the Xian and bring back texts and art works center around Vajrayāna Buddhism. He later established the head of Shingon sect at a monastery on Mount Koya and is given support from the Kyoto nobility to perform rituals for the imperial family.

The two main written texts for Shingon are Womb Realm (Taizokai) mandala and Diamond Realm (Kongo Kai) mandala. A mandala is a “plan, chart or geometric pattern that represents the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically, a microcosm of the Universe from the human perspective”(Wiki) .These two mandalas are engaged in the abhiseka initiation rituals for new Shingon students. The practice of Buddha-nature, states that every living being can reach enlightenment with proper training of the body, speech, and mind.

Tendai (Tendai-shū)

Tendai originated from the Chinese teaching of Tiantai and is brought to Japan by the Chinese monk Ganjin in the 8th century. However it is not until 805 AD, when the Japanese monk Saicho returned from the trip in China with Tiantai text and built Enryakuji on Mt.Hiei, which later become a center for study and practice of Japanese Tendai. During the Kamakura period Enryakuji“became a sprawling center of power, attended not only by ascetic monks, but also by brigades of warrior monks (sohei) who fought in the temple's interest (Wiki).

One of the reason that Tendai become so popular is that it offer a way to reconcile with Japan’s own Shinto beliefs. Usually Buddhist believe that “one should not concern oneself with any religious practice save the pursuit of enlightenment” (Wiki). By categorizes the Kami, or god-like creatures are “simply representations of the truth of universal buddha-hood that descend into the world to help and teach mankind. Thus, they are actually equivalent with Buddhas” (Wiki). Also, in stark contrast with the Buddhist belief to shed all worldly possession, Tendai instead offers “reconciliation of beauty and aesthetics with Buddhist teachings. Poetry, which once was a sin to be cast away, now in fact can lead to enlightenment”(Wiki).
Still need the Hosokawa (Hosokawa Tadaoki), Amago (Amago Tsunehisa), Miyoshi (Miyoshi Chokei), Ryuzoji (Ryuzoji Takanobu), Hongwanji (Hongwanji Kennyo), Asai (Asai Nagamasa), Mogami (Mogami Yoshiaki), Satake (Satake Yoshishige), Akita (Akita Sanesue), Nanbu (Nanbu Harumasa), Ashina (Ashina Moritaka), Asakura (Asakura Yoshikage), and Matsuura (Matsuura Takenobu) clans (who would Nanashi of the Lesser Clans fill?). I know it's a lot, but those are the daimyos I have at current. I personally don't want to cut any of them out because it would totally screw up the balance I have established thus far. Besides, some of them are pretty important such as Hosokawa, Asai, Mogami, Akita, Nanbu, Ashina, and Asakura.
Suppose there isn't a need for Ainu tribe to have might just be as well one of the smaller but mean looking Daiymo. Plus Ainu were pretty much all gone in the centeral Japan by then, and they have a very particular hair style.
Which is why they are only tracable in Hokkaido in the scenario. In fact, they have no real meaning except for making the expansion into Hokkaido for the Daimyo not as easy as if the place was empty. As for leaderheads, I'm sure there are some in the database already that would be usable for them.
I have an Ainu head, I did not post it because it only has one era. So it is perfect for this.
Also, is Korea on the map? It would be good for trade. You could give them a large army. And navy, that cannot move. That would make it hard to conquer Korea, and keep Korea out of Japan.
Is the Ryukyu on the map?
How will contact with the Portugese, Dutch, and other Westerners work?
Korea and Ryukyu are not on the map for two reasons: 1) the map is too small and 2) I wanted to keep it mainly Japan mainland. I will involve the Korean-Japanese trade via a wonder/small wonder though, so they won't be totally exempt from the game.

As for contact with the west, I'm still deciding on the specifics to be honest. If you have any ideas, I'm all ears. I don't know if it's wise to involve them directly, i.e. making them a civ. I think keeping their involvement restricted to being techs is maybe better. What do you think?
Well you could make make them civs, and give them techs like Christianity, Gunpowder, Cannons, some sailing techs. And resources like tobacco, gun powder, Chinese silk, and Wine.
Give Portugal and the Dutch one city on the map, but make it so that ships cannot enter and troops cannot reach. give them each one or two ships with very slow movement.
Making them civs would be better for the Nanban trade, also I do not know what the governments are in the game, but if one government was Christianity daimyoship, some civs may adopt Christianity to get better trading deals with the West.
At this time period, the foriegn contact are mostly restricted to trade and missionary work in Japan. But I like the idea of making them a specific Civ with resource that you have to trade with. I think that all the Daiymo can still build Arquebuiser, but those that adapt Christinity and trade with protugeese can get build some wonder that auto-produce some early gunpowder unit to give them an upper hand? and luxuries to keep the people happy.

As for the government I think those that Adopt Christianity should have bonus on trade as it make sense that they would actively trade with the portugeese. And those that adpot Confusian-horsehockeyo belief should have higher research rates and less corruption to reflect the centeralize government and focus on scholar research. Those with Buddhism should have auto-produce warrior monks and wonders that grant more happiness?
"Changing" to Confucianism and Shinto as religions would not really be accurate with regards to this era.

Buddhism could be divided into the various rival sects. That way, one could reflect the Tendai vs. Jodo Shinshu conflict.
I think in order to built gun units, you need the gunpowder technology from Portugal or the Dutch, But a civ could also get the tech from another Japanese civ that already traded.
I think for Sohei ("warrior monks") maybe a civ can build temples, and temples automatically make sohei.

Also, about religion and warrior monks, is the Ikkou-ikki in the game?
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