

Apr 21, 2006
Ok, it's summer and i will have plenty of time to spare and i was thinking at starting this SG. So here it goes:

Map: Fractal
Size: Standard
Level: Prince
Leader: Haven't decided yet
Barbarians: Raging?
Variant: We must found cristianism but can not found any other religion. Once we founded cristianism we must war the other religious block once a time. If there are civilizations without religion we must try to convert them!

Anyone up for this ?


Krockel, you're in! I was thinking about Isabela too. I will post the starting position this afternoon.
I was thinking about settling in spot. We have corn, elephants, dye and some sugar later.

The tech tree should be smth like agriculture->meditation->hunting->politheism->.. (i'm not at my civ pc a can't remeber the order the rest are)

But there's a problem. We can found only christianism! So if there is 1 turn left in our research for meditation, switch to hunting and after it has been founded switch back to it and finish. Our first objective is getting christianism ASAP.

I'll wait for someone else to join and then see your opinions and only after that play my 30 turns.
I agree on settling in place. Coastal and fresh water access. Wheat will give 6 food as it have fresh water access. Ivory means +1 :) and some production. Two hills give us more production. Dyes and Sugar should make Calender a priority later on.

For techs it will be a challenge to get first to Theology. AI civs often get CoL with Oracle, but sometimes they take Theology instead. I think that senario is our biggest threat. Specially if the civ founding Judaism also builds the Oracle.

Writing and Monotheism are the prerequests for Theology. So we don't need Meditation, Polytheism will be enough. Because we need writing anyway I think it would be a good idea to get that first and build libraries to speed up our tech-rate. Theology is quite a expensive tech. We could work the lake for some initial gold though.

Agriculture and worker first is that way to go me thinks.
I checked it out on my civ pc and you're right! I will play 30 turns this afternoon and post it. If no one else joins untill then you can take 30 turns if you want and then we will wait for someone else to join.

And btw, we should try to squize BW somewhere coz after we get Theology we must choose one religious faction and declare war on them. We really need some axes for that! Or maybe construction and War Elephants?
Ok, here are my first 30 turns:

1. Madrid is founded. I order a worker.
2-4. :sleep:

5. Our warrior pops a hut and we receive a scout. NICE
I move our scout i find Alexanders scout which stole from us a hut! :mad:
6-8. :sleep:
9. Agriculture is finished, i go for hunting those delicious elephants. YUMMY!
Buddhism FIDL
10-13: zzz
14. Hunting comes and i go for wheel which is a prereq for pottery which is a prereq for writing.
15. zzz
16. Our Warrior kills a Lion :king:
Madrid finishes his worker and i choose rax to let the city grow.
I start farming the corn. Mmmm delicious :drool:
17. We pop another hut and receive another Scout.
18. Scout kills Bear without a single scratch 1 strength left. I wcplore a litlle i find Huayna Capac. Hello!
19-20: zzz
21. Worker finished farm and start hunting some elephants.
Madrid grows to size 2
22. Wheel comes in and i go for pottery.
23. Scout kills Lion.
24. :sleep:
25. Worker finishes camp and starts hunting the other elephant.
26. :sleep:
27. Madrids grows to size 3.
28. :sleep:
29. Pottery is finished and i set research to writing.
30. Lion eats scout.

Writing is due in 8 turns.

Here are some images of the known world:

And the save:
Nice turns there Adiii!

Madrid is a marvelous spot and our capital will sourly flouris. A perfect place for the Spanish Inqusisition!

Some thoughts for my 30 turns. When Madrid grows to size 4 I will train a settler and settle Barcelona. The question is where to settle. I will scout some more westwards, to see if we have a close neighbour there. If we do have so I think settle in that direction make sense. Otherwise we have some nice spots to the north and northeast. We have great lands, so I maybe should go for two settlers before I build a library.

For research I believe mining-bronze working is the way to go after writing comes in.
We should definetily squeeze BW and/or construction before we get theology
We don't want to go to war with archers and warriors!

Oh, and I think we should wait for BW before we settle our 3rd city.
Hi guys, is there some room on your roster for me? I am a noob in succession gaming, but still managed to make a lot of successful games on monarch in SP. The map looks good, remainds me of "Spain on a lake" from RB1. The idea for the game sounds fun:D
hi this wud be my first sg but i wud like to join and the idea for the game sounds gud plus cud sumone explain to me how to take screenshots thx:)
Omurtag, Adamlam, you are both in. Nice to have you. Like you i am a newb to SGs


1. Adi --> Just Played
2. Krockel --> Up
3. Omurtag --> On deck
4. Adamlan
5. Still Open

P.S.: Adamlan, to take screenshots when you are in game you press Shift+PrintScreen input a name and click OK.
Isabella’s Inquisition: 2840 – 1560 BC

Turn 0 (2840 BC)
I look around our surrounding and that are some good land out there. I like to set goals before I start to play my turns. So for this 30 turns are the following things on top of my list:
- Settle one or two more cities.
- Research: Writing, Mining, Bronze Working
- Localise Bronze and found a get a settler for that
- Scouting. We only know the location of Huayna Capac, though we have met several other leaders.
- Warriors for defense, scouting and settler escort.

Turn 1
Scout kills wolf. 0.9 left in health, so he has to heal for two turns. After that he will go around Incan land and scout along the southern coast. Our worker is standing on a forest tile, I’ve no idea why, but I decide to road that tile and now I realize that we’re playing at normal game speed. I’m so used to epic, so my timing in this game will probably not be optimal.

