Anyone here tried this new but retroish Master Of Orion 2 like 4X TBS game called Interstellar Space Genesis? If so was it good? Was it stable? Apparently the indie team behind it consists of a couple of guys, yet it looks pretty awesome so am thinking about trying it out now that it's on sale.

07/11/2020 EDIT: Nearly 6mths later I've finally tried it myself and made some tour/review videos below as I had a lot of fun. If people are interested in more info I've finally just written a belated steam review with a big list of the game's pros and cons (IMO).
Part 1
Part 2

07/11/2020 EDIT: Nearly 6mths later I've finally tried it myself and made some tour/review videos below as I had a lot of fun. If people are interested in more info I've finally just written a belated steam review with a big list of the game's pros and cons (IMO).
Part 1
Part 2
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