Installing Warlords, can I continue old games?


Mar 9, 2004
I purchased Warlords online and should be arriving later today, but I was wondering if I can still complete my current game after installing.

My current game is on the World Map and I have conquered most of the world. I still have some enemies and was hoping with the expansion I could force them into vassalage for a conquest/domination victory. There aren't enough turns to do it the old fashioned way I don't think.

So will I be able to complete this game with Warlords' vassals feature? Or only in a newly started game?
I'm fairly certain you have to start a new game :( There are a lot of additions to the game, and I'm pretty sure it probably runs on a different program, or maybe even a mod? I'm sure someone with more intelligence as to how the game runs and what differences the platforms have will come along and give you the "why" better than I can.

I'm almost positive you can't use it on your current game. Sorry!:(
Nope. You'll be able to play your old game still by loading up the original Civ4, (it doesn't go away) but not with the new features.
Oh well. I ended up pulling a Diplomatic victory. It was getting under 60 turns and China had become technologically savvy. I couldn't just mow through them anymore. Built the UN and had enough votes just by myself to get into office. Now I can get down to Warlords...
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