Turn 2
Madrid grows to size 4 and I start a Settler (9 turns).
Monty shows up and says hi. His scout steal a hut in front on our warrior and therefore I put him as number one on our enemy list. :mad:

Enemy List:
1. Montezuma
2. …
3. …

Turn 3

Turn 4
Worker finish a road at wheat, which connect not only the wheat but also river and therefore also ivory. That means happiness and health for us. Nice! :)

Turn 5
Scouting warrior localizes Saladin to the north of us. So first city will go there for a number of reasons: Warrior is there to defend settler and worker who can do nothing but making roads. The river will connect our cities instantly and the location is quite good.

Turn 6
Worker roads the plain hill north of Madrid, we should have researched mining before writing so he could mine it to. Well, we live and learn! :)

Turn 7
Warrior kills bear. He get Woodsman I promotion and are up to 1.8 health and will need to heal for two turns only.

Turn 8
Monty wants to sign Open Boarders with us. As he's at the enemy list I turn him down. The fact that he’s a psycho and chances are good that he will found Hinduism or Judaism makes the decision even easier.
We now know the secrets of writing. Mining is up in 5 turns. Wow, normal speed make a huge different concerning research! :P

Turn 9

Turn 10
Making some tea.

Turn 11
Madrid: Settler -> Barrack (1)
I send the settler north…

Turn 12
… and found the lovely city of Barcelona. I got a feeling that one among the worlds best soccer teams will show up here in a distant future. Forza Barca! Barcelona has two ivories and two wines in its fat cross. It’s good for production, decent for commerce and rather food poor. There are two grassland forests which we can farm, but that’s the only tiles which will produce more then 2 food. I would suggest that we use Barcelona for military production. I order up a granary, finished in 15 turns. You just got to love the expansive trait! :king:
Madrid: Barrack -> Warrior (2)

Turn 13
Mining –> Bronze Working (7)
Wow, when I started my turns BW would take 15 turns! We got a trade route and some extra commerce, but the biggest fact is that some of the other civs must know it by know.

Turn 14
Madrid: Warrior -> Warrior (2)

Turn 15

Turn 16
Madrid: Warrior -> Settler (8)
Madrid is now at size five, so it’s a good time for settler/worker production. We need more warriors, but we also need to have settler to get bronze.

Turn 17
Mine done by Madrid, which drops one turn of the settler. Great! :D

Turn 18

Turn 19
Huayna Capac wants Open Boarders. He’s the founder of Buddism and are therefore putted on top of our enemy list and are turned down. :mad:

Enemy List:
1. Huayna Capac
2. Montezuma
3. …

Turn 20
Bronze Working is finished. But I see not a single source of bronze in the whole known world! At this point I went for Iron Working next, if we don’t have bronze we definitely need to have iron. 12 turns is a reasonable research time, and since our warrior all can be promoted is not Archery worth it, but if we don’t have iron either it will be a priority.

Turn 21
I check another time, but still no bronze in sight. :/

Turn 22
According to some lady (?) called Livy are we the fourth most advance civ out of seven.
Alex is located west to southwest of us and settles Sparta in our location at this very turn.

Turn 23
Madrid: Settler -> Library (8)
Settler is going south and grab land between Alex and us. It will get rice, cow, banana, fresh water and lots of grassland tiles. A good commerce city or a possible GP-farm.
Open Boarder is signed with Alex and our scout begins to scout him out.
I revolt to slavery. Could have done it before, didn’t think about that we’re spiritual. :p

Turn 24
Saladin settles down a city north to northwest of Barcelona.

Turn 25
Barcelona: Granary -> Barrack (12). This city is not worth whipping at any time in my opinion.
Finally I found a bronze source. The problem is that Alex has it right next to Athens and that he will connect it in one or two turns. We better have iron, or we could get toast by him.


Our scouting warrior localize Bismark northwest of us, west of Saladin. It seams to be quite crowded in that region.
Madrid: 2 pop gets whipped for library.
The lovely city of Seville is founded and starts a Granary (30). Worker is making a road toward, the lake already connects it with Madrid, but I prefer to be able to move troops at high speed between our cities.

Turn 26
Madrid: Library -> Granary (2)

Turn 27
Nothinh much.

Turn 28
Madrid: Granary -> Warrior (3)

Turn 29
Sign Open Boarders with Saladin to scout him out.
Hinduism is founded.

Turn 30
No one revolts to Hinduism. So either Huayna founded that to or more likely it were founded by one of the two unknown civs.

Turn 31
Due to miscalculation, I mixed up turns at 23, I accidentally played one extra turn. Sorry. :(
Iron Working comes in, and we got it right beside Madrid!


Madrid: Warrior -> Worker (5). Next player could veto this, but we need another worker, to connect iron. The one making a road to Seville should probably head to the iron to, so we can get out a axe for every city.

The world as we know it:


Things to discuss:
- Research
- Dot-map
Nice turns Krockel. Good thing we have IRON! Pheeeeeew........

1. Adi
2. Krockel --> Just Played
3. Omurtag --> Up
4. Adamlan --> On deck
5. --> We really need this one <--
It seams to a real fun game to play! So I really excited about this SG.

Getting first to Theology needs some planning. Specially if we want Catapult first.

At current research rate we have the following research times:
- Masonry 3 turns. Needed both for Theology and Construction.
- Polyteism 6 turns. Needed for Theology.
- Monoteism 8 turns. Needed for Theology.
- Theology 32 turns.
- Mathematics 14 turns. Needed for Construction
- Construction 22 turns.

My suggestion is to go Math-Masonry-Poly-Mono(stopp when 1 turn left if Judaism hasn't got founded)-Constructon-Theology.

Then we can build an army of cats+phants to start our inquisition when we have Theology. Getting Math first will result in better chops which is goes well with being expansive. We don't need to keep forest for health.
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