Infuriated by governors' behavior


Feb 19, 2004

Am I the only one to be really annoyed by the way governors (aka citizen automation) work?

When I select "emphasize production", I'd expect the city to generate as many hammers as possible without causing starvation.

Unfortunately, that's generally not what happens. Unless I click "prevent all growth", the governor interprets my instruction as "emphasize production, sort of, well, unless you feel otherwise". This is very irritating. Can't he do just what I ask? :rolleyes:

Even more annoying: clicking "prevent all growth" leads the governor to try to produce exactly zero food, even if it's not the best possible choice. For instance, it will happily work 2 plain forests (2:food:4:hammers:) instead of one grassland cottage and one mined, railroaded grassland hill (3:food:4:hammers:1:commerce:), just to make sure no growth happens. But since clicking "no growth" prevents the city from growing, even if the food storage is full, what's the point of doing so?

Usually by building the correct improvements and using combinations of the emphasize buttons it does what I want it to do.

I don't know how you manage that. When I click "emphasize prod", it will usually still work at least one uneeded food heavy tile instead of an additional mine (unless I click "avoid all growth").
you can manage the governer better. try combos of buttons and see what you can do to get it as close as you want. when a city grows, check to see if its working what you want, if you have checked to display everything, you dont need to open the city, the worked tiles will have a slightly bigger graphic than unworked tiles.
Sounds like you have a Blagojevich problem :lol:

Ah, Blago, he just won't go away. Yesterday we actually had to force him out, and now I see he's moved to this poor guy's governor position...
:lol: I love irony (as evidenced by my sig).
Edit: old sig.
I think the problem is that even when emphasisze production is turned on, the city still prefers to grow, valuing :food: over :hammers:. In most cases this is what I want it to do, as when it reaches the happy cap it will stop trying to grow the city and actually emphasize production like it's supposed to.

But anyway, if you think that's bad, try seeing how much the governor gets screwed up if you ever put the slider on 100% espionage or 100% culture. It will make nearly every city pick cottages over towns, and other stupid things like picking ocean over coast tiles, but this is an actual bug in the code.

Spoiler :

The bottom line is that the governor is stupid, and if you want things done right you'll have to do them yourself.
Which, IMHO, is a valid reason to complain... :)

It won't do you any good though, you just need to take control and work around it. Firaxis is done with this game so things are as good as they're going to get. Unless of course some modder decides to completely rework the governor routines. I've been having better luck lately ever since I started turning on the Emphasize Production and Commerce buttons. At least it's not quite as obsessed with working food tiles as it was before. But I still need to move citizens around on a regular basis.
Before I bought BtS my cities usually managed themselves pretty well. But after I installed it, I seem to have to micro-manage my cities a lot more. Is this intentional, and if so, why?
Before I bought BtS my cities usually managed themselves pretty well. But after I installed it, I seem to have to micro-manage my cities a lot more. Is this intentional, and if so, why?

There was definitely a change in the governor's behaviour after BtS came out. And frankly I thought it was better before. As for why, whoever redesigned the governor thought that this new behaviour would be better than it was. He was wrong.
Can you post examples? If you can be specific and suggest explicitly how they should work differently, that will be most useful. I (personally) am mainly concerned about examples of bugged behaviour like the one I posted above, but I understand a lot of people don't like the way spies are automatically assigned. Make a post showing what emphasise buttons are on and note things like the happy cap and position of the slider.

morchoflux, were the problems you found with emph production caused by th city being below its happy cap and wanting to grow? If so you might actually attract some debate with other civfanatics about whether growth is a good thing or not (you can work more mines once you reach the happy cap).
Hmm? The only difference I've noticed is that auto-selecting spy specialists is a lot more infuriating than auot-selecting engineers. :p
The governor now is totally obsessed with working food tiles. Before if a new citizen came around, it used to place them first on Grassland Forest. Now it willput them on the tile with the highest food yield, even though the city has absolutely no need for more food and is trying to build something that requires some Hammers. It's better with Epmphasize Production and Commerce selected but it still tends to get obsessive.
Keep in mind the citizen automation is primarily used by the AI. Someone decided that for the AI at least, it's more important to get their cities to the happy cap so they can work more tiles, rather than micromanaging a :food: for a :hammers: here and there. Most of the time I prefer food over hammers and so agree with the automation. If you have examples where the city is at the happy cap (hence shouldn't need more food) yet is still collecting food in preference to hammers, then there is possibly something wrong.

Like I said, examples are needed..., otherwise it might as well be hearsay
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