IO4 - Sex, Drugs, and More Drugs!


Boom, headshot.
Mar 10, 2007
It's time... for Willem van Oranje to do what he was always meant to do...

Join the Counterculture!

That's right, it's the era of free love, free drugs, and save the forests! And that's what we're going to be doing this SG, folks!

Here's what we think the world is like, man...

The world is, like, totally unpredictable, but we think it's kind of medium size, without any little communes or cool random stuff happening... a real bummer.

(Translation: Fractal, standard size, with random events and tribal villages turned off)

Oh, and we're going to show all of the warlike civs that they need to settle down and get some culture going... and we're going to show them by example. We're going to totally make a utopia!

First, we're going to have hospitals and pharmacies in every city, so that you can get whatever drugs you want, whenever you want! Oh, and we're going to save the trees too. We want at least as many forests as we have cities! And one of our cities is going to have a huge area where you can just, like, exist, you know?

[Translation: Variant rules include hospitals in every city, a 1:1 ratio of surviving forests to cities (at least), running of Environmentalism from the moment we get it, and build the National Park in a city. All while winning a culture victory.]

OK, done with the explanations, this game will be on Monarch, two steps up from the last game.

Here's the initial screenshot, along with the suggested move action for the warrior:


This will also count as a "got it". Oh, and don't be disheartened by the fact that we seem to be landlocked... if you look in the southwest, you can see water. We can rise!!



(In any order: ForGreatJustice, Brian Shanahan, SilentConfusion, MatrixtheKitty, neilmeister)
Alright, and you have a lurker. And if by any chance a lurker may utter a request mine would be to scale down the screenshot. It's too big for my screen. ;) Thx. I'm interested in seeing how this goes.
Checking in! Nice joke in the old thread :lol:

Well. At least if we settle in place, we'll have a lot of river to work with. We could go on the hill for the defensive bonus in case we got Shaka or some other nutter like that next door, but would it be worth the extra turn of nothingness?
Like, groovy man.

Start position looks interesting. I would be tempted to send the settler N, because PH cities are awesome. So your warrior moves looks great, as it will show us what moving N will cost us.
Checking in! Nice joke in the old thread :lol:

Well. At least if we settle in place, we'll have a lot of river to work with. We could go on the hill for the defensive bonus in case we got Shaka or some other nutter like that next door, but would it be worth the extra turn of nothingness?

On epic speed, 1 turn is nothing.
In addition to defence, the PH will give our capital an extra shield than normal. BUT we los the +1 Health bonus by not being right next to the river.
BUT we los the +1 Health bonus by not being right next to the river.

No we don't. You silly :p

Also, it's a grassland hill. You really need to lay off the dope :p

Apparantly I do too. I forgot to specify that the hill I'm talking about is 1S, not 1N like you assumed :lol:
No we don't. You silly :p

Also, it's a grassland hill. You really need to lay off the dope :p

:rolleyes: Do you have a different definition of N to me? ;)

dammit, crossposted with your edit.

Actually, I forgot to ask. Is this BtS, with BUFFY, BUG or anything else???
Alright, and you have a lurker. And if by any chance a lurker may utter a request mine would be to scale down the screenshot. It's too big for my screen. ;) Thx. I'm interested in seeing how this goes.

Alas! For I know not how to scale images after they have already been uploaded. Prithee, good dot, enlighten me as to how this task is done, that I may serve this small need of thine that doth, methinks, inconvenience me not so much as thou mayst think.

And to everyone, we are using the latest version of BTS with the latest version of BUG. I don't know what BUFFY stands for, so I chose not to use it. Acronyms without explanations scare me. Ah, well, everyone has a phobia. Keep the ideas coming, I'll play 25 turns tomorrow, then whoever's second will play 15, then we settle down to 10. This, of course, is to avoid first-turns boredom.

Game rules. I have three of them.

