But isn't an old problem, we've done it before? It's why the PRC still flat murders anyone accused of dealing.
But isn't an old problem, we've done it before? It's why the PRC still flat murders anyone accused of dealing.
It's not like it's something new. We had the Opium Wars. One nation state predated on a people causing great suffering. The scars yet linger. We just did it to ourselves to a lesser extent with the prescription pad. So much loss. Except for those on the take.Therefore?
If the US needs something to bomb, they can always Nuke the Whales.Look guys, we're going to have to invade somewhere, these bombs are burning a hole in my pocket and the Pentagon says it doesn't "need any more ez-order McDonald's chinook delivery // occupied foreign country division QuikMode Amazon Delivery buttons," and my fentanyl and bath salts supplies are running dangerously low.
We would do that entirely without the drug laws. Ineffective.I don't think keeping the stigma and the criminalization is going to help those homeless men.
Again it's apples to oranges.We're talking about legalizing, regulating, and taxing opiates for recreational use. Then the government gets a take. I mean, sure - it's not exactly the same as the East India Tea Company, but close enough.
Legalizing increases use. Unleashing big-data 'Murican business on 'Muricans, with profit margins and quarterly profits... man, this isn't even just apples to apples, it's Honeycrisp to Honeycrisp-I-got-last-year.
Addiction is less a probably of evil drugs and more a problem of despair.OK. The American prison system is perhaps not the best for rehabilitation, and marijuana and some similar drugs should perhaps be legal.
On the other hand, many addicts will end up in jail for something more serious when they continue their addiction. Maybe I am wrong, but I think that a lot of people became addicted through their friends, not directly through dealers.
I am afraid that this would make problem bigger than what what is it now. Here in CZ experts actually searching ways how to make alcohol and tobacco less accessible.