Interest in a Team PBEM?


Nov 14, 2008
Ontario, Canada
I'm wondering if anybody is interested in an intra-Eagle email game. I don't think there would he a variant, but we can observe the ISDG ruleset (that's already enough of a variant! :lol:)
Unfortunately, I'm already involved in several PBEMs with friends around school and such, but I'm all for a Eagle PBEM! Good luck to anyone who might play!
Let me make the map/biq?
Well, it wouldn't be a random map, as in TLDO. I hate starting just of the coast, in the Jungle, on the Equator. Along the lines of CDG1 and CHEBA sound good.

The thought of every tribe being a super race has come to mind. Each player's tribe would be Agricultural, Religious, Industrious, and Militaristic. Scientific, Commercial, Expanionist, etc traits would be up for grabs. Rethinking this, we could add these 4 traits to the tribes the players choose (or make sure each of these traits existed in a tribe at the start of the game).

This would give us a faster game of growth and development, shorter Anarchy periods, and more frequent promotions. Thoughts?
Unfortunately, I'm afraid that I'm not going to have time to take part. I've been having trouble even keeping up with the GOTM's lately. However, it does sound like a fun idea. :)
Here's what I have so far.

We'll call it the Super Tribes PBEM. Either a large Continents or large Pangaea. 60% water, wet, temperate, 5 billion years. Restless Barbs. Monarch. The Jungle and the Tundra has been manually reduced. Five Players have starting positions with alternates if you decide to go with a Seafaring Tribe. I can put in some AI if everyone wants it. MapMaking enables Map Trading AND ROPs AND Communications Trading (if everyone finds this suitable), but the tech itself can not be traded. All players have a very decent starting area and there are a few suprises, although nothing major.

All human players will have a Super Tribe. This would be a Tribe with at least 4 attributes - Religious, Agricultural, Industrial, and Militaristic. There are 6 Tribes that do not have any of these attributes. Any of these 6 can be chosen by the 5 human players. Chosing one of these would give your Tribe 6 attributes. Of course you can choose ANY Tribe. You can base your choice on the Tribe's Unique Unit, and can be any combination of attributes. Your Tribe can have 4, 5, or 6 attributes. It's up to you. Would you like duplicate Tribes? Or alternate (or totally different) colors? Your starting techs will be limited to the normal 2 free techs for any given Tribe, so that will be another factor in your choice.

The map is made, although I haven't done any work on the biq. So far we have Bowsling, Calis, and myself. Looking for 2 more players. I'd also like some feedback on this post. Any takers?
I am willing to join. But I would prefer no duplicate tribes.

And a pangea map for a quicker game.
Done. And we're still looking for two more players.
I don't quite get it. For one, there are seven tribes that don't have any of the listed traits in a normal game - Greece (Scientific, Commercial), Byzantium (Seafaring, Scientific), Hittites (Expansionist, Commercial), England (Seafaring, Commercial), Portugal (Seafaring, Expansionist), Korea (Scientific, Commercial), and Russia (Scientific, Expansionist).

Especially confusing is the sentence "Your tribe can have 4, 5, or 6 attributes"
I don't quite get it. For one, there are seven tribes that don't have any of the listed traits in a normal game - Greece (Scientific, Commercial), Byzantium (Seafaring, Scientific), Hittites (Expansionist, Commercial), England (Seafaring, Commercial), Portugal (Seafaring, Expansionist), Korea (Scientific, Commercial), and Russia (Scientific, Expansionist).
Well Bowsling, I will be taking one of them. That leaves 6. Sorry, I should have stated that. ;) Actually, I knew there was seven but forgot to put Greece on my list and when I counted (in a hurry) I saw six.

Especially confusing is the sentence "Your tribe can have 4, 5, or 6 attributes"
By attributes I meant traits. Ok, let's say you choose the Celts as your tribe. The Celts are Religious and Agricultural. Well those two traits are part of the 4 default triats for all human players. Therefore, your Tribe would be Religious, Agricultural, Industrious, and Militaristic. That would be 4 traits. Let's say you wanted to be the Sumerians. They are Scientific and Agricultural. Well Agricultural is one of the 4 default traits for all human players. Therefore your Tribe would be Scientific, Religious, Agricultural, Industrious, and Militaristic. That would be 5 traits. And finally, let's say you picked the Greeks. Scientific and Commercial. Add the 4 default traits and you have 6 total (a Super Super Tribe). Sorry I said attributes and not traits.

It should be a fun game, that moves quickly. It will put excitement in the PBEM, I believe. Hope we can find two more players. Chamnix, CB?
As a good friend, Calis, I wanted you to be part of this game. You're an excellent player and fun to have in the game. But you've been swamped with real-life more often than not lately. I felt waiting 3 days for a save would slow the game down too much. In the CDG1 game anymore, I just expect you to go 3 days before posting your gps. That is if you feel like posting a gps.

I wanted some new blood in the game.
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