IOT Overwatch Comp Team!


Retired Moderator
Mar 14, 2011
Hi guys

Adding on to my recent community activity set, I wanted to see if any interest existed for a competitive team in overwatch.

Due to the nature of this though, I think it'd help to be a bit more selective than in the megacampaign. I mean, there *are* only six slots.

So, here's the format for "signing up" as it were. This is also my own information.

Battletag: Syndicist#1276
Highest Rank/Current Skill Rating: Gold/2423
Preferred Roles(in order of prefference): Offense, Tank
Preferred heroes(top 5 max): Genji, Reaper, Zarya, McCree

The only real rule is that if you're playing with the group, try not to take the game too seriously. Getting too heated in the voice chat just makes everyone uncomfortable. This is mostly just for good ol' competitive team-oriented fun.

We'll probably end up using the same discord as the Megacampaign, but I'll seperate the chat threads enough that it shouldn't inconvenience anybody.

post away!
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Battletag: RedSpy#11232
Highest Rank/Current Skill Rating: Platinum (2718)/2553
Preferred Roles: Support, Tank
Preferred Heroes: Lucio, Zen, Any Tank, Mercy, Ana
I'm interested but I've only done five placement matches because solo queing makes me homicidal

Battletag: Dubbeleh#1870
Highest Rank/Current Skill Rating: tyo's dad
Preferred Roles(in order of preference): Tank, Support
Preferred heroes(in order): D.Va, Mercy, Symmetra, Winston, Zarya

I've been getting better at Hanzo but I haven't actually played him outside of all brawls, so I'm not sure how worth mentioning this is.
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Battletag: StrikerYank/will look up
Highest Rank: Gold
Preferred Roles: Tank, Offense
Heroess: Dva, Rein, Hog, 76, Reepy Beepy
Well I'm interested.

Battletag: something#something. forumprivacy ;o I'll hit you up on Discord asap
Highest Rank: No placements yet.
Preferred Roles: Support, Tank... Junkrat
Heroes: Great at: Zen, Mercy and Reinhardt. Good at Junkrat. Decent at: Soldier 76, D.Va, Lúcio, Bastion. Suck at hard aim heroes such as Widowmaker and McCree (Zen doesn't count bc surpression spam = 82301931 kills, also a massive ammo clip. Absolutely best at Zen really)
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Battletag: Ishmael#11146
Highest Rank/Current Skill Rating: Gold/~2100
Preferred Roles(in order of prefference): Offense, Tank
Preferred heroes(top 5 max): Soldier 76, D.Va, Zarya, Reinhardt, Junkrat
Oh we actually got 6 dudes

Alright, so what are you guys' schedules like?
Inconsistent, though I can join anytime I am awake more or less.
Also I made plat yesterday after dropping to 2200ish on friday and then binging the crap out of ranked between saturday and sunday night so that's cool

anyways as for my own scheduling, I may be able to do some weekdays as i generally like to wind down my work days with competitive videogames anyways (dont judge me). Other than that, Saturdays and Sundays are pretty reliable unless i make plans IRL in which case i will let you guys know in advance.

basically any given day between 6pm and 11pm EST I can play. Sunday is a special case where i can essentially play all day.

btdubbz here's the discord link
I can do weekdays between 6 PM PST and 11 PM PST. Weekends are case by case
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