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Iran is One Year away from the bomb!

Nuking Israel for Iran is like Nuking Mecca.
today many countries in muslim world try to get the leadership of muslim countries and Iran is one of candidates (others are Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt and ...) no irani athority risk to lose its position in Islam world
Well you can get away with a dirty bomb at around 60% U-235, but less than that and the critical mass goes wayyy up.

I actually had a textbook a couple of semesters ago that listed the critical mass of U-235 required at specific enrichments for a weapon, but I sold it back to the bookstore once I was finished with the class (the book was pretty useless except for that one table). I wish I still had that table sometimes, because I think a 60% enriched weapon would be ridiculously heavy; I just can't give you a figure in kg.

Might be easier for them to follow the "DPR"K's lead and build a plutonium weapon, assuming Iran's physicists are better...
Same thing they did to Iraq (btw, thanks Israel), bomb the facilities.

Jihad us please? Need we ask? "Death to America" "Death to Israel"

"Down with USA" and "Down with Israel"
Correct meaning of Persian words.
and aiming destorying every meter and killing every american ppl but restracturing current system of these countries that in our view are not acceptable.
11 Sepamber and Alghaede group are not supported by Iran because they are Sonny Mulisms and we be glad that americans destory them.
"Down with USA" and "Down with Israel"
Correct meaning of Persian words.
and aiming destorying every meter and killing every american ppl but restracturing current system of these countries that in our view are not acceptable.
11 Sepamber and Alghaede group are not supported by Iran because they are Sonny Mulisms and we be glad that americans destory them.

persianboy, just to correct what i am sure you meant, the shias don't want destruction to come to the sunnis, at least not destruction that comes about by bombs. destruction by knowledge might be a different story, as in if the sunnis would only pay attention to their own history they would see the shias have been right all along. what you find with the taliban and al-qaida is a wahabbi influenced version of sunni islam, and many sunni muslims from throughout the world find wahabbi islam to be abhorrent.

Edit: persianboy, just re-read your post, and maybe it is a grammar thing, bu you say the shias would be glad to see destruction of al-qaeda, which i agree is true, but not because they are sunni, but because they are wahabbi. wahabbis have a virulent anti-shia mentality and have commited many crimes against the shias.
The Soviet Union did have The Bomb.
The Soviet Union no longer exists.
Iran has teh bomb?? Scuse me all to hell if I don't care.

Is that a past tense cause last I check they still have some 2000 warheads ? :p
Just postion a nuclear sub with a dozen 40 Megaton Nukes in the persian Gulf will do the trick.

Sorry but my internet speed is too slow to watch things in youtub site.

for online translation I chech it again but it is word by word meaning and it is not showing correct meaning
also we have official translation that says "marg bar armica" translate to English "Down with USA" and so for Israel
remember that it is a pharse and shouldn't translate word by word
so correct translation is "Down with USA" and "Down with Israel"
Iranian translator have enough English knowladge, because they live in USA few years as university students.
I really doubt that they would actually use the bomb outside of a deterrent and increased political prestige, and besides, most of the arguments from Iran that I've seen supporting it argue for it in terms of it being used as a deterrent, not a suicide bomb. Actually using it would be suicide for the nation.
I am seriously worried right now. Now I am starting to see the UN as a useless tool.
I am seriously worried right now. Now I am starting to see the UN as a useless tool.

That's because so many nations have veto power. Who do you suggest should give it up? ;)
Looks like those brown people are trying to become a first world country, gotta bomb them because that is not allowed.

Since when does a nation require nuclear power to be considered first world? I wouldn't consider Pakistan first world, but its got nuclear power. On the flip side I would consider Norway a first world nation, but it doesn't have nuclear power.
Good for them.

Dubya has proved beyound any doubt what happens to your oil-rich country if you dont have WMDs.
Good for them.

Dubya has proved beyound any doubt what happens to your oil-rich country if you dont have WMDs.

Really? Does Venezuela have WMD? Saudi Arabia? UAE? Algeria? Angola? Kuwait? Qatar? Indonesia?

What has happened to these oil rich, non-WMD possessing countries?
Yeah really. The UAE Kuwait and saudi are all being run by sham goverments who answer to no one but the US.

Are you sure you wanna talk to me?
Yeah really. The UAE Kuwait and saudi are all being run by sham goverments who answer to no one but the US.

Are you sure you wanna talk to me?

I'm was pretty disillusioned when Gulf 1 resulted, overall, in a king back on a throne. I would never support a war to do such today. A minimum requirement for a war (the killing of civilians), for me, is the installment of human rights and representation (being inseparable). One can complain about nukes all they want, but without long term goals, I've no interest in war's raindeer games.

until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned: That until there are no longer first-class and second class citizens of any nation; That until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes; That until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race; That until that day, the dream of lasting peace and world citizenship and the rule of international morality will remain but a fleeting illusion, to be pursued but never attained; And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes that hold our brothers in Angola, in Mozambique and in South Africa in subhuman bondage have been toppled and destroyed; Until bigotry and prejudice and malicious and inhuman self-interest have been replaced by understanding and tolerance and good-will; Until all Africans stand and speak as free beings, equal in the eyes of all men, as they are in the eyes of Heaven; Until that day, the African continent will not know peace. We Africans will fight, if necessary, and we know that we shall win, as we are confident in the victory of good over evil. – Haile Selassie I

"Have no fear for atomic energy,
cause none of them can stop the time."
Yeah really. The UAE Kuwait and saudi are all being run by sham goverments who answer to no one but the US.

Are you sure you wanna talk to me?

No need to talk to you....I have already won the arguement. For what its worth, the Saud dynasty roots started back in 1744....thats a few years even before the USA existed. Current control was established back in 1902...again, prior to any US involvement in the region and 36 years before oil was found there.

As for the UAE....do some reading. Their pricipal ally in formation was by far the UK...not the USA....the Sheikhs have had treaty with the UK as early as 1892 and were under British protection until 1971.

Sham governments? Nope. Sham arguement? Yes.

Thanks for playing.
Saudi = kingdom = sham.

Dunno bout UAE. But I doubt it is a democracy in any sense of the word.

I'm not saying we should blame the US, but I am saying those governments are a sham.

ps. (Call me pro-preemtive strike) But, PLEASE, spare me the graphics proving how the elected officials box proves a democratically elected government that is representative of the people exists in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (or n. korea, or cuba, etc etc etc)

And yes, I do mean to allude to "The King and I".

If you swear allegiance to an individual, your government is a sham. Get a constitution.
Saudi = kingdom = sham.

Dunno bout UAE. But I doubt it is a democracy in any sense of the word.

I'm not saying we should blame the US, but I am saying those governments are a sham.

ps. (Call me pro-preemtive strike) But, PLEASE, spare me the graphics proving how the elected officials box proves a democratically elected governement that is representative of the people exists in the Kingdom of Saudi Aradia (or n. korea, or cuba, etc etc etc)

Rofl. So anything not democratic = sham? Sorry, but I tend to disagree with that statement. A legit government doesnt necessarily have to be democratic in the least, and the Sauds have been around for long enough to be legit.

Now you can make the case that without US support the Saud monarchy may or may not exist. Thats a different arguement alltogether - but to say they are a sham is incorrect.
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