1. Either follow the 24/48 rule or tell us you need more time, please. It makes the game move so much more smoothly. If you ask for more time, I'd be willing to bet that we'd give it.
2. Please do not make the really important decisions (early city founding, early GP actions, and the like) without consulting the group at least a little bit.
3. Above all, ENTERTAIN. Because no one likes a boring SG. I can't remember who said it (I'm thinking Deviant Minds), but as they say, a log of events doesn't make a fun turnset.

That said, it's rather easy to follow those rules, and if you notice, "Don't make mistakes" isn't on there, so feel free to do so! Just not on purpose.

Peace out for now.
Rule 1 reminds me: On friday and saturday nights starting at 6 PM pacific I have D&D (and soon also Spirit of the Century), so my being able to play on those days will be limited by when I wake up. However, sundays should be fine, so if my turn ever does come up on a friday or a saturday, if I end up not playing on those days, I will on sunday, and will of course post about my not playing until sunday.
Settler: Wassup!

Warrior: Hey dude, head for the hills. There's some righteous stuff up there.

Settler: But look how far they are, I mean, you don't expect me to walk all that way do you?

Warrior: Yeah, bummer. OK, settle in place, just chop down the forest.

Settler: Why do you hate trees? What did they ever do to you.....

Warrior: But I love trees. I can't take all this negativity, I'm going home.
Regardless of the speed, I would move the settler also 1N onto the hill for faster warrior/worker initial build. Or at the very least get better views from the vista. We have barbs on this one? Don't we also have to dispense the ganja to them as well?
We have barbs on this one? Don't we also have to dispense the ganja to them as well?

Hey, at the very least it should slow them down. :)

PS. Buffy stands for Bts Unaltered Fully Featured something. Trust me, its the :):):):). You will see when you start playing the SGOTM.
Hey, at the very least it should slow them down. :)

At least we didn't add a rule that forces us to live peacefully with our barbarian neighbors :lol:

I would say just pick an order. I request to go last only because I don't feel comfortable yet on Epic timing thus I want to watch you guys play.
At least we didn't add a rule that forces us to live peacefully with our barbarian neighbors :lol:

I would say just pick an order. I request to go last only because I don't feel comfortable yet on Epic timing thus I want to watch you guys play.

I'll happily go next, or wherever suits our Glorious Leader. :)

EDIT BTW, well done everyone for taking the step up to this difficulty. We are all the same, I look at Immortal and just wonder how I might win, not to even mention Deity.
Yeah three cheers for matrix and brian, after this game you can never go back to noble, i guarantee it!
Ok I'm finally here, didn't know the thread was already opened:blush:

I made a suggestion in the SGOTM team thread that we should also control the worlds supply of spices incence at game end (for we all know what incence really stands for don't we:smoke:). But if it's too late to include it I don't mind.
On the start, move the warrior (skronk!) and then decide, but on current info 1N seems best.

@Neil the main reason I jumped at joining a SG was to upgrade my skill. Getting the good group was a big bonus.
Do you have another spot?
Do you have another spot?

Well we're running this one as a kind of a comparison run for the SGOTM. I've no problem with taking people on (as long as it doesn't get too big), but this one might stay as is, depending on the team decision.
Oh, okay. I don't care.
Just to clarify, I don't think brian meant to make it sound like as if we're playing a game to shadow the SGOTM. That wouldn't really be prudent :mischief: I think the spirit of this SG is to just have some fun with hippies regardless of who plays. It just happens to be we're going for a cultural victory.

We did however design this game so most members of team T'dr'duzk b'hazg t't can have a chance to get to know each other better without the context of a competition in the background. I'm personally fine with having you aboard, hippies don't exclude anyone anyway :D. But I'll leave this to our SG host, depending on how he feels on the matter.

RE: Controlling all incense
Hehehe, I like that idea, just what I was thinking when you suggested spices earlier. This also fits into what Matrix suggested for his idea of this SG. Definitely doable on monarch on top of our existing conditions. Let's hope we start on the land mass with all the incense. Or knowing my luck, we'll start on one without any and we'll have to go convince AIs to allow us to distribute the Mary Janes to all.
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